Accumulative water heater for washing 10 liters

The problem of acquiring a local device for heating water is relevant for many. Turning off hot water, especially in the summer, is a fairly common occurrence. Accumulative water heaters are popular for washing (10 liters or more) and in the country. Consider the types of boiler devices, as well as the criteria by which to choose the best option for a water heater.

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Features of storage water heating devices

The tank of this device is arranged on the same principle as a conventional household thermos. Water heated to high temperatures remains hot for a relatively long time. This is an economical way to heat the water, because after the liquid reaches a certain temperature, the device turns off.

The modern boiler model is an automated device that, in accordance with a given program, performs the following set of basic functions:

  • Inclusion.
  • Heating water to a predetermined temperature.
  • Shutdown.

Important! It is necessary that the water-heating device be connected to the network constantly. The operating rules and the device of the water heater we described in detail in our separate article “Electric storage water heater device”.

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What factors should be considered when choosing?

So that the purchase does not bring disappointment, it is necessary to consider such factors:

  • The power of the heating element (the increase in energy costs depends on it).
  • Thermal insulation thickness.
  • The mass of the device.
  • Purpose and place of use (for the kitchen, for the bathroom or all together).
  • Place of installation (country house or city apartment).
  • Tank capacity.

Important! The life of the boiler depends on the quality of the water. Use filters to clean it. Find out more about the types and installation in the overview. "Water filters for washing - which is better?".


When choosing a storage device, this indicator needs to be paid attention first of all. The standardized range includes boilers with the following values ​​of the volumes of heated water:

  • Water heater for washing 10 liters. This is a great option for a married couple.
  • 15 liters. This model will satisfy the need for hot water for a family of 3 people.
  • 20 liters is a universal device for a family of any composition.

Important! You can also find a 25 liter tank on sale, but the efficiency from its use, as practice shows, is not much larger, and the tank is large.

The necessary tank capacity can be calculated on the basis of such considerations:

  • For washing dishes - from 8 to 16 liters.
  • Shower - from 16 to 30 liters.
  • Bathing - from 90 to 180 liters.
  • Washing - from 5 to 8 liters.


Before buying, you need to compare the nominal value of the power of the device with the characteristics of the electrical wiring. Therefore, you must first consult with a specialist. It is possible that you will have to replace communications.

Important! If you have an electric stove in your kitchen, you need to find out if it is possible to turn on the boiler at full power and an electric stove at the same time.

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Water heaters for the kitchen under the sink: installation features

A set of consumables for installing the boiler under the sink are part of the standard kit.The installation procedure also does not present special difficulties and is quite accessible for hand-made execution:

  1. Fasten the shutoff valves to the nozzles of the storage tank.
  2. Fix the non-return valve to the cold water pipe. A valve is screwed directly onto the valve, which is connected to the pipeline by means of an adapter.
  3. In the same way, fix the tap on the “hot” nozzle. For fastening to a pipe use a trailer from metalplastic or a hose.
  4. Remove the mixer hoses.
  5. Attach a 10 liter boiler to the sink, taking into account the sealing.
  6. Lay the wiring from the shield with automatic protection, equip the outlet and connect the water heater. To do this, you can use a long carry or stationary wire.
  7. Connecting the tank to the water supply.

Important! It is convenient if the boiler has enough power to simultaneously make wiring for the kitchen and bathroom.

To prevent the water heater from failing due to power surges, purchase a special filter. Follow the link to find out "How to choose a voltage regulator?".

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Accumulative water heaters: which brand is better?

According to consumer reviews, the following brands are recognized as the best:

  • Electrolux.
  • Termex.
  • Ariston.


The Swedish company specializes in the production of heating appliances equipped with “dry” heating elements. This means that there is no problem of scale on the tank itself or on the heating element.

Important! However, there is a drawback - the precipitate from the magnesium anode.


  • The capacity of the tank is 50 liters.
  • The material for making the tank is mild steel with a glass ceramic coating.
  • The power of the heating element is 1.5 kW.

Important! The device is ergonomic, convenient and easy to use.

EWH 80 Royal

The peculiarity of this device is that the storage tank is made of stainless steel. The power of the heating element is 2 kW. There are functions of a thermometer and accelerated heating of water.


The capacity of the tank is 100 l, the power of the heater is 1.5 kW. The device has a protective coating of glass ceramic with mechanical control and an expanded set of functions:

  • Thermometer.
  • Accelerated heating.
  • Economy mode.
  • Protection against overheating and scale.


One of the best Russian manufacturers. The company specializes in electric storage water heating systems.

Flat Plus IF 50V

The tank of the device is made of stainless steel. Type of control - electronic. The power of the heating element is 2 kW, the device copes with the maintenance of one water intake point. There is a self-cleaning function, as well as:

  • Thermometer.
  • Limitation of temperature.
  • Accelerated heating.
  • Overheat protection.

Flat RZB 80-F:

  • The model has an interesting design.
  • The boiler can serve 1 or 2 water intake points.
  • The power range is from 1.3 to 2.0 kW.

Round RZL 100-VS:

  • This model has a stainless steel cylindrical tank.
  • Type of control - hydraulic, power is 2.0 kW.
  • There are functions of a thermometer, accelerated heating.


The range of boilers from this company includes devices, among which you can choose a storage water heater for washing 10 liters, and models for 100 liters. Coating options - stainless steel, enamel, titanium.


  • The device can serve 1 or 2 water intake points.
  • The tank capacity is 80 liters, the type of coating is finely dispersed enamel.
  • The power of the heating element is 2.5 kW, but special conditions for connection are needed.
  • On the outside of the device there is a display that displays the parameters of the device.
  • There are such functions and features as overheating protection, accelerated heating, fuse, thermometer, self-diagnosis.


Device with a steel tank and enamel coating. An antibacterial layer with silver is applied over the enamel. The model has a sleek design and simple controls. Power is 1.5 kW.The device is protected against overheating, equipped with a safety valve and a thermometer.

Important! Do not be discouraged if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a water heater. Those who like tinkering will find a lot of useful information in our posts on how to make it yourself:

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Having studied the characteristics of the devices, you can choose the right model for a summer house or apartment. Installing a water heater under the sink will completely solve the problem of hot water for various purposes.

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