7 simple tables for every housewife that will facilitate house cleaning

To facilitate your housework, you need to rationally approach the time for cleaning the home. If you do the cleaning on the days of the week in each particular area, it will be much easier to handle.

Choose one room for every day where you will clean up. You can do this in the form of a table so as not to forget. After that, dedicate to cleaning just a few minutes a day before or after work.

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Monday we clean the living room

You can disassemble documents, clean up the table and shelves, wipe the dust and floor. If you have adult children, feel free to bring them to help with housework. When all things are in their places, it is much easier to clean them, so organize high-quality storage systems;

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On Tuesday, we clean the bedroom

We select a wardrobe, change bedding, put things in order in wardrobes and a chest of drawers. Also, if something needs to be sewn up, repaired, then you can do it on this day;

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On Wednesday, we remove the nursery

You can put together a wardrobe for a week, prepare change clothes in the kindergarten if the children are small. We put things in order on the table and in toys, water the flowers. If the children are already big, then they can tidy themselves, under the control of their parents;

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Thursday we clean the bathroom

We disassemble care cosmetics, change towels, wash my sink, mirror, and plumbing. On this day, you can iron clothes or spend time in personal care;

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We clean the kitchen on Friday

Here it is necessary to wipe the dust from the facades of the cabinets, wash the equipment and restore order in the refrigerator. We change kitchen towels and make a menu for a week;

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On Saturday we buy food and necessary things

We choose home goods, clothes, cook food for a week, if you are used to doing everything at once. The rest of the time you can devote to your husband;

On Sunday we enjoy a vacation with our family.

Do not forget to water the flowers

Here is a rough plan for the week you can paint for yourself, so as not to complicate your life.

Of course, every woman can have her own preferences in cleaning, cooking and other household chores.

On the computer, you can draw tables for cleaning the premises and add to them everything that needs to be done for this day. This will not forget about the schedule.

A couple of days a month you need to choose for spring cleaning.


  • we remove things and clean the appeared stains. It’s easier to handle cleaning later on;
  • we prepare salads and instant products, but hot can be done 1 time for 3 days;
  • we wash the spots that appear, in the summer it is better not to store things for hand washing, but to rinse them immediately;
  • everyday purchases - dairy products, bread, butter, what is over and urgently needed.
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Once a week

  • wet cleaning throughout the house;
  • cooking an unusual dish to pamper the whole family. This can be done on a day off. Pizza, cake or pie, in a word, something that the housewife is especially good at;
  • change of bed linen, towels. Wash;
  • purchase of long-term storage products: meat, fish, vegetables. Such a way is accepted in almost every family, except for washing.With the presence of the machine, the machine can be washed as much as necessary, and not to store clothes all week.
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What you need to do once a month

  • cleaning carpets and windows, recycling unnecessary things, throwing out boxes;
  • preparation of semi-finished products: dumplings, minced meat, meatballs, etc. Provided that you cook yourself, and do not buy them in the store;
  • cleaning curtains, tulle, rugs;
  • we buy goods of long storage: tea, coffee, kitchen goods, dishes, if there is such a need;
  • we buy goods for cleaning the apartment, household chemicals.

When cleaning an apartment there is a rule - always start from the top. Ceiling, chandeliers, cabinets and only then upholstered furniture and floor.

Cleaning is best done first in the bedroom, then in the living room, and last but not least in the bathroom.
If you do not run the apartment and conduct spring cleaning once a week, then you just need to maintain cleanliness.

What secrets should the hostess still know:

  1. If there is little time for cooking, then use various devices: a dishwasher, a slow cooker, a blender, and other household appliances.
  2. When there is time, cook semi-finished products for the future. This will make it easy to make a delicious lunch or dinner out of them.
  3. Whenever possible it is easier to plan the menu so that there are always products in the house for cooking the necessary amount of food.
  4. Try to use the oven more often. The meat and vegetables cooked in it are much more healthy.
  5. When buying household chemicals for the home, remember that it’s not necessary to use advertised brands. Some products handle cleaning just as well.

Each housewife has her own housekeeping rules. Try to immediately teach your children to follow the general rule. They will know when to change clothes or how to wipe the stain.

If you do not have time to go to the store, leave a list of necessary things and give an order to your family. Let them also take part in this matter. Do not try to do everything yourself; involve household members in cleaning and cooking. This is also their home, let them help even in small things.

Use these simple tips and house cleaning will be quick and enjoyable, and housekeeping is not difficult.

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