How to wipe tape from furniture?

Adhesive tape is a useful and necessary invention for everyone, without which it is difficult to manage both in production and in everyday life. The adhesive tape has many advantages, but there is one significant drawback - when it is removed, sticky, hard to remove traces remain on the surface. In this article we will tell you how to wipe adhesive tape from furniture and other products without losing their external attractiveness.

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How can I clean various surfaces?

You can clean the traces of adhesive tape from furniture, glass and plastic surfaces with the help of improvised tools and substances that can be found in almost every home. For cleaning, you may need the following:

  • stationery eraser;
  • petrol;
  • hair dryer;
  • vegetable oil;
  • alcohol;
  • vinegar;
  • acetone;
  • means for washing glass surfaces.

Important! Each of these funds is not universal, and therefore may have its drawbacks and side effects.

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How to wipe traces of tape on furniture?

How to remove traces of tape from furniture and not damage it? There are several ways to solve this problem, each of which is quite effective:

  1. Glue stains can be easily removed with polished and lacquered furniture with gasoline or white spirit thinner. However, these substances can leave spots, plus a persistent unpleasant odor remains after their use.
  2. A safe way for furniture is to heat with a hairdryer. After heating, the stained area is thoroughly wiped with a swab dipped abundantly in vegetable oil. Oil is washed off the furniture using ordinary household soap, which does not harm the coating, leaves no scuffs or marks.

Important! To remove glue, without making special efforts, you can buy any essential oil bought in a pharmacy. It violates the adhesive properties of the material and contributes to its easy removal. We wet the napkin and carefully wipe the sticky traces, and the oil that remains on the surface of the furniture simply disappears under the influence of oxygen.

  1. Using hot water with soapy water is the easiest way to wipe the tape from furniture. The dishwashing liquid is foamed in hot water and applied to an sticky place. After a few minutes, the remnants of the adhesive tape are easily removed, and the surface is dried with a dry cloth.
  2. To remove traces of tape from upholstered furniture, you can use acetone. They are moistened with the upholstery, wiped with a rag, which was previously moistened with soapy water, then dried with a piece of dry cloth.
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Removing adhesive tape from plastic surfaces

It may be necessary to remove traces of adhesive tape on plastic when buying a new refrigerator or other household appliances. To solve this problem, use one of the following methods:

  1. Fine remedies are refined gasoline and white spirit. A cotton swab is moistened in a solvent and gently wiping the sticky place with it. It is recommended to pre-test the action of the solvent in a small area of ​​plastic.
  2. You can remove adhesive tape from plastic using dishwashing gel or vegetable oil.
  3. A regular stationery eraser will also help wipe off the glue, but for this you will have to make a lot of effort and patience.

Important! Regular baking soda can also help solve the problem.A small amount of water is mixed with soda until a pulp is obtained, put it on a sponge and carefully wipe the stains. After that, the surface is washed with clean water and dried.

  1. Also, a hard plastic surface can be cleaned with detergent.
  2. Remains of masking tape from household appliances will help remove special powders and liquids.
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Removing tape from the glass

Some mistresses seal the cracks in the windows with adhesive tape during the onset of winter, and when the onset of spring, they cannot completely remove traces of glue from the glass.

The most affordable and simplest tool is a wiper, which is applied to the contaminated area and left for a while. Softened traces of glue can be removed from the glass surface with soft paper.

Important! You can remove the remaining trace of adhesive tape from the glass with alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover. Such products will not damage the glass, and the smell left by them will quickly disappear.

A great tool that will allow you to remove glue from the glass is universal technical aerosols. Now in stores you can buy an effective special tool “For removing labels”, which will help you perfectly cope with the remnants of adhesive tape.

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How to remove glue from adhesive tape from clothes?

Remove traces of tape from clothing with alcohol, acetone or gasoline. A cotton swab is moistened with a solvent and thoroughly wiped with a dirty place.

Important! If the stain did not work out the first time, the cleaning procedure is repeated until the pollution disappears completely. After removing the glue, clothes should be washed with any detergent.

Before cleaning things, you need to look at all the tags and labels on your clothes, so as not to harm the fabrics with chemicals.

Important! When you used all available means, and the trace from the adhesive tape still remained, you can try to get rid of it with the same adhesive tape. To achieve the highest quality result, a piece of adhesive tape is glued on top of the dirt and sharply torn off.

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In this article, you have familiarized yourself with the list of tools and methods to wipe adhesive tape from furniture, glass, plastic, clothes. This means that no matter what problem you may encounter after applying the adhesive tape, you will quickly and easily solve it.


