Washing machine with water tank

Not all modern houses are connected to the central city water supply system, and therefore many are faced with the problem of the inability to install a washing machine in their home. But one version of this problem still exists - a washing machine with a water tank. Such devices are completely autonomous, independent of centralized water supply, since water gets inside the drum from the tank, which is filled manually. Water tanks can be built-in or connected via a special hose. In this article we will consider the principles of operation of such devices, especially the use and installation.

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The main tasks and principles of operation of washing machines with a water tank

The primary task of such a device with a tank is to establish more comfortable work in difficult conditions - in the absence of sewage and water supply. In fact, washing machines for summer cottages - These are small autonomous stations equipped with a complete set of programs and all the amenities inherent in ordinary automatic machines.

Important! Like the automatic models, they are also produced in two versions, namely full-size and narrow. For example, a washing machine with a Burning water tank does not in any way exceed the size of ordinary narrow machines.

But you need to understand that the main role in such devices is assigned to the tank volume, which can vary greatly from model to manufacturer.

“Baby” for giving activators work only from the network, that is, they do not need communications. But reservoir models look more modern in appearance, have a high-quality and multi-functional filling. They are distinguished by excellent washing quality, high class energy consumption, protection against leaks and a delayed start function.

To work fully, they only need a filled tank with water - no water pipes. They are already sold complete with capacity, but you need to connect the tank separately.

Important! In separate reviews on our website you will learn about other good options for washing machines for summer cottages:

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How to connect the tank washing machine?

As mentioned earlier, such washing machines do not need to be connected to the water supply system. The most important requirement that ensures uninterrupted operation of such devices in the future is a correct and correct installation. Therefore, you need to find a perfectly flat place for installation. And since the washing machine becomes even larger due to the tank, it is necessary to allocate a rather overall space for it.

So, a standard washing machine with a water tank is installed as follows:

  1. The device is installed on a flat surface, it is desirable that it be concrete.
  2. Using the building level, you need to level the device, if necessary, tighten the special locking legs.
  3. Then follows connecting the machine with an extension cord or outlet to the mains.
  4. A trial run of the device is carried out and washing is idle.

Important! On sale today there are models with an integrated pump, so having a water tank or well in use, you can connect the device directly to such a source.

To the top of the tank filled with water is enough for about two full washings, and you will need to constantly add water until the specified programs are executed.

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Basics of operating washing machines with a tank

In principle, using devices with tanks is as simple as using standard automatic machines. The only thing they need is an electrical connection.

To wash dirty laundry, it is enough:

  • just load it into the drum;
  • fall asleep powder;
  • pour enough water into the tank;
  • prepare a container where the waste water will be drained.

In the future, the device will independently collect the required amount of water. The washing process itself is no different from automatic counterparts. The differences will only be where to pour washing powder.

Important! A washing machine with a medium-volume water tank will allow you to produce two to three full washing cycles. The volume of the tank must be selected based on the number of people living in the house and their needs.

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Where are tank washing machines sold?

Unfortunately, in ordinary household appliance stores, such devices are rare. They became popular very recently and therefore are in demand only by a small category of users who have special requests for washing things in a country house or in the country.

The ideal option for a safe and successful purchase is placing an order in a trusted online store or buying equipment in a large hypermarket where such devices are also sold.

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From this article, you learned basic information about washing machines with a water tank. We hope that such a model will help you out in appropriate conditions, and you will be satisfied with the result.


