How to wash the primer from the glass?

Repair is always a pleasant event, because we update the interior, the house plays with new colors, sensations. But since this process is far from perfect cleanliness, measures to prevent pollution of finished structures, furniture are the most important part, which is often forgotten. It also happens that during repair work the primer gets onto windows, tiles, floors or other smooth surfaces, and in the future it is very difficult to remove. Of course, almost impossible things never happen, therefore, in this article we will tell you how to wash the primer from glass without harming the surface being cleaned.

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Why is primer necessary?

Soil is called a material for construction, used to increase the adhesion of plaster and further finishing. If you neglect its use, then the walls will crack heavily in the future, and the wallpaper glued to them will fall off. That is why experienced building repairmen recommend using a primer before finishing - painting, wallpapering, applying decorative plaster.

Important! It should be noted that the material used must have a certificate of quality so that the user is convinced of the effectiveness of the primer.

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How to protect various surfaces from unwanted dirt?

No matter how easy the process of processing walls with such material may seem, the probability of contamination of unwanted surfaces will always be great. Even a master with vast experience almost always stains the floor, glass, tiles and other difficult to clean surfaces.

Important! Please note that if such contaminants are not washed immediately, then in the future you will need to work very well.

In order not to wash the primer from the glass, it is necessary to take care of its further safety and cleanliness before the repair itself. To do this, you must adhere to the following tips during the entire procedure for processing walls:

  • Cover all surfaces with plastic wrap. In this case, there is no need to regret the material, otherwise - you will have to spend money on new things because of a few drops of dried soil. Joints should be glued with tape.
  • In addition, you need to take care of yourself and protect yourself from possible allergies. To protect yourself and your clothes, be sure to work in a mask and overalls.

Important! We also recommend that you regularly ventilate the room in which the process of priming the walls is carried out by you, because the material leaves an unpleasant pungent odor that can harm the respiratory tract.

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We remove the soil from different materials

Did you find any ground stains after the repair? In this section we will talk about how to wipe off the primer from glass, tile, plastic and linoleum.

Important! Please note that the method of cleaning one surface is not suitable for cleaning another. Each material requires special care, and washing them is also different.

We clean linoleum

The spots that appear on linoleum are best washed off immediately. If suddenly you did not notice them immediately, you must follow this instruction in the future:

  1. Dampen contamination with water first.
  2. Cover it with a cloth moistened with water and leave it in this position for three hours. During this time, the soil should soften well.
  3. Then you can erase the dirt using an abrasive sponge.
  4. Dry the clean floor with a rag.

Tile cleaning

What to do if the primer gets on an expensive tile or tile? In order to eliminate stains from the tiles, you must arm yourself with the following items:

  • Favorite tile / tile cleaners.
  • Scraper.
  • Soda.
  • The essence of vinegar.
  • Rags.

If suddenly the soil is already deeply absorbed into the material, then the pollution can be removed using it. To do this, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Dampen the spot with a diluted primer so that it swells and softens.
  2. Wipe off dirt with a regular cloth.
  3. The treated area must be treated using a wet abrasive sponge.

Important! Such spots can not be removed instantly, so you should not throw everything after the first unsuccessful attempt.

If the spot is so eaten into the tile that our advice did not help you, try using the scraper you prepared. It will help get rid of unwanted material by cutting it into small pieces.

Important! Do not forget to first wet the surface with water. When the scraper can no longer cut soil, set aside the tool, arm yourself with a sponge and detergent, and gently wipe the tile.

Clean the glass

Washing glass from such contaminants is much more difficult than other materials. In order to wash the primer from the glass, you must use some kind of detergent from the following options:

  • Water.
  • White alcohol or other solvent.
  • Special detergent.
  • Soda.
  • A sharp blade or scraper.
  • Acetic essence.
  • Abrasive sponge.
  • Rag.

Important! You need to choose the right material from the above. To do this, pay attention to the composition of your soil and the nature of the pollution.

Consider the main method of cleaning windows from priming. To wipe off the primer from the glass at home, you must follow our tips:

  • If the pollution has formed recently and has not yet dried, you can simply drench a soft sponge with plenty of water and wipe the window.
  • If the stain has already hardened, try the same way as in the method with tiles, wipe it with the same primer. The stain also softens and can be wiped off with a rag.
  • If the method above did not help, try scrubbing the soil with a scraper or blade. Be careful: scrape in one direction and do not press on the glass to avoid scratches.
  • If everything is so bad that you cannot scrape off the surface, use special cleaning products to clean the windows. Use low foaming formulations. They should be diluted in a ratio of 10 ml of the composition per 1 liter of cool water.
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It is not always very easy to remove contamination after repair using soil. However, if you protect all surfaces and wipe away the stain that just appeared on it in time, then you can simplify the task tens of times. In this article, we told you about how to wash the primer from glass after repair, which means that we have armed you with the most useful knowledge.

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