Air conditioner installation

Every modern person strives to provide the most comfortable living conditions for himself and his family, and therefore, installation of air conditioning systems for residential premises is very popular today. Installing an air conditioner is a rather complicated and extremely responsible task, which can significantly affect the performance and durability of the equipment you purchased. In this article we will tell you how to install an air conditioner and what to pay special attention to when installing climate control systems.

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Design features

The modern split system traditionally consists of several functional blocks - external and internal. At the same time, there may be several internal air conditioning structures, which allows to provide the most comfortable microclimate in large-sized residential premises, as well as office buildings.

The decision to install an air conditioner is a rather responsible step that requires certain financial investments, and a qualified installation of equipment costs at least ⅓ its total cost. Not every consumer is ready for such investments, and therefore the question of how to install an air conditioner yourself is becoming increasingly popular.

Climatic equipment consists of the most important structural elements, each of which is responsible for its own functions:

  1. The block system located indoors serves as an evaporator and is directly responsible for creating the most comfortable microclimate.
  2. External unit - acts as a condenser device and removes moisture accumulated in the system outside of your home.

Important! The structure consisting of functional blocks is connected to a single air conditioning system using pipes and wires that provide power to the device and remove excessive moisture accumulations. The drainage tube included in the device is connected to the outdoor unit of the air conditioner and discharged to the sewer.

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Where to begin?

Before installing an air conditioner in a living room, you should pay attention to the basic rules and features of installing climatic equipment:

  1. Decide where the condensing unit of your climate equipment will be located relative to the side of the world. Make sure that this section of the building has the highest quality weathering of the device from all sides.
  2. Specify the material that the walls of a residential building consist of, and in accordance with the data received, consider the safest and most reliable fastening system.
  3. Choose an air conditioner for your home that will have the optimum level of power. This indicator is calculated taking into account the location of the apartment relative to the cardinal points, the number of people constantly living in the room, the area of ​​the room, as well as the presence of additional ventilation systems.

Important! Do not forget to take care of the reliable protection of the external unit of the air conditioner from the negative effects of such natural factors as snow, rain, icing, etc. It is also necessary to provide free access to the system units, which will be necessary for maintenance and preventive maintenance of your device.

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How to install an air conditioner?

The installation procedure of air conditioning systems can conditionally be divided into several main stages, each of which solves its own problem:

  1. Wiring.
  2. Installation of an external unit.
  3. Conducting connecting communications.
  4. Installation of indoor units.
  5. Checking the performance of climatic equipment.

Important! After completing the full range of installation work, be sure to connect the air conditioner to the mains and perform a trial turn on of the device. The system should work in optimal load mode for some time.

Outdoor unit installation

  • Installation of an external air conditioning system unit is a rather responsible and dangerous task that is associated with high-altitude work and necessarily requires the use of safety cables and systems.
  • When planning to independently install the outdoor unit, pay attention to the strength of the walls of your building, as well as the material of their manufacture. This is extremely important, since it is to this surface that the block system will be fastened, the mass of which can reach 60 kg.

Important! If there is insulation on the wall surface in the form of external heat-insulating plates, then the outdoor unit is attached directly to the wall surface, and not the insulation material.

  • It is also worth considering that it is undesirable to install an external air conditioning unit on aerated concrete, which today is very popular in construction. This material is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties, but low strength.
  • It is undesirable to install the air conditioner on the ventilated facade, because the functioning ventilation equipment creates vibrations of a certain intensity, which can harm the external unit of the air conditioner and lead to its breakdown.

Important! If you need to install the climate equipment on a ventilated wall, the vibration level can be significantly reduced due to the damping seal, which must first be fixed to the wall surface.

  • The external unit of the air conditioner needs comprehensive ventilation of the main processor, and therefore must be mounted at a certain distance from the wall. This interval should be at least 10 cm, otherwise - your equipment will quickly fail, unable to withstand the difficult conditions of a hot summer.

Important! It is advisable to install the external air conditioning unit on a wall blown on all sides, which, at the same time, is protected from the negative effects of atmospheric precipitation by a small canopy.

  • Remember that even when installing the air conditioner yourself, its external unit should be located without any distortions. At each stage of installation, experts recommend using the building level to check the horizontal structure.

Indoor unit installation

The modern design of the split system involves the installation of an indoor unit in the room, as well as the conduct of the corresponding highways. There are several rules that must be observed if you decide to install the air conditioner on your own:

  1. The operation of HVAC equipment is ensured by powering through centralized power grids. Therefore, to connect the equipment, it is necessary to conduct the appropriate wiring. Do not forget to equip the power line with a fuse, which will significantly reduce the risk of short circuit and fire.

Important! Wiring in an apartment or apartment building must withstand an additional load of 2 kW or you will have to conduct a separate power supply line specifically for the air conditioner.

  1. Position the indoor unit of the air conditioning system so that nothing interferes with the chilled air it produces.It is also extremely important that no people are directly under the air conditioner, because it threatens colds and other health problems.

Important! Do not place the split system above the heating equipment - batteries, radiators, etc.

  1. The distance between the indoor unit of the air conditioner and the ceiling of your room should be at least 25 cm.

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Popular connection errors

Most of the troubles in the operation of the air conditioner are associated with errors made during installation and connection of the equipment. To avoid the occurrence of popular problems and quick breakdown of equipment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the important nuances of installation work:

  1. Do not allow numerous bends when laying pipes to remove excess moisture and circulate freon. The fluid must move freely around the equipment, otherwise - you provoke an increase in the working load on the compressor, which often causes a malfunction of the entire system.
  2. You should not install the external air conditioning unit on a glazed balcony, because in this case the equipment will not receive sufficient ventilation due to air circulating from all sides.
  3. Functional units of the air conditioner must be installed as flat as possible relative to the horizon. In the case of distortions and irregularities - condensate will drip onto the floor of your room.

Important! During the operation of the equipment, do not forget that regular preventive measures must be taken. Otherwise, a split system can become hazardous to your health.

To prevent this, learn all about when and how it is performed. air conditioner cleaning.

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In this article, we told you how to install the air conditioner yourself, and also examined the main points regarding its connection. We sincerely hope that your home will be filled with the most comfortable atmosphere.

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