Induction hob care

Induction hobs have become very popular at present. They are incredibly stylish, easy to use, food on such panels cooks much faster than on ordinary electric or gas stoves. Mistresses fell in love with them for the lack of gratings and metal rings, because it is much easier to care for a flat, smooth surface. However, everything is extremely simple only if you are familiar with the basic principles that guarantee the proper care of the induction hob.

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What is an induction cooker?

An induction cooker is an electric stove, the heating of which occurs due to the high-frequency magnetic field, which creates electromagnetic induction. Such plates are usually made of glass ceramics.

Important! The induction panel is considered safer, as it practically does not heat up. When cooking, induction currents heat the bottom of metal utensils, respectively - the food is heated in it, the glass-ceramic surface itself can heat up only directly from the utensils.

Water on the induction panel boils much faster, this happens in literally 1 minute. During its operation, energy is not spent on heating the air in the room, respectively - the energy consumption is minimal, it is only necessary to create a magnetic field.

The indisputable advantage of the induction panel is that it automatically turns off as soon as you remove it cookware for induction cookers. And just a couple of minutes after this, the place of heating is not hot, but slightly warm.

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Basic rules for working with induction cooker

Since the induction cooker visually consists only of a glass-ceramic panel, it is incredibly simple to take care of it, you just need to know the basic rules.

So, let's figure out how to care for the induction cooker:

  • The first and most important rule is to always keep it clean and wipe it regularly.
  • Wipe the stove only when it has completely cooled down. Although it does not heat up like other stoves, however, slight heating does occur. On average, depending on the manufacturer, the induction hob does not heat above 60 degrees Celsius.
  • Avoid getting cold spray of water on the stove, especially during cooking. Glass ceramics do not like temperature changes.
  • Use only special cookware designed for induction cookers. As a rule, this is a dish with a ferromagnetic bottom; its diameter cannot be less than 12 cm. Some of your old pots and pans may also suit you if they are heavy and metal. Cast iron cookware, steel cookware are suitable for induction hobs. Its manufacturers do not recommend the use of aluminum, glass, porcelain and ceramic dishes.

Important! In order to check whether your old cookware is suitable for use on an induction cooker, you can attach a magnet to its bottom - it must be very firmly held on it, not move out.

  • It is necessary to place dishes with a dry and clean bottom on such a stove.
  • Induction surfaces are very durable, but avoid strong point mechanical stresses. If a knife or heavy metal object falls on it, it may burst.
  • Do not move heavy containers on the stove, especially if they are made of cast iron - this may scratch the glass ceramic surface.
  • Wash it only with special products designed for the care of glass-ceramic.

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How to clean the induction cooker?

Even with the most careful care, the most diligent housewife will get pollution on the surface of the stove. Greasy spray that flies in different directions when frying dishes, spilled soup or stewed fruit, crumbled sugar - which you will not find on its surface.

How to clean the induction hob? Everything is very simple, just follow the recommendations:

  • Wash the surface with a clean, soft cloth that you have provided for cleaning. If you do this with a sponge or a rag with which you wash the dishes, greasy stains can remain on it, and they are much more difficult to remove.
  • Great for cleaning glass-ceramic surfaces, a sponge cloth that can be purchased in the automotive departments.
  • Glass ceramics can be cleaned with window cleaners.
  • Avoid harsh abrasive products and sponges, do not use metal sponges.
  • If sugar has crumbled, it must be removed immediately from the surface. You need to do this with a dry soft cloth - just gently sweep it off. Be careful not to scratch the surface.
  • To remove dried contaminants, there are special scrapers designed for glass ceramics. Often such scrapers come complete with induction surfaces.
  • Experienced housewives, when asked how to wash an induction hob, recommend baking soda. However, it should be borne in mind that it must be applied to a sponge soaked in warm water so that the soda is better softened. Just gently wipe the dirt with a sponge and soda.


All tips are extremely simple, just remember them and take care of the stove correctly. Now it's time to get acquainted with the algorithm for washing the induction surface:

  1. Wait until the entire surface cools down after cooking.
  2. In the presence of old dried dirt and grease, they must first be moistened with water, it is possible to do this with the addition of soap. Let it soften a little, then remove dirt with a special scraper.
  3. Next, it is worth starting to clean the entire surface. It is necessary to apply a detergent for glass-ceramic or any universal liquid detergent for cleaning, rinse the entire stove with a soft cloth.
  4. Remove residual detergent with a soft cloth dampened with warm water.
  5. After washing, wipe dry its entire area with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel.

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Glass ceramic cleaning products

In order for dirt to be easily removed from the induction panel, without any stains, its surface always shone, it is necessary to use special means for these purposes. A huge number of them are sold, and almost every manufacturer of household chemicals produces cleaning products for an induction hob.

Important! The difference between such tools and conventional ones is that they create an invisible thin film on the surface, which serves as additional protection for it. With their regular use, the plate retains its original shine, there are no stains on it.

Of course, you can do with ordinary soapy water, but it will never provide such an effect as special equipment. The price for them, as a rule, is much higher than for ordinary detergents, however, they are very economically spent, give an irreplaceable result.

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By purchasing an induction cooker, you should not save money and effort on caring for it. This is a convenient and modern device for cooking, so let it please you for many years, and its surface always remains in its original form, glows with purity and inspires you to conquer new recipes.

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