How to wash plastic windows from dirt?

What used to be so unusual and exotic, and now it has become commonplace in almost any home, these are PVC windows - beautiful, white, modern, with a bunch of convenient options. But like any other products, they also need to be washed. How to wash plastic windows from dirt so that they last as long as possible, you will learn in this review.

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Tools and Tools

Washing plastic windows so that it is not a burden for you, but pleasure is easy. It is only necessary to have all the necessary devices for this matter.


  • A bowl or bucket for water.
  • Microfiber cloths or any other soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Screed.
  • Newspapers.


Important! You need several rags and two containers for water, because PVC and glass are washed in different ways and means.


  • Soap (regular or liquid) or a professional tool for washing plastic frames from any reliable manufacturer.
  • Glass washing liquid.
  • Tool for cleaning accessories.
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How to wash plastic windows?

To properly clean plastic windows, you first need to determine the degree of contamination. This will help you find the right tools. The difference can be significant in different cases. For example:

  1. When the design is just installed, you need to remove the protective film from it and just wash it.
  2. If you wash profiles and internal inserts after repair, then you need to “scan” the surface for stains from paint, cement and, if there are such contaminants, then wash more thoroughly, and this is another technology.

Important! If your windows are on the sunny side of the house, then choose cloudy weather for washing. On sunny days, the rays mercilessly scorch and very quickly dry your washed glass, as a result of which stains cannot be avoided.

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We wash the windows

Depending on the state of the surface of the structures, the pattern of your actions will be slightly different. The easiest way to achieve a quality result is to follow the suggestions below.

After installation

How to wash plastic windows at home immediately after installation? Do not rush to grab rags and cleaners. Proceed as follows:

  1. First, remove the protective film, because it is only needed so as not to damage the structure during installation.

Important! Do not save it, as the longer it stays on the surfaces, the more difficult it will be to remove, and after a few days it will be literally soldered to the profile.

  1. Then proceed with cleaning the profile: clean the PVC with a neutral soap solution or a plastic frame cleaner and use a glass cleaner to clean the corresponding surface.

Important! When washing the entire product, follow a certain, proven over the years, order:

  • Frames.
  • Glass.
  • Windowsill.

Routine cleaning

To clean plastic windows during regular routine cleaning, use mild cleaning products. From ordinary dust and drips of PVC, wash surfaces with a neutral soap solution or a special detergent for cleaning plastic frames.

Important! Do not clean the plastic with abrasive powders, solvents, acids and products containing a large percentage of alkali - this is all harmful to the plastic. Also, do not use hard sponges and brushes, only soft rags.

The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. Take a dishwashing detergent or make a neutral solution of soap in water (as an option, dishwashing detergents).
  2. Dampen a cloth in it and wipe the frame.
  3. Dry with microfiber or another soft cloth.
  4. Wipe dry after that.
  5. If you still have a protective film, leave the plastic frame cleaner for a while, then rinse off.

Wash the glass surface

What is the best wash glass windows? The simplest solution is glass and mirror cleaning liquids, which you can buy at any household chemical store. Glass cleaning procedure:

  1. Wash off the main dirt.
  2. Finish cleaning with a special spray, rubbing the surface to a shine.

Basic Rules:


  1. The glasses are washed from top to bottom - it’s more convenient and logical to do this, because the dirt will be washed down. Otherwise, it will remain on the surface.
  2. At the first stage, when you wash dust and dirt from the glass, use rags. Then it will not be necessary to apply a lot of money, still it will be more economical for you.
  3. Then apply liquid for glass surfaces, wipe with a dry soft cloth, in a circular motion, and preferably with a screed, in straight lines from top to bottom.
  4. To top it off - rub the surface with newspapers, kitchen napkins or toilet paper - for shine.

Folk cleaning glass:

  1. Dishwashing detergent is suitable in order to wash away dirt from the glass, if you do not have at hand a special liquid. Dilute a little detergent in a bowl of water, whisk until foam and walk along the surface with foam.
  2. Vinegar is a centuries-old method. For 1 liter of water you need only three to four tablespoons of vinegar. Soak a soft rag in this solution, moisten the glass and let it sit for 5-7 minutes, then wipe it dry and rub the surface with paper.

Important! Do not wash, but wipe your glass, that is, squeeze the rags. This will save you from wiping away smudges.

We wash the windows after repair

How to wash plastic windows if after repair plastic and glass remain whitewash, cement, glue and other resistant substances? This will help only chemical special products designed specifically for such purposes:

  1. Stains and drops from glasses will wipe away special solvents based on organic matter.
  2. If there are scratches on the PVC, a plastic polish will help to hide them.

Further mine in the usual manner.

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Useful Tips:

  1. To preserve the cleanliness of the glasses, you can apply an invisible film to them. This will help you with a mixture of a tablespoon of water, two tablespoons of glycerin and a few drops of ammonia, which you just rub the glass surface immediately after cleaning.
  2. If you started a repair, then immediately secure your frames. Just cover them with newspapers.
  3. Have a screed on hand with a long handle to wash windows outside without leaving stains there.
  4. Be sure to lubricate the fittings as soon as the structure has dried after washing.
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As you understand, washing PVC windows is not so difficult if you have everything you need at hand and apply it as intended. Let your apartment shine and always be filled with light coming from clean windows.

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