How to wash a laminate and how to do it right?

Today, one of the most popular floor coverings is laminate, which is characterized by a relatively low price and excellent strength. This material does not require a special approach and has a fairly attractive appearance. In this article, we will tell you how to wash a laminate, and share recommendations for removing complex stains from its surface.

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How to wash floors without streaks?

Before deciding on the most suitable cleaning product, you should learn a little about the features of this flooring. Laminate is a wood board, which is covered with a special protective layer. It is due to this coating that the amazing gloss of the floor is provided. Following fairly simple recommendations and simple cleaning rules, caring for this coating will not be a problem for you.


In order to properly cope with the task of washing the laminate, during the cleaning process of such a floor covering, the use of cleaning products that can harm the coating should be excluded:


  • detergent compositions that contain abrasive substances;
  • products not intended for use on laminated surfaces;
  • chemical compounds that are intended for cleaning plumbing, tile or glass;
  • detergents for cleaning parquet;
  • stiff bristles and coarse fabric materials;
  • substances, which include mastic.


In order to clean floors from a laminate without stains, adhere to the following procedure:

  • Fill the bucket with clean water.
  • Add detergent to the container to achieve a slightly foamed consistency.
  • Moisten a soft cloth in solution and squeeze it until it is barely wet.
  • Clean the floor surface - first with a damp cloth, and then - with a dry and clean cloth, completely remove moisture from the surface of the coating.
  • Polish the laminate using a specially designed product that can be purchased at any household chemical store.
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Laminate detergents

Due to the constant growth in popularity of laminate flooring, the number of detergents offered by manufacturers is also increasing. However, there is not always the possibility and desire to use chemicals, and therefore people have found a lot of folk remedies for cleaning the floor covering.

Important! Cleaners specially formulated for laminate flooring are recommended to be used no more than once a month. And due to the active use of the floor, cleaning may be needed much more often. This observation is especially relevant if you have small children living in your apartment.


Among the formulations specially developed for cleaning the laminate, products from the following manufacturing companies are most effective:

  • Pledge
  • Tyron;
  • Glorix
  • Emsal;
  • Bugs;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Mister proper.

When choosing a means to wash the laminate, give preference only to trusted and well-known manufacturers, of which there is no doubt. Doubtful compositions can not only not give the desired effect, but also damage the coating, thereby delivering the owner a lot of additional trouble.

Important! When treating floors with chemicals, remember to observe safety precautions and the use of protective gloves. After cleaning, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with running water and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

Folk remedies

Special detergent compositions for the laminate usually have a fairly high cost, but it often happens that alternative methods are more effective and affordable. The easiest way to wash the laminate with the following means:

  • Children's shampoo is made from soft components, and therefore it will be absolutely safe not only for crumbs, but also for the laminated coating.
  • If stubborn stains have formed on your floor, then vinegar solution will help to cope with them. You can cook it in a ratio of 5 to 1, it will be optimal to add 1 cup of vinegar to 5 glasses of water and mix thoroughly.
  • If you are looking for a way to wash the laminate so that it shines at home, then the lemon-vinegar mixture will help you with the task. This product is prepared by mixing a glass of lemon juice with three containers of warm water and 2 glasses of vinegar. Stir the mixture thoroughly and add a drop of dishwashing detergent to it. This composition will not only help you clean the surface of the laminate, but also give it an amazing shine.


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Can a laminate be washed with a washing vacuum cleaner?

With the development of technology, more and more special electronics are appearing in our lives, the purpose of which is to maximize the ease of human life. A similar device is a washing vacuum cleaner. However, despite the convenience of this technique, before experimenting with flooring, you should analyze all the possible nuances. Only after that decide what to wash the laminate floor with and whether such a device is suitable for you specifically.

As you know, a laminate is afraid of moisture, and therefore may simply not tolerate prolonged wetting of the surface. Washing vacuum cleaners also work according to the following principle - spraying the cleaning solution on the floor surface and its gradual removal. This principle of cleaning can adversely affect the condition of the laminate and quickly render it unusable.

Important! Due to the existing dangers, standard models of washing vacuum cleaners are not recommended for use on a laminated surface. However, modern manufacturers have developed special models that are designed for cleaning this type of flooring.

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Useful Tips

To preserve the aesthetic appeal of a floor laminate as long as possible, the following practical cleaning recommendations may come in handy:

  • If you accidentally spilled anything on the surface of a laminate, then strive to immediately remove moisture from the floor.
  • To remove complex contaminants, you can use a window cleaner based on alcohol.
  • Always try to keep a broom and dustpan in the access area for cleaning large debris and dust from the surface of the laminate flooring.
  • Use a soft-broom broom during cleaning.
  • When cleaning the floor, use a special mop with a sponge.
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In this article we told you how to quickly and easily clean the laminate floor and what you might find useful. We hope that using our advice, you can keep your floors clean and shiny.


