Steam iron

Every self-respecting housewife should have a decent technique for ironing clothes, so her choice occupies a special place. Nowadays, scientists have developed many different irons that reduce ironing time to a minimum. Now most irons have the function of steaming clothes, because sometimes there are fabrics that can not be ironed normally. Indeed, the time saved is worth overpaying a small amount and buying an iron with a steamer for yourself. This article will tell about what different models of such irons are, how to choose the best assistant and how best to look after him.

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Principle of operation

Before buying a steam iron, it is recommended to find out how it works to make sure its simplicity and safety. So, here is the basic principle of action:

  • Distilled water is poured into the container located inside the device, from which steam will be generated in the future.
  • The user selects the mode by which he is going to smooth out a particular material.
  • Water heats up and begins to evaporate, a hot stream enters the fabric, thereby smoothing it.

Important! After the procedure, it is recommended to give the iron a little time to cool, then pour the used water from the device.

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Pros and Cons of a Steam Iron

Iron steamer is the choice of millions of housewives around the world. Buyers give it preference because this type of household equipment has proven itself in use, because it has much more advantages than disadvantages.

Steam ironing has the following advantages:

  • The device can be used on weight without taking things off the hanger and without fear of damaging the fabric. This is very convenient, because even if a person is in a hurry, he may not have to remove the thing from the hanger, for a long time laying it out on the ironing board, in a hurry to iron the shirt, and as a result, be surprised at the newly formed folds. In the same way, you can iron the tulle and curtains without removing them from the cornice.
  • A steam cleaner practically does not leave wrinkles and ugly yellow spots on the fabric, as old ironing does without using steam. High-quality ironing will provide things with pristine freshness and softness, regardless of the type of fabric.
  • You can clean children's toys, towels, pillows and other items that require special care with a steaming iron. Water vapor does not harm the baby.
  • The steam model perfectly cleans natural and artificial fur from dust and harmful insects. With its help, the mistress’s fur coat will always look like new.
  • It is possible to smooth and clean from dust not only clothes and toys, but also furniture. This can be done with the help of additional nozzles, which are sold together with the device itself in the kit.

Important! The modern market of household appliances does not stand still, and new types of devices for ironing come to replace the irons. A separate review on our site of useful tips will help you understand“Which is better - a steamer or a steam generator?”.

Like all other equipment, an iron with a steamer has several disadvantages. Here are the main ones:

  • In many cases, scum forms inside the device and on its sole; getting rid of it is not easy, but possible. It is recommended to prevent descaling of steam equipment twice a month and use only distilled or, in extreme cases, boiled water.
  • In rare cases, when using the wrong temperature regime, tissue may adhere to the material.
  • Sometimes some scratches on the sole of the iron make themselves felt, forming small puffs on things. To avoid this, take care of the iron and use it carefully.
  • No matter how good the steamer is, it cannot replace the ironing of some things with a conventional iron. For example, such things can be classic trousers, pleated skirts and other things, the main feature of which are pleats.
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Choosing the right iron for you

If the buyer decided to purchase an iron-steamer, then you should pay attention to the characteristics that he would like to see in his device. You need to be sure for sure not to be disappointed in the purchase in the future.

Irons vary:

  • In size. There are both small road models and large ones that are sometimes difficult to lift.
  • By the power of work. The power directly depends on the price of the iron: the higher it is, the higher the quality of ironing.
  • By steam supply speed. Also affects the quality of ironing.

Attention! The sales assistant always intends to sell the product more expensive to the buyer, in this case it is better to neglect his advice and buy such an iron that you need. And for this, you first need to independently monitor customer reviews of a particular model and find out which selection options are in priority and which values ​​are optimal.

Important! A good choice for ironing clothes is a steamer. Read individual articles on this topic:

Choose the sole: what to look for?

Choosing for yourself your ideal version of the iron with a steamer, you need to pay attention to the nature of its sole. It can be wide and narrow, and also consist of different materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

We will analyze different metal types of soles, and the reader will compare them:

  • Stainless steel. This type of sole is the most common among steamers. It quickly and evenly heats up, keeping the temperature for quite a long time. The main disadvantage is the adhesion of tissue and the formation of soot.
  • Ceramics. Irons with such a sole glide very well, which simplifies the ironing process. However, such a surface with careless use can fall and give a chip, which will affect the subsequent procedures.
  • Polymer material. It is very lightweight and inexpensive. The defeat is that this coating is not environmentally friendly. Although all manufacturers claim that the materials used comply with hygiene standards. To be sure of this, it is better to buy equipment from a reliable brand.

Choose a cord - which is the best option?

A high-quality and convenient cord can directly affect the further operation of the proposed device. For example:

  • Too long or too short wire will interfere very much during ironing, which will affect the final result and your mood.
  • It is also necessary to notice how the cord is attached to the device. Although now most of the cords are deprived of the possibility of twisting (because they can rotate in any direction), but once again it will not hurt to verify this.

What is worth knowing about power?

Irons with a steamer have many lines of difference, one of them is power. Consider the options with a different number of watts:

  • Usually low power is observed in miniature, road iron models. This type is completely unsuitable for steaming things.
  • An iron with a power of 1100 to 1600 watts is an ideal option for the home, well suited for steaming various materials.
  • Higher capacity steamers are great for complex materials. They are also well suited for absolutely any kind of fabric and are the best of their kind.

Attention! The power of the steam iron can vary from 1.2 to 2 kW.

Important! If washing the curtains does not cause any particular problems to the hostesses, then ironing is a difficult task for many. So that it’s not a burden for you and takes a minimum of time, find out several ways,how to smooth curtains on weight.

Accessories that may include a steam steamer

To make the operation of the device more enjoyable, manufacturers came up with some additional features. They significantly reduce boring work and slightly improve the user's mood.

Here are some of them:

  • Auto power off. The advantage of this program is that the equipment itself will turn off if you forgot to do it. The delay in the absence of any actions with the device until it is automatically turned off is usually a few seconds.
  • Anti-drop system. During the procedure, water does not reach the surface of the tissue. This is very important if you have things made of delicate fabrics on which such drops harden with visible spots. For example, you can observe a similar phenomenon on silk.
  • Self cleaning. This function includes self-descaling, which must be done one to three times a month.

How to choose the same iron-steamer from a huge assortment?

So, you have come to the store and before your eyes a huge variety of different steamer irons of different shapes and sizes. How to choose the same iron that you imagined some time ago? First, tell the consultant which ironing device you would like to purchase. The seller will show models that fit the description given.

The selection overview has now narrowed significantly. We will tell you how not to get lost among the various models and discover something new:

  • The first step is to pay attention to the sole of the device. Most buyers choose stainless metal as the basis, because it always keeps the set temperature for a long time. But no matter what kind of sole covering you prefer, make sure that there are no obvious defects - scratches, chips, cracks.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the pen. In the store you can ask to hold the device to make sure that it is convenient for you.
  • Last but not least, pay attention to design. Everyone is pleased to work not only with a high-quality, but also with a beautiful iron with a steamer.

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Model Overview

Let's analyze the most popular steaming irons with different brands and price categories:

  • Braun TS 765 A. The power of this model is 2400 watts. With the help of such an iron, it is possible to smooth out absolutely any kind of fabric. The sole of the iron is made in such a way that it is possible to combine the ironing and steaming procedure. Warranty period - 2 years. The price is pretty high.
  • Tefal FV3925E0. Such an iron has a power of 2.3 kW. With it, you can smooth out almost any fabric. This model has a high-quality sole, which helps the device to glide over the material with ease, perfectly smoothing it, and there is no need to clean it. Guaranteed service life - 2 years. The price is relatively low.
  • Philips EasySpeed ​​GC1028 / 20. The power of the proposed device is 2 kW. Iron easily smoothes creases. The sole material is ceramic, which also helps the iron slide freely on the surface. Warranty - 2 years. The price is slightly below average, suitable for budget families.
  • Polaris PIR 2285K. Power - 2.2 kW. Provides high quality ironing. The sole is made using Easy-Slide technology, which contributes to good gliding on the material. Warranty period is 1 year. The lowest price offered.
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The market has a huge variety of different irons, but you have to choose only one. Therefore, we hope this article helped to understand the steamer irons and made it possible to understand which device you want.

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