How to wipe adhesive tape from plastic?

Adhesive tape or simply scotch tape has become an indispensable thing for many, and for a long time. But gluing it with everything and everything, we often do not think about how then, and how to wipe off the glue from the adhesive tape, which has hardened to death on the surface. In the production of this adhesive tape, only one adhesive is used - based on acrylic. Therefore, despite the manufacturer, the component is the same everywhere. Now that we know what kind of glue is, the methods for cleaning it vary only by the type of surface: plastic, wood, glass, etc.
to contents ↑How to wash tape from plastic?
Plastic is perhaps the most common material in everyday life. Starting from children's toys and ending with dishes and even furniture. Of course, the glue on the tape adheres to it perfectly. It looks, say, unsympathetic, and picking up a thing that is replete with sticky spots that stick to your fingers unpleasantly is also not very comfortable. How to wipe adhesive tape from plastic? - A frequent question in such cases.
Before deciding how to wash the adhesive from adhesive tape with plastic, you need to understand what the quality of the material itself is. There is plastic that can withstand a nuclear explosion, and there is one that is scary to rub with a washcloth. Of course, these are all exaggerations, but the essence is clear. The second factor that plays an important role is how old these sticky marks are.
So, all the means suitable for this purpose are folk, proven by experience. Therefore, just choose a more gentle or more coarse and effective, depending on the type of your plastic surface.
- Eraser for erasing a pencil (eraser);
- Lean oil;
- Hair dryer for drying hair;
- Common solvent (white spirit or acetone);
- Petrol;
- Glass rubbing agent;
- Scotch;
- Your finger.
One of the simplest methods is mechanical scratching of acrylic adhesive with your own finger, or more precisely, with a fingernail.
How to remove traces of scotch tape with tape - remove from the discharge like the like. That is, to the place where there were sticky marks, stick a new adhesive tape, press it down well and pull it with a sharp movement. Women who do waxing at home are familiar with these movements. Let's move on to more complex and previously unknown options for removing “stickiness” from plastic and PVC.
Vegetable oil
Surprisingly, the acrylic composition dissolves when exposed to fat. Anyone. Animal fat is not recommended only for those reasons that its use is more problematic - you must first melt it.
How to apply such a tool to wipe the glue from adhesive tape with plastic:
- Pour oil directly onto the stain and wait a few hours.
- If you don’t feel like it so radically - on a cloth and, again, on a stain, as you understand, for several hours.
The substance completely loses its adhering properties and can be easily erased with a dry cloth. Then wash the plastic after the procedure with something washing to remove the fat.
Important! The method is not suitable for places where it is difficult to rinse with fat afterwards.
How to clear traces of scotch tape with an eraser on hand is pretty simple. The method is safe for all types of plastic.
You need:
- Just rub the traces of masking tape until they peel off.
- After working with an elastic band, you just need to wipe the surface with a damp soft cloth, and you're done.
This method is suitable even for very, very old pollution.“Zatirachka”, as schoolchildren often say on the eraser, is truly a magical item that removes even perennial stains from adhesive tape.
Important! Look for another option to remove acrylic adhesive if you have a large affected area. Otherwise, then you will have to walk with a “fit” in the muscles of your strained hands, that is, you will exert considerable strength. As well as time and patience.
Just the perfect way to wash the adhesive tape from plastic is to wipe it with a solvent, because acrylic is easily amenable to these substances:
- Moisten a cotton pad or a piece of cotton with any solvent available in the house, whether it is white spirit, acetone or gasoline (best of all, one for refueling lighters).
- Wipe sticky deposits from the surface.
- Then just rinse the plastic with detergent.
Important! Painted plastic runs the risk of being without a top coat of paint after such exposure. That is, brightened spots will remain on the surface. In order to understand how this method is suitable in your case, apply the product first on some piece of material hidden from the eyes, and then, if the paint does not erase, erase adhesive traces.
Hair dryer
Old plaque after scotch tape will help remove hot air, at home it’s a hairdryer. From exposure to this temperature, the dried substance will dissolve and can be removed with other cleaning agents. Plus - hot air is simply necessary to remove traces after double-sided tape, because this glue contains not only acrylic, but also foam with rubber.
Important! Again, check your plastic for durability in some unseen public place, and then use (or do not use) this option.
Glass Cleaner
This option is suitable for removing sticky material not only from glass, but also from plastic. Works with newly formed traces - do not apply to old ones.
Your actions:
- Spray on stain tape.
- Wait a few minutes.
- After - wipe with a dry cloth or napkin.
Remove sticky traces from furniture
People transport furniture, fixing the opening parts of the products with tape, not thinking about the consequences. Then, after arranging the interior items in the house, their question is occupied with the question of how to remove traces of adhesive tape from furniture so as not to harm its appearance. Let's talk about several options.
Method 1
The same vegetable fat. Work as described above in the section on plastic.
Important! Do not use oil for untreated wood. Fat will absorb and leave ugly spots. Therefore, use solvents previously known for their beneficial properties. Alcohol is also suitable: ammonia or ordinary, but work quickly.
Method 2
The “stickiness” of small diameter will be removed, again, by the eraser.
Method 3
Treat large volumes with hot air (hair dryer). Then wipe off any adhesive tape with solvent.
to contents ↑Important! The furniture opened with varnish will have to be varnished again. From exposure to high temperature, varnishing swells and loses its luster.
Household appliances, glass and other surfaces
How to clean traces of tape, for example, from the refrigerator or stove? The best option, of course, is to ask the equipment packers to remove all the stickers directly on the spot when you buy the unit.
Important! They are removed in stores with a special tool - WD-40 aerosol. This is a universal composition designed specifically for such purposes. By the way, you can also purchase it and use it at home. On the packaging it says: “To remove labels.” You can also use it to scrape away traces of tape.
From folk remedies, vinegar, acetone, alcohol and a glass cleaner will help you cope with the task. Solvents and alcohols act in the same way as in the methods applicable for plastic, and with vinegar and glass cleaner - soak first, then wash with a dry cloth.
Wash the adhesive tape with the same compounds and from such coatings as tiles, ceramics, mirrors.
Glass cleaning
Glass is a durable material, which is not afraid of any substances, so do not particularly wonder what to wipe the glue from the tape. All the previously described methods are suitable here. We will pay a little more attention to the traces after the double-sided adhesive tape, namely to some nuances:
- such spots must first be soaked;
- obsolete - warm with hot air.
That is the whole difference.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use solvents to clean tinted windows.
Additional tips
If the sticky mass remains on linoleum, it will help to remove the drill. Typically, this method is used to remove any dried-on residues of foam, glue and other substances. You simply put a rubber nozzle on a drill and carefully process surfaces.
to contents ↑Stock footage
For a long time, special liquids and pencils have been sold in construction stores for cleaning surfaces from adhesive deposits. Without further ado, you can go and buy a similar product that will help to erase traces of adhesive tape from plastic and any other surface. Well, if you don’t want to spend money on the purchase of such chemistry, you already know the whole list of available folk methods.
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