Ariston water heater 80 liters - DIY repair

Ariston water heaters are very popular due to the reliability and simplicity of the device. The device not only provides the user with heated water, but also to some extent improves consumer water quality.

Flowing and storage water heaters differ, depending on the volume of the tank. Models with a tank with a capacity of 100 and 80 liters fully satisfy the needs for hot water for a large family. Models with a tank of 50 liters have an optimal ratio between the volume of heated water and energy consumption. Using this tank, you can use the shower for 10-15 minutes. Kitchen boilers are equipped with mini-tanks with a capacity of 15-30 liters and are mainly used for washing dishes.

The range of water heaters is constantly being improved, but even the most modern protective systems do not save from breakdowns. There are many reasons for the occurrence of malfunctions: water pressure drops, voltage surges in the network, failure of electrical elements and other components of the device, improper operation of the device and lack of prevention. Topic of the article: water heater “Ariston” 80 liters do it yourself.

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Features of water heaters and the main causes of malfunctions

Ariston boilers correspond to protection against moisture and dust according to the international scale from IP24 and higher. This means that breakdowns from mechanical stress are quite rare. The design is reliably protected from moisture. Only targeted vandalism can disable the device.

Important! One of the main design features is the use of a protective casing of stainless steel with an enamel coating or with external thermal protection.

The devices use 1-2 heating elements for the main and accelerated heating. As a rule, Ariston boilers are equipped with:

  • Silver-containing coating, environmental protection system against microorganisms for water disinfection.
  • Enlarged magnesium anode, which helps to clean the water and protect the tank from corrosion.
  • The water distribution system in the Nanomix tank and the built-in recirculation heat pump.
  • Electronic or bimetallic thermostat with temperature control up to 80 degrees.
  • Thermal insulation of the outer walls of the tank - polyurethane foam.
  • System of protective shutdown and electrical safety.
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Mechanical failures and their elimination

If the repair of a gas appliance requires the intervention of a qualified specialist, then a home craftsman will be able to repair the boiler or electric column.

Important! It is hardly worth undertaking to repair an Ariston water heater of 80 liters with your own hands if a warranty period is not worked out. When buying, the price of the boiler also includes repairs from specialists of the service center with a house call.

Common problems:

  • The most common mechanical problems are tank leaks. Water is dripping or seeping. Before selling, the tank passes a special test. Its walls with a thickness of 0.6-1.0 mm are able to withstand a pressure of 16 bar. But over time, the material from which the tank is made undergoes corrosion. For this reason, it may leak through an outer polyurethane coating or metal walls.
  • Another reason for the mechanical breakdown of the device is the inflating of the tank due to the breakdown of the protective check valve. Violation of the sealing of the internal tank is the most expensive of the breakdowns, since in some cases the device cannot be repaired and you need to buy a new tank.
  • It is much simpler if a leak is observed in the lower part of the device (for example, at the place of the TENA flange connection). In this case, it is enough to replace the gasket with a better one. For example, foam rubber or autoclave rubber.

Classification of electrical failures

These are the most low-cost malfunctions for Ariston boilers. The most vulnerable in Ariston boilers are the following elements:

  • TENY.
  • Switches and sensors.
  • Bimetal temperature regulators.

Important! To avoid damage to electrical components, experts do not recommend connecting the chassis and zero slots, as this will disable the protective system that responds to a short circuit or leakage current. Grounding in the device is made by a separate insulating wire.

The lion's share of all electrical faults is accounted for by heating elements. The appearance of hissing or noise, prolonged heating of the water, the operation of the protective shutdown system - all this indicates that the heater was out of order or its bulb was covered with scale. On average, the heater serves about five years.

Important! It is necessary to periodically monitor the state of the magnesium anode. Despite the “electrical” name, the anode does not connect to the circuit, but effectively protects the heating element and the tank itself from corrosion. If the anode is thinned by 50%, this serves as the basis for its replacement.

To assess the condition of the heater, you need to measure the resistance on its knife pads. If it goes off scale "to infinity", this is a signal to replace it. If the heater is OK, then:

  1. Its performance can be restored by immersing the heating element for 24 hours in a solution of citric acid (50 grams of citric acid powder falls per 1 liter of water).
  2. At the same time, the tank is washed from mineral salts and scale.

After the new heater is installed, measure the resistance between the housing and the output contacts (its value should be no less than 24 Ohms). The heating element will last longer if a “dry” heater is installed.

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Do-it-yourself preparation for the repair of a water heater Ariston 100 liters

Before starting repair of a water heater, it is necessary to prepare tools and auxiliary devices. To eliminate the leakage of water will be needed.

  • Adapter kit.
  • Adjustable wrench.
  • Non-return valve.
  • If the water tank fails, a welding machine is required.

Important! In addition to tools, an ohmmeter or tester is required to fix electrical problems. Before repair, it is necessary to drain the water from the tank, and disconnect the electrical part from the apartment electrical network.

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Procedure for repair work

Consider the most likely malfunctions associated with violations in the water supply system and its heating to the required temperature, we will figure out how to disassemble an Ariston water heater of 80 or 100 liters.

Water leaks from the tank

Do-it-yourself Ariston water heater repair algorithm is as follows:

  1. Inspect the inlet and outlet hoses.
  2. If the hoses are working, inspect the bottom of the drive tank.
  3. Disconnect the boiler, remove the bottom cover and thermostat. Remove the thermal insulation located at the bottom of the tank.
  4. If leaks are detected at the points of connection, install sealant and additional gaskets.
  5. If the storage tank fails, welding will be required.

Important! You can use “cold welding”, but this will not give the desired effect for a long time.

Water in the storage tank does not heat up

First of all, check for 220V voltage in the network. If there is voltage, then it is advisable to check the health of the thermal electric heater (TENA):

  1. Using a tester or an ohmmeter, check the serviceability of the cable with which the boiler is connected.
  2. If the cable is working, measure the resistance of the heater in direct current.
  3. If there is no indication of the device, proceed to the replacement of the heater.

Important! Sometimes resistance measurements correspond to the operating state of the heater. In this case, the water does not heat up due to a malfunction of the thermostat, and it must be replaced.

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After repair

Regardless of what kind of malfunction you have eliminated, the tank must be cleaned of debris and scale. Before plugging in the tank, make sure that the parts are dry to avoid short circuits. When connecting the tank, do not forget to ground the storage tank.

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As you can see, the repair work on the electric boiler is not very complicated, and a master with minimal knowledge will be able to cope with them. Nevertheless, if you doubt your own abilities, it is better to leave this work to a specialist so as not to permanently disable the equipment.


