Washing machine diagram

All automatic washing machines inside are very similar and the circuit of a washing machine of one brand is practically no different from another. An ordinary housewife usually does not need this information, but we will consider the brief structure of the washer and the purpose of some spare parts in case simple repair or feasible home diagnostics is required.

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It is presented in the form of a metal frame that closes the lid, front and rear panels. The housing is designed to accommodate all the nodes and mechanisms necessary for the operation of a modern washing machine. Inside are located not only the main nodes, but also additional modules.

Automatic machine consists of:

  • Housings in which there is a hatch;
  • Control panels;
  • Tank;
  • Drum
  • Engine;
  • TENA;
  • Electrical equipment;
  • Bearing assembly;
  • Water intake valve;
  • Drain pump;
  • Springs;
  • Shock absorbers.
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How does a washing machine work?

First of all, the car starts to draw water. At the same time, the inlet hose connected to the water supply works. The required water level is controlled by a pressure switch. This is the simplest scheme of a washing machine.

Important! Modern machines independently determine the weight of the laundry in the tank. Thus, the amount of water that is needed is poured.


Of course, the washing process requires not only a gulf of water, but also its discharge. For this, a drain pump is located located in the lower part of the housing. To prevent this pump from clogging up with foreign objects, a filter is installed in front of it.

Very often it becomes clogged:

  • Coins;
  • Paper clips;
  • Buttons
  • With pins.

All these little things often end up in the typewriter: in your pockets or just come off in the process.

Important! The filter is cleaned approximately every six months. To do this, remove the bottom panel on the front of the machine, then the filter is unscrewed. He cleans and returns to the place.

In addition, a drainage pump creates water circulation: towards the dispenser or at the top of the tank.

Water heating

When the required amount of water has been drawn into the tank, it’s time to run the heater located at the bottom of the tank. However, the scheme of the Indesit washing machine may suggest a different placement: front or rear. To control the temperature, a special device is designed, thanks to which the water will heat up to the level set by the program.

Drum rotation

In order for the washing to turn out to be of high quality, the use of warm water, detergent and mechanical impact will be required. Water is heated thanks to the heater; the product is represented by washing powder, and the drum is responsible for the mechanical impact. For its rotation, an engine is used, located below the tank. Now you have a little better idea of ​​the layout of the washing machine. Move on.

The back side of the tank is equipped with a pulley that connects to the engine via a drive belt. Thanks to the motor, the belt rotates, which leads to the rotation of the drum. This option is used in all machines, and the LG washing machine circuit is no exception. The main disadvantage in this case is the presence of constant contact between the belt and moving elements, which ultimately create the effect of friction, which, in turn, leads to wear of the belt.

Important! In some models, they do not use a belt drive, but a direct drive. In this case, the engine is mounted directly on the drum.Thanks to this design, less energy is spent on rotation, and a decrease in vibration force occurs.

Spin and Wash Functions

When the washing process takes place, the drum gradually rotates in different directions. If the spin is spinning, the drum rotates at maximum speed. High revolutions are necessary in order for the laundry to become as dry as possible. Centrifugal force helps to remove water from things and bring it into small holes in the tank.

Next, the liquid is discharged using the drain tank. When spinning, a gradual increase in speed occurs. This is required to evenly place laundry inside the drum. This technology helps to avoid unnecessary vibrations.

Important! If the balance is disturbed in the tank, the rotation speed slows down and things are again distributed over the drum. Then again a set of revolutions occurs, and the spin continues.

Electronic control unit

This element in the circuit of the washing machine is very important, as it is responsible for all the processes that occur during operation of the unit. Previously used programmers, and modern models are equipped with an electronic unit, which is located under the control panel. Thanks to it, washing takes place, programs are executed, the heater, drain pump and everything else is turned on and off.

Important! This spare part is the most complicated and expensive in a washing machine.

Drum and tank

In any circuit, even if it is a circuit of a Samsung washing machine, one cannot do without a drum, which is located inside the tank. This is where the loading of dirty laundry takes place. The tank is designed for water and detergent. In the drum, they are due to small holes.

For the production of the drum stainless steel is used, for the tank - stainless steel or plastic.

Important! Plastic tanks have less weight, they are cheaper, but there is a big drawback - fragility.

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How is the washing done:

  1. On command, a set of water occurs.
  2. The inlet valve opens, fluid passing through the detergent drawer is inside the tank.
  3. The laundry is rinsed with cold water to partially remove impurities.
  4. The pump pumps water and drains it into the sewer.
  5. There is a new set of water, it again passes through the tray with detergent.
  6. Water heats up, the main washing process takes place.
  7. Then again - pumping water and spinning clothes.
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As you can see, there is nothing complicated or supernatural in the design of the washing machine or its operation. Of course, not every woman will be able to understand the nuances and repair the machine if necessary. But for a good host, most of the problems will be on the shoulder.

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