Accumulative water heater - which company is better?

In cities, hot water is periodically turned off, which leads to a lot of inconvenience. That is why the issue of installing a domestic water heater is so acute. But they all differ - not only in technical characteristics, device, operating principle and speed of operation, but also in reliability, durability. And an important role in the last two moments is played by the manufacturer. That is why, if the goal is to choose a storage water heater - which company is better, you simply must first study. This will help you not only to choose a really high-quality unit, but also to spend significantly less time on its purchase, because the assortment of the models under consideration will be narrowed at once.

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Accumulative water heaters

Before finding out which storage water heater is better, consider what it consists of. Its main elements are presented:

  • A tank;
  • TENOM;
  • Protection system;
  • Management system;
  • Body.

Most often, high-quality stainless steel is used to make the tank. In expensive models, the tank can be made of copper. A very rare occurrence is plastic containers.

Corrosion protection is carried out using special protective equipment:

  • Glass porcelain;
  • Enamels
  • Silicon-organic compounds.

Important! The service life depends on the quality of the tank, the greater its thickness - the longer it will be in operation. In this case, the expansion of the metal is not so strong that it has a positive effect on the anticorrosion coating.

Required capacity

When a person takes a shower, it will take about 20 liters of water. That is, we multiply this indicator by the number of people living in the apartment, plus we add about 12 liters for washing dishes. Rounding these calculations, we get the required tank volume. Thus, the range of possible models when choosing which storage water heater is better is significantly reduced.

If you yourself can not decide on the necessary parameters, more detailed recommendations regarding the volume can be found in the article “How many liters should I choose a water heater for?”.

Types of heating elements

They are of two types:

  • Tubular. They are represented by a metal tube of any shape, inside which a conductor is located, characterized by high electrical resistance. After heating the tube with a conductor, heat is transferred to the liquid. Insulation is presented in the form of dielectric sand, which fills the space between the tube and the conductor.

Important! Heat transfer may be reduced due to the appearance of scale. That is, if preventive work on descaling is not carried out in a timely manner, over time, it may take more than the time declared by the manufacturer to heat the water.

  • Dry. Such a heater can generally be called ceramic. Scalder does not form on such a heater, or at least many times less scale, so there is less heat loss. Its second advantage is the possibility of self-replacement if this part is out of order. But at a price, such storage water heaters lose - they will cost at least 2 times more expensive.

Important! Regarding the dry heater there are conflicting reviews on the forums.Some argue that there is really no scale, others - that it appears, so you still need to monitor the quality of the water. Most likely, the point here is exactly which company to buy a storage water heater for, a lot depends on observing the production technology of the equipment and the careful selection of raw materials for the manufacture of work units.

Power and length of the heating element

If one heater is installed in the storage water heater, then a power of 2 kW will be sufficient. Thanks to this, the water will quickly heat up, but it will not be necessary to lay separate electrical wiring.

Important! The larger the area of ​​the heating element, the greater will be the heat transfer index and in a smaller amount scale will form on a square centimeter of the surface.

Protection and control systems

It is impossible to say unequivocally which storage water heater is better by this criterion. They may also vary by the following device system:

  • Classical In this case, use the thermostat to turn on and off. And in order to control its operation, they use an additional thermostat, which is connected to the control circuit.
  • Microprocessor All of the above is saved, only an electronic control board is added. The heating temperature is regulated more smoothly, the temperature and detected error codes are displayed on the screen. But at the same time, electronics can fail for a huge number of reasons, respectively - an additional detail gives additional risks of earlier equipment breakdown.

Important! If temperature changes often occur, the board may fail much faster than expected. It is impossible to repair it at home, but you can not find it in service centers. In addition, such a failure is not a guarantee.


It is designed to protect all elements of the boiler. Upon purchase, it is worth paying attention to its thermal insulation.

Important! The most effective heat insulator today is polyurethane foam.

After purchasing the equipment, you need to solve a few more issues before its operation:

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Instantaneous water heaters

In such models there is no storage tank for hot water. In addition, the heating elements in them are quite powerful - up to 30 kW. The advantage is compactness, it can be installed in almost any place where there is a cable with the appropriate cross-section. But because of the power, not every wiring can withstand such a model.


Be sure to consider the power, as it can vary in the range of 3-27 kW:

  • For instantaneous water heaters with a power of 3-8 kW, connection to ordinary single-phase sockets is available.
  • A more powerful model can be installed in an apartment equipped with an electric stove, where there is a three-phase voltage.

Important! If this equipment option is more suitable for you, use the detailed instructions for competent connecting instantaneous water heater.

Installation methods

There are two options for installing such heaters:

  • Pressure. It must be built into the riser.
  • Non-pressure. It is installed near the water intake point.

Important! Power workers consume electrical energy very much, so they are more often installed in cottages for temporary use.

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Popular manufacturers

Now in the market water heaters are presented in huge numbers. There are a number of manufacturers that have been leading the way for several years. Consider which storage water heater which company is better.


This manufacturer is distinguished by goods with decent quality and excellent price. Installation is quite simple. The surface in contact with water is coated with a special anti-corrosion coating.Due to this, oxidation does not occur, harmful substances do not enter the device.

In all devices, the temperature regime is regulated very smoothly. This moment is very important for people who like to take a bath at a comfortable temperature. On the question of which water heater is better and cheaper, the Electrolux certainly wins.


The units of this popular brand are distinguished by a stylish design, excellent additional functions and a low price. In the event of an electrical breakdown, the protective automatic shutdown mechanism that the tanks are equipped with will work. In addition, the storage water heater of any model is equipped with a special protective valve that will save the unit at excessive pressure.

A pleasant bonus will be the availability of accelerated heating, due to which water of the desired temperature will not need to wait long.


When reviewing which company to choose an electric storage water heater, you can not miss the manufacturer Termeks. The products of this company are notable for their low power, but they quickly heat up. This means that while electric energy is being saved, the water is heated, and you do not have to wait.

Installation of devices is very simple, the entire installation process is described in detail in the instructions, in addition, additional details are not required.

Important! The only drawback is not the best anti-corrosion coating.


Of course, a synonym for this brand is reliability. All of its products have a stylish design and superior quality. Accumulative water heaters of this company are distinguished by convenient temperature settings, good power and a long service life, which does not require repair or replacement of parts. When choosing BOSCH products when deciding which boiler is better, you need to consider that the price will be quite high. But it is a payment for excellent quality.


Accumulative water heaters of this manufacturer are notable for their convenience and small size. Such boilers are suitable for small homes where space savings are required. Usually the buttons are placed on the front side, which is very convenient to use.

The material for the tanks is shockproof, so the unit will clearly remain intact after transportation. The boiler will last a long time thanks to its anti-corrosion coating.

Important! The disadvantages are the price and quantity of electricity consumed.

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We examined all the options for possible boiler models. Thanks to our recommendations, ice water from taps will never flow in your home, and you can always enjoy a pleasant hot bath.

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