Robot vacuum cleaner - which one to choose?

Currently, such a household appliance as a robot vacuum cleaner will not surprise anyone. However, many only look at these devices, not daring to buy because of the high cost and doubts about the effectiveness of cleaning. If you are puzzled by the question, which robot vacuum cleaner to choose, it is important to know the principle and device of their work, what to look for when buying, the rating of the main manufacturers and models. We will consider all these questions in this article.
to contents ↑Principle of operation
This technique works independently in accordance with a given program, because it is not without reason that it is called a robot. It is important to note that if there is an obstacle when moving towards him, for example, in the form of a door or a sofa, he carefully circumambulates it. After the cleaning process is completed, the vacuum cleaner is sent to the base for recharging. By the way, almost every device has a base, except for cheap Chinese models. Having understood the principles of this device, you can answer the question of how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner for the home, what to look for when buying.
To clean large debris, the robot vacuum cleaner uses special brushes (they are included), in case of hard-to-reach places small side brushes come to the rescue, which sweep out the debris and then move it under the large brushes. However, the size of these devices is not so much important as the material of their manufacture. After that, the garbage moves to the dust collector.
Important! Have you ever wondered where the dust comes from? Look for the answer to this question in our separate topic. “Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment?”
In general, the principle of operation of this technique can be compared with a living organism, the sensory organs of which are sensors that transmit signals to the controller.
to contents ↑Sensors
Orientation in space of a compact vacuum cleaner is carried out due to touch sensors. The unit can move along a given path, for example, along the perimeter, diagonal, zigzag or spiral. Installed sensors signals the need to change the path.
Important! Algorithms of movement and actions of the robot are set using software, the quality of which depends on the effectiveness of the vacuum cleaner. As a result, each company is trying to patent its own developments in this area.
A typical set of sensors includes the following types:
- Collision sensors are located under the bumper made of rubber. If an obstacle is detected, these sensors signal to the controller. He, taking a signal, reverses the movement.
- Infrared touch sensors avoid collisions with large objects. They are located around the perimeter. The maneuverability of the device and the time of cleaning the room depend on their number. The principle of operation is simple: the beam coming from the emitter is reflected from the object and fed to the receiver, which instantly responds by sending a signal to the controller.
- Infrared drop sensors are located at the bottom of the vacuum cleaner, and monitor the height of movement. Their task is to report an approaching ledge or not to fall off the stairs.
Important! In addition to standard sensors, the device can be equipped with additional: ultrasonic, laser, pollution sensors.
Criterias of choice
The answer to the question of how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner for an apartment is to thoroughly study its parameters. The main characteristics include:
- The overall dimensions of most models are not very different, and usually represent a disk with a radius of about 35 cm and a height of 10 cm.
- The time spent on cleaning. It is determined by the duration of restoring order per 1 sq. m. Thus, you can determine the maximum cleaning area without recharging.
- The presence of side brushes. Not all vacuum cleaners of this type can boast of this parameter.
- Dust box capacity - shows how often the unit will have to be cleaned.
- Wet cleaning. For safety reasons, these home assistants are not equipped with a water tank (with the exception of several models). Instead, a wet rag is attached to the bottom of the robot, which wipes the floor during cleaning.
Important! Work, according to the schedule, allows you to set the days and times when it is necessary to clean the room.
In any room, even the cleanest at first glance, the premises should be periodically cleaned. We've put together the best tips in a separate article. “How often is spring cleaning?”.
Manufacturers Overview
After reviewing the robotic vacuum cleaners, we can distinguish the following major manufacturers:
- Robot is one of the first American firms to start producing this type of household appliance. She released her first model in the early 2000s. The products of this manufacturer are distinguished by well-functioning quality and high prices.
- IClebo began production of its models in 2014. South Korean company produces multi-functional robots at a more affordable price.
- NeatoRobotics is located in China, produces the same type of vacuum cleaner.
- xRobot Launches Best Chinese Robot Vacuum Cleaner - FOXCLEANER AIR. The products of this company are attractive in price, but not in quality.
Important! Every housewife dreams that the house was always comfortable and clean. But few people want to spend precious hours of time on this daily. On our portal of useful tips you can find out how to properly organize cleaning of the apartment.
TOP 5 best models
Cleaning in an apartment or in a country house is a very time-consuming and time-consuming task. To facilitate this process, engineers have developed a machine called a “robot vacuum cleaner”, which is increasingly becoming an indispensable assistant in the household. Consider the rating of the best robotic vacuum cleaners so that you can determine for yourself a suitable model.
TOP 5 Panda X600 Pet Series:
- This model has a dust collector with a capacity of 0.5 l and a fine filter.
- The device runs on battery power, the noise level is 50 dB.
- The unit is equipped with a dust collector fill indicator.
TOP-4 Kitfort KT-519:
- The power of the robot vacuum cleaner is 20 watts.
- Uninterrupted operation time - 140 min.
- Charging time is 5 hours.
TOP 3 iRobot Braava 390T:
- The robot is equipped with infrared sensors, as well as the function of automatic and dry cleaning.
- The noise level of the device does not exceed 36 dB.
- It runs on battery power for more than 2 hours, the required recharge time is 90 minutes.
TOP-2 iRobot Roomba 616:
- This model has a fully automatic cleaning function.
- The kit includes a dust bag with a volume of 0.9 l.
- Sensors allow the robot to find the correct trajectory in space, which ensures more efficient cleaning.
- The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a side brush to remove dirt along furniture and walls.
- The device is equipped with Smart Sensor technology that protects it from falling.
Important! Roomba 616 can clean surfaces with a high density of debris, such as carpet, hardcoat, linoleum.
TOP 1 Panda X500 Pet Series Black
This model may well qualify for the title of "best robot vacuum cleaner for the home." The device supports dry cleaning, is able to operate without interruption from the battery for about 1.5 hours. Allows you to set a schedule.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Not all buyers decide to purchase this type of device for the home, which is much more familiar with a stationary, time-tested option.However, if you keep up with the times, want to diversify your home routine to the maximum, look at such a variant of household appliances as a robot vacuum cleaner, the rating of the best models of which, the main characteristics and principles of work, we examined in this article.
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