Surge protectors for household appliances - rating

With all the growth in the level of technology development, power surges are still an urgent problem. Each apartment building has up to a thousand different electrical appliances, and each such jump ends badly for at least one of them. According to statistics, computer technology suffers the most. Perhaps nothing will even burn out, but the graduation work, which was not saved on time, may suffer from the same jumps. In order to insure yourself, you should buy special equipment. It is for this reason that today we will consider surge protectors for household appliances - a rating of the best models. It is likely that this review will help you choose the best model.
to contents ↑Device features
Often, consumers confuse these devices with simple extensions, because in appearance they are almost identical. In terms of functionality, the devices are more similar to UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies).
Important! The only differences are that the filter provides reliable protection against various interference and surges, but it is not able to provide support for the operation of the device without electricity, because, in turn, the UPS can continue to power your PC for some time.
The surge protector can be used in the following situations:
- Providing control and voltage stabilization.
- Smoothing those interference that have a high frequency and occur in the network during the simultaneous operation of many electrical appliances.
Important! All jumps and interference can occur regularly, but they will not always affect the performance of the equipment. The bottom line is that one of the pulses can be of sufficient magnitude in order to disable any electrical appliance. In addition, if you use the simplest extension cord, then the risk of fire increases, since in this case both the socket and the device itself can melt.
These and other problems can be avoided if you understand which surge protector is best to buy.
to contents ↑Network Filter Rating
To choose the best surge protector, you should take a look at the most popular models that have collected the most positive reviews in online stores:
- Devices from APC. These models are very convenient to operate in an office environment. The most popular gadget from this publisher is SurgeArrest Essential, equipped with five outlets at once. It is customary to attribute it to the middle class, since the device is from the corresponding price category with the corresponding parameters.
Important! The equipment will help you achieve the best quality protection for telephones, faxes and modems. The length of the wire is 1.8 m, which fits perfectly into office realities.
- For those rooms that boast a large area, you can use Pilot Pro. This model is equipped with five European-type sockets and has an extremely long cable (up to 7 m). Such stabilizers have in their design two fuses at once, which can withstand an impulse with an energy of up to 400 J.
Important! The device has large dimensions, but this does not affect the performance.
- If you want to fully protect yourself from the effects of power surges, then pay attention to the Pilot X-Pro. The device is ideal for enterprises in which impulse effects on the network are not uncommon. This filter can protect appliances with a life of 650 J.
- For home use, you can also choose the perfect model. The most important thing is to determine the absorption and stabilization values. Basically, in home power networks, the amplitude of the jumps is much smaller, which reduces the cost of home equipment. Most users advise you to purchase Most ERG, because the characteristics fit perfectly into your home. Small dimensions and basic functions are complemented by a pleasant small cost.
How does it work?
Each of the filters is equipped with a special circuit. The scheme provides compensation in the form of smoothing jumps. Modern schemes can be very different from each other and have different technical parameters, and accordingly - the level of protection. This feature is the main criterion for the purchase.
The filter passes alternating current through the circuit, smoothing voltage pulses and external noise at this time. Everyone who is familiar with school physics imagines an impulse leap in the power grid.
Important! The total power values and the number of consumers also affect the value of the jump. In addition, all this equipment may cause persistent interference.
The filter element is built on two converters. One of them suppresses interference, and the second serves to suppress high frequency interference.
Important! In some cases, the device may consist of a semiconductor device that fights impulses by lowering the resistance. The bottom line is that at this moment, the conversion of the jump energy into thermal energy begins, which protects the connected devices from failure.
Which surge protector to choose for the TV? For a competent choice, you should pay attention to the parameters of the device.
Everyone understands that the variations of models in the technology market are simply amazing. They can vary in functionality and operating principle, be sold at different prices, and sometimes even outperform the aforementioned UPSs. In order not to drown among this variety, it is necessary to highlight the main differences between the models:
- The device is designed only for a certain amount of connected equipment. Even the outlet is not the main criterion, since the total output power determines the amount of energy that the device can withstand.
- Filtering of telephone, network and television lines is welcome.
- Also pay attention to the compensation value. The higher it is, the greater the leap filter can smooth.
- Length of cable. This parameter determines the breadth of functionality and the optimal performance of the compensating element. When buying, decide on the length in advance.
- Overheat protection. This function in the device performs a special thermal breaker.
- Power parameter. This value determines the number of equipment connected at one time. You should also choose a compensator that will have a rated current of more than 10 A.
- Choose the technique that at the average load produces the maximum possible current in the range from 3.5 to 10 A.
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Now you have all the information in order to understand which surge protector is best to buy. Carefully read the characteristics and evaluate the potential capabilities of the model, then reliable protection from turning off the equipment, ignition of devices, wires and sockets will be provided to you.
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