How to clean a granite sink

To give a special style to the interior, solidity and attractiveness, ceramic and porcelain sinks are increasingly installed in the kitchen today. It is only natural that the question arises of how to clean a ceramic granite sink. This material is essentially an artificial stone, which is characterized by excellent performance characteristics - heat resistance, hardness, wear resistance. But to maintain such high technical characteristics of ceramics and porcelain stoneware for a long time is possible only if the surface is properly maintained.

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How to wash a granite sink?

The procedure for washing the sink is required every day, but before you start it, you need to decide how to clean the porcelain sink. In order to clean and wash the sink, various detergents may be suitable, the choice of which depends on the nature and degree of surface contamination - these are:

  • a piece of chalk;
  • soap - ordinary or kitchen;
  • petrol;
  • acetone;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda.
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How often should I wash a ceramic sink?

A sink made of this material requires daily care. Abundant rinsing is carried out after each use. A more intensive cleaning of the granite sink is carried out 1 time per week - 1 time per month (depending on the frequency of operation).

ceramic sink

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How to clean a porcelain sink?

Once you have decided what to wash the porcelain sink with, start the procedure as follows:

  1. Rinse the surface thoroughly to remove any residual food waste.
  2. Prepare a soap solution - first add a few drops of soap to the container, and then draw water to froth the resulting mass.
  3. Take a soft foam or microfiber foam sponge.
  4. Carefully clean the surface with a sponge dampened with plenty of soap and water.
  5. After you have finished washing the ceramic granite sink with a solution, rinse it with running water.
  6. Make sure that no soap particles remain on the surface.
  7. Wipe dry with a cloth, dry cloth, or soft towel.
  8. Polish with a special milk or mastic to protect the surface and give it shine.
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How to clean complex stains on a ceramic sink?

If you couldn’t keep track of the surface cleanliness in time and complex stains of dirt formed, do not hesitate any more! In this case, we clean the granite sink as follows:

  1. Buy powdered chalk and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  3. Apply the resulting mass directly to the place of contamination of the ceramic sink with a 1 cm layer.
  4. Cover the treated area with plastic wrap.
  5. Fix with mounting tape or electrical tape to create the right atmosphere for high-quality absorption of the stain with the solution, but to prevent premature drying of the mixture.
  6. Wait until the homemade paste is completely dry - this process may take several days.
  7. Remove dried mass with a soft sponge or towel.
  8. Rinse off any remaining mixture with a sink under running water.
  9. If part of the spot is not removed, repeat the procedure until the surface is completely restored to attractiveness.
  10. Wipe the granite sink thoroughly with a microfiber cloth.
  11. Polish the surface with a mastic or milk of the appropriate type.
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How else can you clean a porcelain sink?

clean the porcelain sink

To remove old hard to remove stains on the sink, you can use additional tools for washing porcelain tiles:

  • alkaline solutions - for cleaning plaque from spilled drinks, food, and even blood;
  • gasoline or acetone to remove stains from tar, wax, glue, paint.

Before washing the ceramic sink in this way, it is better to consult a specialist so that, unknowingly, you do not permanently damage the surface. Knowledgeable professionals in specialized stores can advise less aggressive means.

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Additional recommendations

There are a few more tips to help avoid damage to the granite sink - check them out so that your home always shines with cleanliness and beauty:

  1. Do not use acidic means for washing porcelain stoneware, especially those containing formic acid - they will not damage the stone itself, and can quickly damage the attractiveness and integrity of the joints.
  2. Do not use solutions based on natural oils - after drying, such mixtures will leave whitish traces on the surface, which can no longer be removed.
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Stock footage

Invalid to process porcelain sink metal sponges, solutions with abrasive particles, sharp objects - they will create unattractive scratches in which hard-to-remove dirt will constantly accumulate.


