How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home?

Upon the onset of warm pores, most housewives take up the general cleaning of apartments. Very many people get into a stupor the question of how to wash plastic windows and window sills at home. Dust from the street, drips after watering the flowers - all this accumulates during the year, and when it comes to getting rid of this dirt, some housewives take their heads and simply do not know what to do.
Each woman at home has a considerable amount of those means that can easily wash yellow traces of water flowing from flower pots, other spots. But not all household chemical products are suitable for any type of window sills. Some are suitable for corrugated, but others are suitable for porous. In each of these cases, you need to use completely different means with a completely different structure so as not to spoil the surface and quickly achieve the expected result. You will learn about how to properly and how to wash a plastic window sill from stains and dirt from this article.
to contents ↑How to remove stains from the windowsill?
Most often, when ordering and installing plastic windows from a certain company, its employees should tell in detail how and how to wash the plastic windowsill from stains and dirt. Or, a special detergent can be included. If there is no such tool, then you need to replace them with something.
In this situation, the following options are suitable for you.
Soap solution
- Take a soft sponge, such as the one you use for washing dishes.
- Apply a light soap solution on it, thoroughly wipe the entire contaminated surface.
- Finally, be sure to wipe with a sponge moistened with clean water and then with a dry cloth so as not to leave streaks at the end of the cleaning process.
The solution can be prepared by mixing water with laundry soap. Soap can be replaced with any detergent that you find in everyday life, but preferably without aggressively active substances such as chlorine. This method is suitable for light soiling.
Important! For more complex and severe contaminants, a dishwashing detergent is suitable. The disadvantage of this method is that the detergent perfectly removes almost any dirt, but is poorly washed from materials. In order to completely get rid of it, it’s worth a lot of work.
To wash the plastic window sill at home, washing powders are perfect - for both hand washing and “automatic” type:
- Take a moistened sponge (preferably the rough side).
- Pour some powder on the windowsill.
- First rub the stains directly, and then the entire surface.
Important! This method works best on laminated window sills..
Window Cleaners
This method is good because all window cleaning products are sold in spray bottles. Therefore, when using such a cleaner, it will not be able to fall into your hands, which means it will not damage the skin.
To apply such a tool and quickly wash the plastic window sill, it is enough:
- spray a small amount directly onto the surface;
- wipe the windowsill with a cloth - soft and preferably without lint;
- finally wipe with a clean rag to remove residual chemicals from the surface.
Important! The disadvantage of this method is that the microparticles of the liquid are easily atomized and enter the air.In turn, due to air, they appear on the mucous membrane and can cause irritation. Therefore, this method is not recommended for allergy sufferers.
An important nuance when choosing tools for washing plastic window sills can be called the choice of cleaning tools, that is, rags, sponges, brushes. Here it is necessary to take into account such subtleties:
- The most difficult and inaccessible place in the windowsill can be considered the gap under the frame. A huge amount of dust and dirt accumulates in this area. Therefore, simply wiping this place with a rag will be pointless, since the pollution will not be completely removed. For such hard-to-reach areas, a toothbrush is most often used. Its thin and thick bristles easily penetrate even the most difficult places and clean out all the dirt and dust.
- If you need to wash a plastic window sill with a smooth surface, then use a microfiber cloth or cotton rag. A sponge made of soft materials will do. This will prevent damage to the surface of the windowsill.
- Rough window sill can be washed with hard brushes. Only such a tool is able to quickly and easily clean all dirt from a window sill from a material with such a texture. But it is strictly forbidden to use metal scrapers - they will scratch and spoil the top cover of the windowsill, even if it is very thick and durable.
Chemicals to clean stains and rust from windows
It is not necessary to cover the entire apartment in search of one or another component for the manufacture of means for washing windows and window sills. Such chemical-based products have long been invented and are on store shelves. They are relatively inexpensive. But not every tool can boast of high efficiency.
So that you do not have to look for information on websites with reviews of various products that can be used to wash plastic windows and window sills at home, we offer an overview of the most popular products:
- Mr. Proper. This tool is universal, so it can be suitable not only for cleaning windows. It is useful for any surface in the house, even for plastic, which is considered to be the most sensitive. “Mr. Proper ”is in the form of a gel and powder. Which one to give preference to is up to you. But note, gels are more suitable for more delicate materials, and powders are also suitable for abrasion resistant materials.
Important! To use such a tool correctly:
- Take three tablespoons of powder or gel and dilute in five liters of water. This solution should be applied to the window sill with a cloth or brush that is suitable for the material of the window sill.
- Rinse thoroughly with the desired surface.
- Rinse off the window sill well with a paper towel or towel. If you do not do this, then the dust will fall much more often.
- Cillit Bang. It also very well removes any kind of dirt from plastic surfaces. This product is sold in spray bottles. They need to spray on the windowsill, rub with a cloth and leave for about 15 minutes. At this time, open the windows and leave the room to air, as the product has a very pungent odor. After time, rinse the windowsill with warm water. As in the past case, the product must be washed off very carefully.
- Sanita. If you are wondering how to wash a plastic window sill from stubborn stains, then this tool will suit you best. “Sanita” perfectly removes greasy stained spots that occur on the windowsills in the kitchen and any other dirt.
Important! The method of its application is also quite simple:
- Put detergent on the windowsill and leave for 15-20 minutes.
- This product also has a very strong odor, so it is recommended that you open the window during use.
- When the set time has passed, simply rinse off with plenty of warm water, and wipe the windowsill dry with a towel or napkin.
- Cosmofen10.This tool is very strong and removes stains and dirt of any type and complexity. It is also very toxic, so be sure to put gloves on your hands before use, and if possible, cover your mouth with a gauze bandage or respirator.
Important! Using this tool in order to wash plastic windows and window sills at home, adhere to these rules:
- Take a rag, sponge or brush.
- Put a little detergent on it and wipe the entire surface of the window sill. Be sure to open all windows to weather all odors and toxins.
- When you complete the procedure, rinse the windowsill several times with warm water. In no case should you neglect this procedure so as not to harm your health.
- Pemolux. This tool is good in that it is as gentle as possible and does absolutely no harm to you or the windowsill. It can be applied to the surface even without gloves. “Pemolux” is sold in tubes in the form of a cream, so you can apply it with a dry sponge on the spots that have arisen on the windowsill. If the procedure did not help, then repeat it again.
How to wash plastic window sills after repair?
Have you had a repair, after which you need to wash everything? Here are some recommendations on how to clean plastic windows and window sills from primers, paints and other building materials:
- To begin, remove all the stubs. It is in these places that the largest accumulation of dust.
- After that, you need to walk along the windowsill with a dry cloth or sweep away all the dust with a broom. Only then wipe the entire surface with a damp cloth.
- If spots of primer or paint remain on the windowsill, then apply detergent (any of the above) to them, leave for 15-20 minutes and after this time rub the hard side of the sponge. After this procedure, rinse the windowsill thoroughly with water and wipe dry with a tissue.
- You can easily get rid of the mounting foam by wiping the surface with a brush with hard and thick villi. You can use a toothbrush. If the building mixture has long been seized, buy a special wash of mounting foam in any hardware store.
to contents ↑Important! After carrying out all the above procedures, rinse the windowsill with a copious amount of warm water, to which you can add a little diluted laundry soap.
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Take care and keep your windows and window sills clean. Then they will always shine and delight your eye, and you will have to spend less time on cleaning stubborn dirt.
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