Refrigerator Care

All household appliances, including the refrigerator, need proper operation. In order for the refrigeration device to properly perform its functions for many years, it is necessary to follow simple rules that require care for the refrigerator.

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When to start caring for your refrigerator?

It is necessary to take care of a household appliance, starting with the purchase, or rather, even at the stage of its transportation. It must be transported to the installation site in an upright position, in extreme cases, do not tilt more than 40 degrees. This is due to the fact that when tilted, oil from the compressor can leak out and, accordingly, get into the refrigerant circuit. As a result, the capillary will become clogged and there will be a need to repair the just purchased goods.

Important! If transportation is only possible in a horizontal position, make sure that the tube coming from the compressor “looks” up.

Once the refrigeration unit is in your home, it must be installed correctly.

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Tips for optimizing your fridge

To make the use of household appliances and refrigerator maintenance easy and not time-consuming, the following factors must be considered when choosing a place for the appliance:

  1. Do not place the refrigerator near heating appliances, or in direct sunlight. Under the influence of temperature:
    • plastic and rubber parts are destroyed;
    • paint spoils;
    • power consumption will be large;
    • the temperature inside the refrigerator depends on the ambient temperature.
  2. The distance from the electric or gas stove to the refrigeration unit must be at least 0.5 m.
  3. In a room with a floor heating system, the refrigerator must be installed in an unheated area.
  4. You can not install the device on the floor, made of materials with high electrical conductivity - brick, reinforced concrete, metal.
  5. The place chosen for the refrigerator should be well ventilated.
  6. Between the back wall and the wall of the room, the gap should be at least 5 cm for a compression refrigerator and 10 cm for an absorption refrigerator.
  7. Ensure the instrument is stable by adjusting the front legs.

Important! Rinse a new appliance with warm water before wiping, wipe dry and ventilate for 30-40 minutes. Such simple care of the refrigerator will allow you to enjoy the pleasant taste of the stored products, and not feel the specific and rather unpleasant aroma emanating from them.

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Conventional refrigerator care

Caring for the refrigerator also involves keeping it clean: you must wash the device at least 3 times a year. Not only inside, but also outside. It is better to use a soft sponge and soap solution for the cleaning procedure. The walls and shelves of the refrigerator must not only be cleaned of contaminants, but also disinfected surfaces using special compounds.

Perform the ideal cleaning of the refrigerator after defrosting, but remember that the snow cover should not exceed 5-6 mm. Clean as follows:

  1. Unplug the refrigerator.
  2. Defrost the device, freeing the internal space from the contents.
  3. Wash the inner chamber with warm soda solution (per 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. L. Funds). With this composition you will not only eliminate odors, but also disinfect the surface.

Important! Soda is contraindicated for an aluminum evaporator. Just wipe it with a soft cloth.

  1. Rinse the camera with clean water and wipe dry.
  2. Rinse glass shelves, wire racks, drawers, food boxes, egg dishes with dishwashing detergent, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
  3. Using a soft sponge and dishwashing detergent, carefully clean the inside of the refrigerator from dirt.
  4. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.
  5. Use a brush or vacuum cleaner to clean the heat exchanger (grille on the back of the refrigerator).
  6. Wash the outer surface of the device, the door panel, as well as all plastic parts with warm soapy water (30-35 C).
  7. Rinse the outside with clean water and wipe with a soft cloth. Treat chrome parts with a soft cloth.
  8. Leave the washed refrigerator open for 30-40 minutes - for ventilation.
  9. Replace all the components of the device (shelves, drawers, etc.).

Important! When washing the refrigerator, make sure that water does not accumulate at the bottom of the chamber, and does not leak over the door seals. Otherwise, you can damage the insulation.

Useful Tips:

  1. Once a year, clean the back of the device - this will extend the life and reduce energy consumption.
  2. It is necessary to defrost a refrigeration device at least 2 times a month by natural thawing. Remember: the thicker the layer of ice and snow on the evaporator, the slower heat is removed from the freezer.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to scrape and break off the ice with sharp objects to accelerate the defrosting process, as this can damage the evaporator wall.

How to quickly defrost a refrigerator?

  • To quickly defrost the machine, use warm water and a soft cloth or place a vessel with warm water in the chamber.
  • To quickly clean the freezer from snow and ice, use a children's enema filled with hot water.
  • For quick thawing, use an ordinary fan. Install it on a high stand directly in front of the evaporator of the refrigerator.
  • If you use a fan heater, the defrosting process will be much faster. Direct it to the bottom, walls and ceiling of the evaporator.
  • You can also accelerate the defrosting of the appliance using a hairdryer or analog heat sources - a vacuum cleaner, pressure cooker, etc.

Important! Remove ice chunks from the evaporator immediately.

What can I do to make ice less likely on the refrigerator?

The very process of forming a “fur coat” can be slowed down if the following rules are followed:

  1. If possible, open the refrigerator door less frequently and for a short while.
  2. To reduce the time spent searching for products in the refrigerator, sort them by the shelves.
  3. Do not put milk, jelly in the device in an open pan, since evaporation from the surface of the container will quickly build up a “coat” on the evaporator.
  4. Eliminate sources of excess moisture, and for this all products are securely packaged.
  5. In order to delay the formation of ice, lay a dry plastic film on the inside of the clean and dried evaporator.
  6. Periodically clean the drainage channel.

Important! If you adhere to such simple rules, you will not only extend the life of your equipment, but will also spend significantly less time servicing the refrigerator.

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Caring for your No Frost refrigerator

Like regular drip thawed refrigerators, the No Frost device, which means “no frost,” needs care. In No Frost refrigerators, the principle of conditioning the chamber is used, that is, air is supplied to the chamber by a built-in fan. The evaporator itself is located outside the chamber.

Important! The process of defrosting these devices takes place in automatic mode: during the compressor shutdown, the frost defrosts and evaporates using a low-power heater.

Despite the advantages of this system, refrigerators of this type are also recommended to be independently turned off several times a year for cleaning.

Before you start defrosting and washing, carefully read the instructions, as they list the rules and tips for caring for the Nou Frost refrigerator. In particular:

  1. Thawing and washing equipment is not recommended in too hot or cold weather.
  2. If the equipment has two cooling circuits, defrost only one of the chambers. If the refrigerator has one cooling circuit, unplug it from the mains, remove the food and leave the door wide open.
  3. It is recommended that you wash the whole unit, so move it away from the wall to clean not only the internal chambers, but also the external panels.
  4. You can speed up the thawing process and drain wet areas of the inner walls using a hair dryer. If it is absent, leave the device open for 1-1.5 hours.
  5. Do not use chemicals to clean the inside chambers of the refrigerator.
  6. When cleaning, pay special attention to the ventilation holes in the freezer and refrigerator: soak cotton buds in clean warm water (or soda solution) and carefully process each hole.

Important! Do not remove or unscrew the panels that cover the ventilation, as this is fraught with violation of the warranty agreement.

  1. For processing the interior surfaces of the refrigerator, glass shelves, door pockets, drawers and other items, use an aqueous solution of table soda.
  2. After surface treatment with a product, rinse everything thoroughly with an ordinary damp cloth and wipe all the elements dry so that there are no stains or streaks of water.
  3. After cleaning, leave the device doors open so that the chambers dry completely.

Important! The procedure for defrosting and cleaning refrigerators with the No Frost option is enough to carry out once a year.

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Refrigerator Care

In order for the maintenance of the No Frost refrigerator or a conventional system to be correct, you must always take suitable products - these can be folk or professional household cleaning products. What exactly to give preference to - decide for yourself, based on how much time and money you are willing to spend on maintaining the cleanliness of your kitchen equipment, as well as what household habits you have regarding cleaning your home.

Folk remedies:

  1. For the internal cleaning of the surface of the refrigerator, a popularly known solution of baking soda in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l soda per 1 liter of water.
  2. For exterior surfaces, rubber door seals, a mild soap solution can be used.

Household chemicals

In the modern market of household chemicals, there is a wide selection of care products for refrigerators. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • odor absorbing agents;
  • substances for cleaning the inner surface;
  • disinfectants.

Important! The principle of action of substances that absorb odors is based on the property of activated carbon. You can use simple flavors that mask odors, but they should be as harmless and gentle as possible. They are available in the form of a spray or liquid.

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If you follow the simple rules, tips and tricks given in the article, then extend the life of your refrigerator for many years. So - you will always have only fresh and tasty products on your table!


