How to clean eco-leather sofa?

How to care for eco-leather and how to clean and wash the eco-leather sofa? Sofas with such a coating, however, like any other upholstered furniture, are used in many homes and offices. Products are of high quality and fully comply with the European standard, the material visually and to the touch is very similar to genuine leather. The sofa and other furniture made of such material look stylish, giving an elegant look to the design of the room. In order for the sofa to retain its original appearance for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to some simple rules of care. And how to clean the eco-leather sofa from paint and other pollution at home is described in detail in this article.

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Benefits of eco-leather products

Today, imitation leather is very popular in furniture production. More recently, this material belonged to a number of inexpensive and not quite high-quality coatings. But modern furniture manufacturing technologies improve their products every year, in accordance with the preferences and needs of consumers. Non-standard design solutions and exclusive materials make it possible to produce high quality furniture.

Upholstery made of eco-leather belongs to this class. It has a number of important advantages, so there are more and more fans of such furniture every day:

  • Ecoskin is an environmentally friendly material, it does not contain additives harmful to the human body.
  • It has high hygroscopic properties, does not cause allergies, passes air well.
  • It is a sufficiently wear-resistant and durable material, which makes care for the eco-leather sofa easy enough.
  • Pleasant and comfortable fabric in contact with the human body.
  • Products have a chic and expensive look, elegantly complement any interior.
  • The acceptable cost of items from this fabric is an indisputable advantage of choosing such products.
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Eco-leather sofa cleaner

There are a large number of ways to quickly and efficiently clean eco-leather furniture from various types of contaminants. It is necessary to regularly monitor the cleanliness of furniture, especially if it is white. You must admit that such a sofa looks impressive and expensive, but the choice of such products must be approached carefully, especially if you have small children or animals.

What can be used?

For effective cleaning, a preparation should be prepared in advance, with the help of which the cleaning process does not take much time, and also does not harm such a delicate coating. In this case, you may need the following ingredients:

  • Toilet or laundry soap 72%.
  • Alcohol-water solution or ammonia.

Important! Applying it on the surface, it is necessary to clean it with a weakly concentrated solution of 20%, increasing saturation if necessary.

  • Shaving foam.
  • Folk stain remover - lemon.
  • Special stain remover for genuine leather.198f5cfb5be3091f4ffbc611344dec41

Prohibited Eco-Leather Sofa Cleaners

Ecoskin is a modern synthetic material made on a fabric basis, coated in the form of a film of polyvinyl chloride. Its technical and operational characteristics are in no way inferior to a natural leather coating.But improper care of furniture made of eco-leather or its absence can cause cracks and scratches on the surface, which, unfortunately, is impossible to get rid of.

To prevent the occurrence of such flaws, check out the list of products that are strictly forbidden to use on eco-leather products:

  • Means and liquids containing chlorine;
  • Cleaning and washing powders;
  • Scrapers, hard sponges, brushes;
  • Products that include acids;
  • Bleach, solvents, chemical solutions;
  • Furniture varnish, oil drying oils.
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How to care for eco-leather sofa? - Useful tips

When arranging the room, each of us wants to purchase furniture with the highest quality and durable upholstery, made taking into account modern fashion trends, because the purchase is carried out for more than one year. But after a while, even the most expensive interior items lose their pristine beauty.

General cleaning rules

In order to prevent quick wear of eco-leather products, follow the simple recommendations:

  • Periodically wipe the furniture surface with a dry cloth or soft cloth to remove dust in bends and trim seams.
  • To remove stains from the surface of the sofa, use only soft flannel or cotton cloth.

Important! The use of hard brushes and rags can cause microcracks on the surface, which will entail more serious damage.

  • Not sure how to clean the eco-leather white on the couch? A fresh stain formed on the surface is easily removed with lemon. It is enough to attach a small piece of fruit for a while on the damaged area, then rub it with a damp cloth.
  • To remove unstable stains, use a soap solution of household 72% soap.
  • To cope with old or persistent stains, you can use a weak solution of alcohol or ammonia.
  • How to clean eco-leather on a white sofa? For light furniture, purchase a special artificial leather care product at a hardware store in the household chemicals department. These products will effectively and carefully clean the delicate white surface.
  • To create additional protection, treat the surface with water-repellent impregnation for genuine leather.
  • Spilled tea or coffee should be cleaned as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the liquid is absorbed into the fibers, and it will be much more difficult to eliminate it.

Important! Artificial leather has a different composition, density and quality, therefore, when buying furniture from this fabric, ask the seller-consultant what means are acceptable to use for this material.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. Before applying the product to the stain, lightly soak the contamination with clean water.

Important! Do not drench the sofa with plenty of water, because the material quickly absorbs moisture. Subsequently, unaesthetic stains may form on the coating.

  1. In the liquid prepared for cleaning, moisten a soft cloth or cotton pad.

Important! First, try the product on an inconspicuous piece of furniture. If there is no negative result, use on the visible part of the sofa.

  1. In a circular motion, moving from the edge of the pollution to its center, wipe the damaged area.

Important! Do not apply excessive force, rub heavily and crush the surface. From such actions, the stain is only more absorbed into the tissue.

  1. Wipe the sofa dry with a soft cloth and treat it with moisture-resistant impregnation.

Important! Do not use a hair dryer to dry the interior. Warm air dries the skin, after which cracks can form.

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Putting into practice useful tips on how to wash the eco-leather sofa, described in this article, You can easily cope with the most persistent and unpleasant stains on furniture.And in order to prevent their occurrence in the future, carry out proper care of products made of eco-leather, timely clean the surface with wet wipes, treat it with moisture-resistant impregnation. With this care, your sofa will retain a perfectly smooth and glossy surface for a long time.


