Gas flowing water heaters - how to choose by quality?

Gas water heaters are devices that allow you to forget about the problems associated with central water supply. Gas devices have proven themselves in both country houses and city apartments. It is only important to choose the right device with the optimal ratio of workmanship, safety and cost. The topic of today's article: gas flowing water heaters - how to choose by quality?

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What is a gas water heater?

Gas water heaters are devices for heating water using thermal energy, which is released during the combustion of liquefied or natural gas.

Important! Since toxic substances are released during gas combustion, care must be taken to equip the chimney to discharge them.

Outside the device there is a shell of metal, inside of which there is a burner for burning gas. It is she who is responsible for heating the water passing through the heat exchanger.

There are 2 types of gas water heating devices:

  • Flowing.
  • Cumulative.
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General principle of action

The device of a gas water heater is not particularly difficult. Its main details:

  • Main burner.
  • Heat exchanger.
  • Ignition burner.

The gas burner is a metal box with gas and water pipes. The burning gas heats the water that passes through the coil of the heat exchanger.

Important! Modern models are equipped with an electronic ignition device.

For safe operation, modern models of gas columns have such additional functions:

  • Heat exchanger protection against overheating.
  • Water flow sensor. In the absence of water, a special valve blocks the column. If this device is not present, then the internal equipment may overheat and fail.
  • Burner flame control and possible gas leakage. If the flame is extinguished accidentally, the controller immediately turns off the gas supply and prevents it from entering the room.
  • Traction sensor.
  • Flame intensity control - to minimize the amount of combustion products.
  • A control unit for controlling parameters such as temperature, power and pressure.

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Advantages of gas instantaneous water heaters:

  • Profitability.
  • Easy installation and disassembly.
  • Minimum water hardness requirements.
  • Fast heating of water.
  • Safe design.
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  • Increased ventilation requirements.
  • The need to obtain permits.

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Flowing gas water heaters: how to choose according to quality?

Before you purchase a gas water heater, you need to study its parameters. The main technical characteristics include:

  • Power.
  • Regulation (manual or automated).
  • Security.
  • Type of combustion chamber.

Important! Any equipment will need to be properly connected. To understand the details of this process and understand whether you will do this work yourself or invite a profile specialist, readwater heater installation rules.


When studying a technical passport, you may encounter two types of power: usable and consumed. It is desirable to focus on the useful power (performance). This is the amount of hot water dispensed by the appliance within a minute. For a small family, a small, low-power column is enough.

Management principle

Burner flame control can be manual or automatic. Manual adjustment is carried out using the handle located on the front panel of the water heater. With automated control, the device independently determines the size of the burner flame, taking into account the flow of water passing through the heater.

Ignition Method

When choosing, pay attention to the ignition method:

  • Convenient ignition using a piezoelectric element.
  • Battery-powered electric ignition makes the device independent of power supply.
  • The hydrogenerator operates on water pressure in the water supply and does not require batteries.

The combustion chamber:

  • When using an open chamber, gases are removed to the chimney.
  • For devices with a closed-type chamber, gases are collected in a metal coaxial design.

Important! Poor water quality denies a harmful effect on technology. To prolong her life, use purified water. Find out more on our helpful tips portal in this article. “Flowing main water filter - which is better?”.

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The best gas water heaters: a model overview

It is not so difficult to choose gas flowing water heaters by quality, and this is an excellent solution for an ordinary city apartment or a small private house. But to install the device requires a gas network.

Important! The disadvantage is a certain complexity of installation. In addition, due to the emission of toxic combustion products, it is necessary to take care of good ventilation of the room.


This is one of the most functional gas water heaters:

  • Its power is 18.5 kW, productivity 10 l per minute.
  • The device is equipped with battery electric ignition. This makes the device non-volatile.
  • The water heater is compact in size and beautiful in design. It can be easily entered into the interior of the kitchen or bathroom.
  • The heat exchanger is made of copper, resistant to corrosion.
  • Water heats up in about 15 seconds.

Important! All characteristics allow us to consider this model the best in the market of gas water heating appliances.

Ariston Fast EVO 11V:

  • The main advantage of this device is its high power and productivity (19 kW and 11 l / min., Respectively).
  • Electric ignition from batteries allows you to use the device in the absence of electrical communications.
  • There is a power indicator.

Important! The positive aspects, according to consumers, include: ease of installation, safety (overheating protection systems, gas control). The disadvantages include the low heating rate of water. A small value of the input pressure threshold (only 0.1 atm) determines a wide area of ​​application of the water heater.

Bosch WR 10-2R:

  • The device has a greater (17.4 kW) power, which allows you to heat water to 60 degrees. Productivity 10 L / min. All these characteristics allow you to take a shower quite comfortably.
  • The inlet water pressure range is 0.1-12 atm, which allows the device to be mounted on water pipes of any type.

Important! Consumers also note the ease of use and reliability of the device. There are also disadvantages: a fairly frequent factory defect and a corrosion-resistant instrument case.


Budget quality model:

  • There is an automatic ignition on batteries.
  • The device is equipped with an automatic security system that completely blocks the operation of the device in the absence of water, the extinction of the flame in the burner, poor draft in the chimney.
  • There is a digital display that displays the temperature of the water.

Important! The disadvantage of this device is the thin walls of the heat exchanger, which is why over time the water heater begins to leak.

Vaillant Product Line

Devices with a multilevel security system. There are models that can work with low soda pressure. The type of ignition in different models is different.

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A gas water heater is a necessary and useful thing if the housing does not provide for hot water. Now you know how to choose instantaneous gas water heaters in terms of quality and important characteristics. Using the device, you can heat water in a few seconds. When choosing a device, do not forget about such a factor as safety.

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