Water softener for washing machine

One reason for the insufficient quality of washing clothes is hard water. According to many housewives, laundry from washing in hard water becomes rough and unpleasant to the touch. Specialists at the same time add that the degree of water hardness affects the state of the internal parts of the washing machine. A natural question arises: is it possible to soften the water entering the washing machine? If possible, how exactly can this be done? What is the most effective water softener for a washing machine? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.
to contents ↑How does hard water work on a typewriter?
Like all types of household appliances, a washing machine needs constant care. The concerned housewives, whom their “assistant" is dear to, constantly think about softening the water. This approach is necessary if the machine appeared:
- Scum.
- Foreign odor.
- Soapy coating.
What happens in a typewriter without a water softener?
When water is heated to a high temperature, magnesium and calcium cations settle on the heating elements of the washing machine, forming scale. This is true if you often wash your laundry at temperatures exceeding 60 degrees.
Important! At a lower washing temperature there is no scale. Therefore, the heater, covered with a terrifying layer of scale, which is shown in advertising, is, to put it mildly, an exaggeration. However, it is necessary to think about softening washing water.
Washing powder does not dissolve well in hard water. Therefore, particles of undissolved powder settle on the components of the unit. This raid can be seen on:
- a tray in which powder is poured and the conditioner is poured;
- rubber cuff;
- drain filter.
to contents ↑Important! Measures for the use of a water softener for a washing machine will not only lead to better dissolution of the detergent, but also to a more effective cleaning of stains.
The abundance of moisture is a fertile environment for the reproduction of bacteria. If the washing machine is not properly maintained, unpleasant odors are absorbed into the laundry. Therefore, water must be softened, and you can clean the machine with ordinary citric acid.
Overview of Chemical Water Softeners
To make it easier for you to choose a water softener for the washing machine, we offer you a list of the most popular options:
- Calgon. The miraculous properties of this drug, unfortunately, are nothing more than a publicity stunt. Of course, the effect of softening takes place. But if you compare the chemical composition of “Kalgon” with additives to high-quality washing powders, you will get about the same thing. Isn’t it better to buy good powders and follow the dosage exactly than to pay for advertising? If you still decide to use this particular tool, read more about it in our special article. "Calgon for washing machines".
- Soda ash. This “grandmother's” product, tested over the years, is an excellent softener for water for a washing machine. It is added directly to the washing powder. But she also has a significant drawback. A large amount of soda ash can damage the fibers of natural tissues.
- Laundry soap. Softens water by adding soap chips to laundry detergent. Or can make gel based laundry soap. However, this method is not recommended for washing children's clothes.Laundry soap strongly dries delicate baby skin.
Water Purifying Filters
The use of these water softeners, according to experts, is much more effective than chemical methods. Filters, in addition, purify water from non-useful impurities.
The following types of filters are distinguished:
- Saline (polyphosphate).
- Reverse osmosis systems.
- Magnetic.
- Ionic exchange devices.
What is the difference:
- Salt filters are the most affordable option. Water softens as it passes through polyphosphate crystals. Salts that make water hard enter a chemical reaction, and the reaction products are absorbed. The result is a completely soft industrial water, which does not harm the details of the washing device.
Important! The filter is cut either into a water pipe or into a water inlet hose. The first option is preferable.
- Magnetic devices in filters of the same name attract metal ions that are contained in hard water. As a result, magnesium and calcium salts are retained by the filter, and the water is completely washable. Compared to a polyphosphate device, a magnetic filter is more reliable and has a longer working life. But it costs a lot more.
Important! Magnetic designs are universal. They can be used both to soften technical and to purify drinking water.
- Ion exchange filters are a complex system of compartments in which calcium and magnesium salts enter into chemical reactions. At the outlet, the water is very soft.
- Osmosis filters are considered the most effective water softeners for the washing machine. The device is divided into 2-3 compartments, each of which contains solutions with different densities and concentrations. Passing through the system of compartments under pressure, the water is cleaned of dense impurities.
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The right choice of method for softening water will allow you to extend the life of the washing machine for a long time and achieve good quality washing.
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