How to wash a shower

A growing number of people are installing new showers instead of old bathtubs. This is one of the most visited rooms, it is subjected to the greatest load in the bathroom, and therefore it is simply necessary to know how to wash the shower, so that it remains safe and attractive.

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How often do I need to clean my shower?

Each owner of such plumbing must have a constant habit of caring for her. This will help increase its life by many times. To protect your shower cabin from the harmful effects of impurities contained in water (minerals, iron, salts), follow simple rules for the care of plumbing:

  • carry out a short wash-rinse without special cleaners every time after using the cabin;
  • perform more thorough cleaning at least once a week;
  • general cleaning of the shower cabin with the use of disinfectants do once a month or two.
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What materials does a shower cabin consist of?

how to wash a showerTo properly care for the surface, you will first have to clarify what parts and materials it consists of. Today's selection of such plumbing is quite wide - the furniture is distinguished by design, a combination of materials, sizes, colors, shapes. Most often for the manufacture of a shower cabin use:

  • Plastic;
  • Acrylic;
  • Glass;
  • A rock;
  • Pottery;
  • Enamel for coating a metal surface;
  • Painted aluminum;
  • Chrome steel.

Important! Before choosing and applying shower cleaner try to find out what chemical elements can negatively affect a particular material.

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How to clean a shower cabin?

In order to clean mechanically you will need:

  • scrapers and brushes;
  • sponges;
  • napkins for polishes;
  • microfiber rags;
  • steam generators.

To quickly remove rust, limescale, yellowness from the surface using household chemicals, prepare in advance:

  • liquid, soft products for frequent cleaning;
  • pastes and creams to eliminate complex contaminants;
  • sprays for polishing glass and metal surfaces;
  • foam for preventive wiping of the surfaces of the shower.

Important! The above methods individually are not very effective and therefore it is better to combine them. For example, detergents for shower impossible to use without washcloth. For working with creams and pastes for the cleaning brushes and sponges are well suited. And aerosol polishes are useless to use without soft wipes.

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How to clean the shower stall?

We do not recommend using abrasive cleaners, hard brushes and metal sponges to clean shower cabins. They may leave marks and scratches on the surface.

Do not use detergents containing:

  • Alkalis;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Formic and other acids;
  • Organic solvents like gasoline and acetone;
  • Coloring pigment cleaners - acrylic, for example, are extremely sensitive to them.
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How to wash a shower cabin - daily care

Daily care is simpler and will not require significant efforts from you. Wash as follows:

  1. After taking a shower, first rinse the walls of the shower with hot and then cold water.
  2. Use a special scraper to remove all water from the surfaces.
  3. Take a terry towel or microfiber and wipe dry all surfaces.

how to wash a showerPeriodic care is carried out 2-4 times a month, depending on the frequency of use of the shower. To properly wash it, choose the method that suits you and follow the instructions clearly.

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How to clean a shower cabin - periodic washing

Especially for those who want to keep the bathroom clean, we recommend the easiest way to clean surfaces in the bathroom:

  1. Wash away any dirt with a washcloth and warm water to get to stubborn stains such as limescale, rust or fungus.
  2. Choose a detergent designed to clean specific dirt.
  3. Apply a cleaning agent to the surface and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Take a brush and carefully wipe off dirt.
  5. After this procedure, wait another 10 minutes and rinse off all contamination with a washcloth and cool water.
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Additional recommendations

In the bathrooms, a variety of pollution can form, such as:

  • soap stains and salt deposits;
  • fungal formations and mold;
  • rust and grease.
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Here are some useful elementary tips for washing the shower cabin, compliance with which will allow you to clean very efficiently, but with minimal time and effort:

  1. A cleaning agent applied to stagnant and shallow dirt can be washed off immediately after application.
  2. With old pollution, you have to be patient and wait a few minutes.
  3. Do not forget to pay attention to the instructions for use of the used detergent or detergent - do not deviate from the technology recommended by the manufacturer. Not always, for example, a longer treatment guarantees a better result - if you overexpose the chemical solution on the surface, you can simply permanently damage it.
  4. Stains can be removed from metal and acrylic surfaces with toothpaste if applied for 5-7 minutes and then washed off.
  5. Special tools for cleaning acrylic leave a special thin layer on its surface to prevent ingestion of dirt - do not try to remove it on purpose.
  6. To prevent contamination, wipe dry all surfaces after showering - calcium and chlorine, which are contained in water, settle in a thin layer on the surface. It reduces the gloss of any coating and over time turns into difficult to remove pollution.
  7. After taking a shower, leave the cab door open. This will prevent mold and fungus from forming in the joints treated with sealant.
  8. To restore lost shine to chrome surfaces, use special silver polish when washing. It creates a special protection for chrome.

If even the strongest detergents have not helped to get rid of stains, try using a 5-10% solution of citric or acetic acid.

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