How to wash plastic panels in the bathroom?

How to wash plastic panels in the bathroom and in the kitchen? - Many housewives ask such a question when the time comes for general cleaning. After the renovation in the bathroom and in the kitchen, the new plastic panels fit beautifully and harmoniously into the updated interior. But during operation, they are prone to contamination. In order to maintain a neat, clean appearance, and most importantly, not to spoil the panels, you should approach this issue with particular seriousness. Not every cleaning agent is equally suitable for washing such materials. Before talking about cleaning powders, let's figure out what is plastic and panels made of it.

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What is a plastic panel?

Today, plastic is one of the most common materials. It is used for walls and ceilings, for the manufacture of window frames and various decorative elements. And this is only mentioned in the construction industry. Its widespread use is due to the fact that plastic is quite unpretentious material and has a number of positive qualities.


The advantages of plastic:

  • Not afraid of moisture. Therefore, it can be safely used for rooms with high humidity, for example, for decorating a bathroom.
  • Frost resistant. It withstands temperature extremes, which allows it to be used for exterior decoration.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress, acids and alkalis.
  • It has a long service life.
  • It is an environmentally friendly material.

Important! Despite a number of positive qualities, plastic is not recommended to be washed with hot water and treated with products containing acids or abrasive substances.

Varieties of polymer panels

The store offers a wide range of choices of panels of various price and quality. Before deciding how to wash the plastic panels in the bathroom, it is very important to determine what kind of decorative material installed in your home belongs to. This will help you choose the best cleaning option.

PVC panels are produced in two types:

  1. Laminated. In manufacture, a shiny film is applied to the surface of the plastic. Thanks to it, the panel has high strength, looks elegant in the interior and is easy to wash.
  2. Unlaminated. The surface of this panel has a matte structure, so cleaning is carried out using the “dry” method, using a vacuum cleaner and a slightly damp cloth.

Important! Unlaminated panels are not recommended for installation in the kitchen. The matte surface can permanently deteriorate if greasy stains and oily components get in.

PVC surfaces are plain and with different patterns. A wide range of colors will allow you to choose the goods for every taste, for any interior. The drawing is applied by printing and additionally covered with a protective layer of varnish. The result is a matte or glossy surface.

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Wash the plastic panel. Preparation for work

Before washing plastic panels in the bathroom or in the kitchen, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Remove paintings, lamps, shelves, and other foreign objects from the surface to be cleaned.
  2. Clean the seams between the panels with a rubber spatula.

Important! Do not use metal sponges to clean PVC surfaces. They can scratch and damage it.

  1. For cleaning, prepare soft, lint-free sponges and rags made of cotton, fleece or flannel.
  2. Panel wash water should not be higher than 40 degrees.
  3. Use liquid or gel cleaners.

Important! Powdered cleaning products are not suitable for PVC panels. They form microcracks on which fungus can subsequently form and dust settle.

  1. Before wet cleaning, check the cleaning solution in an inconspicuous place. If there is no reaction, feel free to clean up.

Important! The presence of certain chemical elements, acids, and abrasives in the detergent may affect the integrity of the polymer coating.

  1. After cleaning, rinse all products from the panel with plenty of clean, cold water, in order to avoid plastic deformation and possible allergic reactions.

Important! Always use personal protective equipment when in contact with chemical cleaners and detergents. Remember to wear gloves before washing plastic panels in the bathroom.

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How to wash plastic panels in the kitchen? - Tools at hand

Detergents that are on sale will very well clean the PVC panel in just a couple of minutes. But it should be remembered that a large amount of chemistry is part of such a detergent. If you prefer effective detergents made from natural ingredients, you can prepare them at home. Thus, with small financial costs, you will get an excellent result and you can quickly wash the plastic panels in the kitchen.


Soap + Citric Acid + Alcohol

The soapy solution will perfectly remove stubborn grease and other impurities, and relieve dust from plastic surfaces.

Mode of application:

  1. Take a dishwashing detergent or baby soap and dilute a small amount in warm water.
  2. In the resulting liquid, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid and 5 ml of alcohol, mix until a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Moisten a soft sponge in the solution and wipe the PVC panel.

Important! In order not to form streaks of divorce, the plastic panels in the kitchen should be washed in circular motions.

  1. Finally, wipe the panel with a sponge dampened in clean water.


Since ancient times, soda has been used as a cleaning agent, which gives very good results. It can also be used to clean plastic. With soda, you get rid of dirt and colorful stains on kitchen surfaces.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix soda with water until gruel.
  2. Wipe off the dirt with the mixture. If the surface is very dirty, leave the mass on it for a couple of hours.
  3. Remove contaminated soda with a soft cloth dampened with clean water.

Important! To avoid scratching the surface, do not rub the soda into the plastic.

Vinegar or Vodka

To remove traces of fat from the panel, nothing can do better than vinegar or vodka. Moreover, such products are always in the kitchen cabinets.

Mode of application:

  1. Dampen a soft cloth with a little vinegar or vodka and wipe the surface.
  2. Rinse with cold water.

Important! On color panels with a pattern, use vinegar diluted with water, at least in a 1: 3 ratio.


The ammonia solution will perfectly clean the frames, window sills and polymer surfaces. It will easily remove dirt and add gloss to the coating.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix ammonia with water in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of water.
  2. Dampen a cloth and wipe the plastic.
  3. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.

Melamine sponge

This kind of thing is very easy to use. It is suitable for cleaning all surfaces. The sponge will help to remove dirt, stains after washing, limescale in the bathroom, traces of the marker and ink without much effort.

Mode of application:

  1. Moisten a sponge in water and wipe the contaminated area.

Important! On varnished surfaces, gently wipe off dirt to prevent damage to the coating.

  1. In dry form, it can be used as an eraser. In order not to spoil the sponge, treat the dirt with a corner or a small part of it.
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Professional cleaning products

How to wash plastic panels, if there is no desire to mess with cooking detergent at home? A PVC product care product can be easily purchased at any household chemical store. With their help, the issue of cleaning panels will be solved very quickly.

Important! Before using an industrial product, be sure to read its instructions and composition. Remember that abrasives and acid will adversely affect plastic.

Liquid universal remedies

For cleaning, dilute the purchased product according to the instructions. Get only high-quality and reliable products of trusted brands.


Amway brand universal cleaner is suitable for cleaning all surfaces, including plastic panels. It will help to remove impurities in a quality and effortless manner. Amway is also known for producing environmentally friendly, non-allergenic products.

Mode of application:

  1. Means, in an amount of 30 ml, dilute in five liters of water.
  2. Treat a contaminated surface.
  3. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.


Mr.Proper or Mr. Muscle

The universal tool for floor and walls Mr.Proper or Mr.Muscle is perfect if you need to decide how to wash plastic panels in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If you need to wash a bath or kitchen from nicotine, these products will help you. Liquids with different odors are produced that quickly disappear. When using a colored preparation, they do not leave traces on a white surface, remove impurities without leaving stains and do not require rinsing with water.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute the washing liquid with cold water according to the instructions.
  2. Apply to the surface with a soft cloth.
  3. Rinse with clean water if desired.

Cif cream

Cif cream is a cream-based cleanser. It perfectly removes complex dirt and limescale. Thanks to the cream base, it does not leave stains and does not scratch the surface.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply to plastic with a soft cloth. For very dirty panels, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Rinse the treated area with water.

Glorix Spray

Excellent in its action universal spray for the care of plastic panels. Thanks to the components that are part of the composition, it has disinfecting properties and combats the appearance of mold.

Mode of application:

  1. Spray the surface and wipe with a damp sponge.
  2. Rinse off the cleaned surface with water.
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How to wash plastic panels on the ceiling?

Special attention should be paid to cleaning the ceiling. First of all, specify what material was used to finish the ceiling.

Important! For non-laminated plastic, only dry cleaning is suitable..

Causes of ceiling pollution:

  • In case of flooding the apartment, dirty water comes out through the plastic, and when it dries, red dirty spots form.
  • Soot. If the hood does not work well in the kitchen, then all the fumes and fats from the stove settle on the ceiling.
  • Precipitation. If you are the owner of housing on the top last floor of a multi-storey building, the roof of which has poor coverage, then during rain or snow melt, there is a high probability of dirty spots on the ceiling.
  • Evaporation. When hot water evaporates in the bathroom and in the kitchen, plaque may form.
  • Insects. In the summer, flies and mosquitoes can sit on the ceiling, leaving behind black dots.


Preparatory work

Before washing plastic panels on the ceiling, prepare the following items:

  • Special mop for washing the ceiling. You can buy it at a hardware store.
  • Soft rag that absorbs water well.
  • Foam for wiping moisture at the joints.
  • Bucket or basin for water.
  • Detergent. His choice depends on the type of ceiling surface.
  • Table or stepladder.

The process of cleaning the ceiling with PVC coating:

  1. Soiling solution on the ceiling is excellent for soap solution. To do this, take a dishwashing detergent and dilute it in a proportion of 100 grams per 3 liters of water.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove spider webs. If the cobweb gets into the cleaning solution, its small particles can scratch the coating.
  3. Using a soft furniture brush, soft cloth, or special mop, apply soapy water to the ceiling to soften the dirt.
  4. Clean the surface in small areas, preventing the product from drying out.
  5. Using foam rubber, collect residual moisture at the joints.
  6. Wipe the ceiling dry with a clean rag.
  7. If your white ceiling turns yellow from time to time, you can try to clean it with chlorine.

Important! Before using a chlorine-containing solution, try it in an inconspicuous place to make sure that this product does not damage the coating. If there is no reaction, prepare the following solution: add 10 tablespoons of bleach to 10 liters of water. Wear rubber gloves when handling the ceiling. After cleaning, rinse off the surface with cold water.

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Proper bath care

Cleaning the bathroom requires a lot of time, because plastic panels or tiles very quickly lose their original appearance and beauty. Under the influence of steam and various shower gels, the surfaces in the bathroom are overgrown with limescale, drips, and sometimes fungus, form. With the help of cleaning products, which can always be found in household goods, or special products from the store, such problems are solved in an instant.

How to clean tiles from limescale?

As a rule, limescale is more noticeable on plumbing. This does not mean that it is not on the PVC panel or on the tile. Just like plumbing, tile needs to be cleaned. Unfortunately, it will not work to cope with lime by ordinary cleaning. To do this, use one of the proven methods.

Method number 1:

  1. Mix soda with water until gruel forms.
  2. Apply the mixture to the surface and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with cold water over time.
  4. To give shine to materials, wipe them at the final stage of cleaning with ammonia.

Method number 2:

  1. Take 50 ml of acetone and mix with starch until gruel.
  2. Apply to the surface and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse the composition with clean water at the indicated time.

Important! This method is more suitable for enameled, chrome and nickel-plated surfaces.

Method number 3:

To clean the limescale, you can use orange peel or potato peel.

  1. Rub soiled parts with orange peels or potato peels.
  2. Let stand until completely dry.
  3. Rinse with clean water.
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How to clean a tile floor correctly?

The floor collects dust and dirt more intensively than any other surfaces. Bacteria on it develop faster. Therefore, the floor surface should be washed more often, and in addition to a simple wet cleaning, disinfection is also needed. To do this, prepare simple means.

Recipe number 1:

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of soda and the same amount of salt.
  2. Add 100 ml of alcohol to the mixture and mix everything with 4 liters of water.
  3. Process the floor with the resulting solution.
  4. After drying, wipe the surface with a cloth moistened with clean water.

Recipe number 2:

  1. To prepare the next solution, take 3 tablespoons of citric acid and 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
  2. Mix all ingredients with 4 liters of water.
  3. Wash the floor with the resulting liquid.
  4. After drying, wipe with a cloth dampened with clean water.
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Now that you know all the secrets of how to wash plastic panels in the bathroom and in the kitchen, plastic walls, floor and ceiling will retain their shine and beauty for a long time, as well as your excellent mood.

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