Kitchen water heater

We are so accustomed to the fact that there is always hot water in the tap that we endure its absence very painfully. Moreover, in the summer, in many houses, centralized hot water supply is usually turned off, and in the fall, in the spring, long-term preventive work is often performed. And all this time we are left without hot water. The situation with private houses is no better - sometimes there is no possibility of connecting to the central water supply there. There is only one way out - to install a water heater for the kitchen. Which is better to choose - we will discuss in this article.

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Types of Water Heaters

Such devices are gas and electric. Consider the second option, which is easier to install, because gas supply is not in all houses, and according to experts, such equipment is considered safer. This, however, provided that the device is correctly and correctly connected.


The instantaneous water heater in the kitchen is small. Thanks to him, the water is heated to the required temperature. Such a device is connected to the water supply system, the water is heated thanks to the heating element.

Important! It is convenient to use such a device in a kitchen where large volumes of hot water are not required. Features of the installation of such equipment are detailed in the form of instructions in the article"Connection of a flowing water heater".


The main structural element is the tank. It acts as a thermos in which heated water will be stored for some time.

Important! Such a device is quite economical, since it turns off after the liquid reaches a certain temperature level.

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Choosing the right boiler

The store is easy to get confused, so it’s better to consider in advance the technical parameters that matter when buying a boiler.


Depending on the installation location and the number of people who will use hot water, the required volume of the device is selected:

  • Up to 30 liters Such a water heater for the kitchen would be ideal. It can also be installed in the country. For fans of a quick shower, this option is also suitable, but only if the family has no more than two people.
  • 50 l Suitable for a family in which two to three people. Usually it is used to warm water in the kitchen, in the washbasin or in the shower.

Important! This amount is not enough to set the bathroom. Or she will be dialed, but not hot enough.

  • 80 l This amount is quite enough for a family of three to four people. They can calmly wash themselves in hot water. The cost of such a boiler is commensurate with the 50-liter models, but having the same power, it heats up a little longer.
  • 100-150 liters This option is used for large apartments, with sinks and wash basins, bath and shower, which will be used by four to six people.
  • Over 150 liters Such models are used in a private house. Most often, such a boiler is installed on the floor.

Heating time

In order to heat water in a certain amount, it is affected by energy. The more water, the more energy will be required. Consider the comparative amount of time it takes to heat different volumes of water:

  • 30 l - 1-1.5 hours;
  • 50 l - 2 hours;
  • 120 l - 4 hours

Important! Some boiler models use two heating elements. They have different power.In order to quickly heat the water, use both heaters, and if normal heating is required, only one of them is used.

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Water heater installation

All such appliances, even an ordinary water heater in the kitchen, are installed almost the same way. Detailed instructions to help you complete the installation of equipment can be found in our article. "Installation of a water heater on a wall".

In principle, any owner with good hands will be able to cope with such work:

  1. Preparing the water heater for the installation process. First of all, the accumulator tank pipes are equipped with shutoff valves, the check valve is installed in cold water and both pipes are connected to the water supply.
  2. Water supply preparation. It is necessary to find a place where the mixer connects to hot and cold water, disassemble it and unscrew the flexible hoses. Tees with one internal and one external thread are screwed onto the valves.
  3. Laying electrical wiring. Of course, a long carry can be used, but the best way is to lay a stationary wire from the shield.

Important! Try to allocate funds for a separate circuit breaker. He will turn off the boiler in case of problems in the device itself.

  1. Connecting the tank to the water supply. We restore the connection of the mixer. In this case, the hose nuts are threaded onto the tees. They need to be twisted, but do not overdo it, otherwise - the gasket will be cut through. Now the tank itself is installed, hoses are connected to it.

This completes the connection. It remains to let the water run and check if the connections are leaking somewhere. After that, the tank is connected to the power supply.

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Popular models of instantaneous water heaters

Now on the market water heaters are presented in huge numbers, because they are becoming increasingly popular. Consider several popular models from different manufacturers, so that you can more easily decide which water heater for the kitchen is better in your case.

Timberk WHEL-3 OS Primalux

This instantaneous electric water heater has a very affordable price. The device is designed to service one point of consumption. The heating element is made of copper; a special coating protects it from scale.

Important! If the water suddenly runs out of water, the hydraulic valve with the sensor will trigger, which will turn off the heater.

Device and characteristics:

  • The 3.5 kW model is equipped with a reusable filter, with which impurities are removed from the water.
  • Installation of a water heater is carried out horizontally, water supply - from below.
  • Complete with shower hose and shower head.
  • In a minute, the unit heats up to 1.9 liters of water.

Important! The device is protected from splashes from all sides; during overheating, it automatically disconnects from the power supply.

Electrolux Aquatronic:

  • The flowing pressure water heaters Aquatronic and Aquatronic Digital have a power of 4 and 6 kW.
  • In a minute they produce 2 and 2.8 liters of liquid.
  • Digital models are distinguished by electronic control.
  • Water can be adjusted to the nearest one degree.
  • For visual inspection, a display is intended.
  • Hidden installation of the device is possible.
  • All these models are designed to serve a single point of water intake.

Important! At the inlet, the device is equipped with a cleaning filter, if water disappears, the device will turn off, and when overheated, the sensor will also work.

Stiebel Eltron DHC-E:

  • The power of the device is up to 12 kW.
  • Electronic control allows automatic power adjustment. This takes into account the temperature with which the water arrives and what is required at the outlet.
  • Productivity is 3-4 liters of water per minute.
  • The case is protected from splashes; if it overheats or stops the water supply, the device will turn off automatically.

Important! Do not forget that the main working element of a water heater - TEN, may eventually become scaled by poor water quality.To prevent this, install when connecting the unit water filters.

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We examined all the nuances regarding the choice of domestic water heaters. We hope our recommendations will help you buy a trouble-free and suitable unit in terms of volume, performance, easy and safe to maintain.

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