Choosing a pressure washer

The fact that “mud tanks are not afraid” is well known to everyone. However, the same cannot be said about ordinary cars. Cars are susceptible to street dirt and rainfall. A dirty car is not only embarrassing, but also unsafe. If you constantly neglect washing the car or treat it insufficiently carefully, over time you will have to fight not only with pollution, but also with rust. Even a small microcrack is enough for the dirt that gets there to provoke metal corrosion. And this is not to mention the alkalis and salts, which street dirt is abundant in. So, a dirty car is “indecent and unsympathetic”, and driving a car in a car wash is quite expensive and troublesome. If you choose the right pressure washer, the problem of cleaning the machine from contamination can be solved forever.
to contents ↑What is a mini-wash?
This is an apparatus powered by electricity, equipped with hoses and nozzles. It differs from a conventional sprayer in that the water is supplied under considerable pressure, which allows you to successfully deal even with persistent contaminants.
High pressure washer is a multifunctional device. In addition to its intended use, it can also be used for other purposes:
- Cleaning of the territory on a summer cottage (garden paths, courtyard paved with paving slabs). If you decide to arrange a “bathing day” for your iron friend, why not combine the two things at once? To clean the car inside you will also be comfortable good car vacuum cleaner.
- When conducting construction work, it is almost impossible to keep special equipment immaculately clean. A cleaning device will help to clean construction machines.
- Cleaning pigsties, cowsheds and stables. A rag and a mop, used when cleaning ordinary rooms, are unlikely to help here, and a powerful directed stream of water is quite. It is enough to recall one of the exploits of Hercules, when he cleared the famous Augean stables, overgrown with manure, the waters of two rivers. Well, what are we worse?
to contents ↑Important! According to reviews on the Internet, pressurized water washers are used in a variety of situations: from cleaning fish to eliminating blockages in pipes. However, do not use too high pressure domestic washers. Do not wash people or animals with the appliance. The water pressure is so powerful that there may be injury.
Parts of the washing machine
To make the choice of a high pressure washer reasonable, you need to understand the design of such equipment:
- All components of the unit are enclosed in a housing made of plastic or aluminum.
- The construction moves with the wheelbase.
- The sink can be vertical or horizontal.
- Inside is a heater, which heats the water.
- The “heart” of the sink is an electric motor.
- In order to prevent overheating, the device is equipped with 1-2 fans (one works to suck in air, the other displays the already heated air mass).
- The motor shaft is connected to a gearbox that transmits rotation to the pump. The more pistons a pumping device is equipped with, the higher the cost of the unit.
- The pump has 2 nozzles. One is connected to the water supply, the other with a gun that is designed for washing, and with a high-pressure hose.
Important! If you are considering buying a high pressure washer, since you need to take care of the site, you may find the information about other tools useful. Read our articles:
Models for professional and domestic use
Depending on the functions, there are various sinks:
- Professional models are more durable and able to work in difficult conditions.
- Household models can be used for about 2 hours a day.
The fluid is supplied from the water supply or from the tank. If the sink is equipped with special nozzles, it can be used to clean the water supply or the facade of the building.
to contents ↑Important! Experts advise to opt for a professional model that can be continuously used for longer.
The best pressure washer - what is it?
Here are the characteristics of the best high pressure washers, which are most popular.
Karcher K5.700:
- The productivity of the plant is 460 l / h.
- Water pressure up to 140 bar.
- The unit is equipped with a standard nozzle and a fine filter.
- The length of the high pressure hose is 9 m.
- The mass of the device is 14.5 kg.
Karcher K3.75 MD:
- The system capacity is 420 l / h, pressure up to 120 bar.
- The maximum value of the inlet water temperature is 40 degrees.
- The unit is equipped with a standard nozzle and a detergent tank (1.0 l).
- The washing mass is 7.3 kg.
Huter M135-PW:
- Productivity is 360 l / h, pressure is 135 bar.
- The maximum inlet temperature is 50 degrees.
- The sink weighs 7.6 kg.
Huter W105-GS:
- The casing is made of aluminum.
- The value of productivity is 342 l / h.
- The maximum pressure is 105 bar.
- The maximum value of the inlet water temperature is 50 degrees.
- The device is equipped with a 1 liter detergent tank.
- The length of the high pressure hose is 5.0 m.
- The mass of a household high pressure washer is 3.84 kg.
Karcher K5.200:
- The device has a capacity of 460 l / h with a pressure of 140 bar.
- The maximum inlet water temperature is 40 degrees.
- The device is equipped with a fine filter.
- You can wash the car with detergents.
- The sink is equipped with a standard nozzle, a mud cutter, an adapter that allows you to connect to a garden hose.
- The high pressure hose has a length of 9.0 m.
- The sink has a mass of 5.6 kg.
Karcher K6.500:
- High-performance unit (550 l / h) with pressure up to 150 bar.
- The maximum value of the inlet water temperature is 60 degrees.
- The device is equipped with a fine filter.
- The unit kit includes, in addition to the standard nozzle: a mud cutter and an adapter for connecting to a garden hose.
- The mass of the structure is 17 kg.
Interskol AM-120/1500
This unit is distinguished by an optimal ratio of quality and price. It is not surprising that many consumers prefer this particular model and believe that this is the best high pressure washer:
- Productivity is 360 l / h.
- The maximum pressure is 120 bar.
- The high pressure hose has a length of 5.0 m.
- The mass of the device is 8.0 kg.
Important! If you are setting up your own garden plot with your own hands, use our instructions on how to makedo-it-yourself chair for a summer house.
What you need to know about sinks?
The choice of a high pressure washer requires knowledge of the following parameters:
- The amount of power and performance. These characteristics are indicated in the technical data sheet.
- Despite the fact that household sinks do not have the function of heating water, they can be connected to a source of hot water. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. There are devices that are not intended for connection to hot water.
- The cost of the unit depends on the resource of the pump. In low-cost models, this figure is 30-60 hours. But do not rush to refuse to purchase, especially if you will use the device exclusively for washing the car. Practice shows that inexpensive equipment will last you about 4 years (at the same time, the warranty from the manufacturer is 2 years).
- The working life of expensive models is much higher, thanks to ceramic-metal pistons and brass bodies.
- Do not use the sink in rainy weather, as the unit may cause electric shock or malfunction.
Important! When purchasing a sink, familiarize yourself with its configuration in order to choose the optimal set of nozzles. Accessories such as a cutter for removing dirt, an ejector nozzle or a nozzle with the ability to add an abrasive to the washing water can be very useful.
How to test a sink?
If you are interested in these units, but you don’t know what to look for when choosing, read these tips for testing the device:
- Application area. Household high pressure washers are mainly used in cottages and garages, where there may not be a full water supply. Be sure to ask if you need to connect the device to a high pressure water supply. Otherwise, you will get a beautiful, expensive, but completely useless device.
- The sink has 2 performance indicators: the pressure value and the volume of water consumption. Of course, additional options (hose length, nozzle set) are also important, but the two main characteristics cannot be changed.
- Be sure to find out how the device works in conditions of low voltage. Electricity consumption by the sink is quite large, and the reliability of electrical networks often leaves much to be desired.
- Price category. The principle of “the more expensive the better” works here. Budget models have less work resource than expensive products of well-known companies.
Important! Even the best high pressure washer can only remove dirt on the surface. Stubborn dirt is removed with a brush. The use of detergents should not be neglected.
Some useful usage tips:
- In accordance with physical laws, washing efficiency depends on the mass of the unit. It is necessary that the sink has a wheelbase so that you do not have to carry a heavy device by hand.
- Treat nozzles, pistols and other headsets as carefully as possible. It is they who quickly fail.
- Other things being equal, choose a model with a set of accessories - during the washing process, they will not be superfluous.
- Nozzles with sponges and brushes make it possible to expand the scope of sinks. Nozzles are connected to hoses by means of special adapters.
- Long-standing stubborn dirt can be cleaned with rubber mud cutters.
- The use of spray tubes can be useful if you need to clean hard-to-reach spots.
- Using special nozzles, abrasive cleaning of pipes can be carried out.
Customer opinion or which pressure washer is better?
Almost all motorists say that:
- It is most convenient to work with sinks equipped with detergent tanks. Long hoses that allow washing the machine from all sides are also welcome.
- Another advantage that buyers give off is the almost silent operation of the device.
- The ergonomic design has also become the cause of laudations: nozzles are located in the built-in compartments, there is a special holder for winding the cord.
The negative points are as follows:
- The sink works only from the water supply.
- Water intake from containers does not work. Sometimes this can cause problems outside the city. True, expensive models lack this drawback and are more universal.
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We hope that after reading the information in this review, you can easily make a choice of a high pressure washer and decide for yourself which model is better. So - during its operation, you will evaluate only the pros, and the minuses as such in the device will not be observed.
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