How to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen?

The kitchen is one of the most visited rooms in the apartment or house, which requires daily care, cleaning, cleaning and other hygiene procedures. What is most unpleasant - even if you spend time every day cleaning the countertops, tiles, headset, you still have to at one fine moment completely thoroughly tear off all surfaces. And if you need to clean it from a multi-day raid, when the daily cleaning was pushed to the second, third or more distant plan, it is very difficult. In this article we will tell you how to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen at home.

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How to choose a cleaning agent?

Each housewife faced a similar task, because there is not always the strength and time to thoroughly clean the kitchen surface immediately after contamination, and stains from grease very quickly turn into a persistent, heavily washed away coating.

Kitchen sets have at least three different types of surface coating, each of which requires an individual approach. It is necessary to choose a cleaning agent, based on the material of furniture manufacturing, since chemical and mechanical effects can leave negative consequences on a particular material.

The use of caustic cleaning powder will help to instantly clean a dirty kitchen surface. However, it can leave scratches on the glossy headset and over time the product will become unusable. Therefore, before buying and choosing a product, you must determine the material from which your kitchen set is made.

Important! The detergent packaging always contains instructions for use and it is written for which surfaces it is intended.

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Features of household chemicals

In order not to harm the surface being cleaned, the product must be applied in advance with warm water. After a few minutes, you just need to wipe the headset without risking scuffs or scratches on it.

Important! Care should be taken to furniture made of cheap materials or fiberboard, which can be saturated with moisture and swell. Such processing can ruin them.

If you purchased a new, unknown product for washing fat from the headset, then it is better to check its effect on an inconspicuous small piece of furniture.

Important! For each surface, individual means should be selected. All work must be carried out with gloves, thoroughly rinse the surface with water after processing and ventilate the kitchen.

To clean vertical kitchen surfaces, it is better to use a spray or gel composition. So you can avoid its runoff and control the intensity of the application.

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Folk remedies for all surfaces

How and how to wash wooden facades in the kitchen? Our grandmothers practically did not use chemical detergents for kitchens, but their rooms were always clean and attractive.

When thinking about how to wash grease in kitchen cabinets, pay attention to the following remedies:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • lemon and its zest;
  • acetic and malic acid;
  • vodka and alcohol;
  • mustard powder.

The use of soda or mustard

Before you start using, you need to moisten the panels of kitchen furniture with a hot water to soak them. The cleaning process itself is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Apply soda or mustard to the sponge.
  2. Gently clean the contaminated area from stains of grease.
  3. Wipe the surface with clean water to remove any residual product.

Important! If the surface is very dirty, then you won’t be able to remove the plaque immediately, and therefore you will have to make some efforts to clean it.

To clean strong and old pollution:

  • Make a slurry of water and soda.
  • Apply it to greasy spots and wait a bit.
  • For best effect, you can add acetic or citric acid.chem-myt-mebel

The use of lemon zest

To clean the surface with lemon, follow the instructions below:

  1. Make tincture of lemon zest with vinegar.
  2. Carry out cleaning with a sponge moistened in the resulting composition.

Important! An excellent result is obtained, the advantage of which is a pleasant citrus aroma.

Vodka and Vinegar

The following recipe is suitable for cleaning any surface, including to clean glossy and unprocessed wooden furniture in the kitchen:

  1. In a glass of water, mix vodka and vinegar evenly.
  2. Add a couple drops of any essential oil.
  3. The resulting liquid is poured into a container with a spray and irrigated contaminated surfaces with this composition.
  4. Gently wipe the surface with a clean sponge.
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Cleaning wooden furniture

Oily stains can be washed off with a solid wood headset, oddly enough, using vegetable oil and soda:

  1. We prepare a cleaning composition at a rate of 1: 2.
  2. The resulting slurry is applied to contaminated areas.
  3. We rub the composition with a soft brush - you can use a toothbrush.

Important! The main principle of this method is that the fat dissolves with a similar oil, which removes it from a dried state. Soda absorbs the extracted oil and flushes it from the surface of the headset.

Cleaning polished surfaces

Means for polishing furniture are quite expensive, in addition, they can be harmful to health. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary costs and negative effects on the body, it is possible to use ordinary potatoes - the furniture surface is rubbed with a tuber cut along it. Washing in this way is very easy and quick.

Important! The result will please you, because the effect will be no worse than from the use of sprays bought in a store.

Special technique for cleaning kitchen furniture

To wash furniture you do not need to call a cleaning company, you can do everything yourself. The use of modern steam cleaners. Without the use of detergents, this appliance is able to clean any surfaces, materials and fabrics with a powerful steam jet.

Important! Its only drawback is that under the influence of high temperature, wooden furniture with a thin film coating and a soft surface can deteriorate.

Melamine sponge

The melamine sponge is similar to rubber or plastic, which decreases with compression. Its action is similar to the action of a stationery eraser, erasing pencil marks from a sheet of paper.

Important! The sponge removes dirt without the use of detergents, so it is great if you need to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen in a delicate way. But then it will be necessary to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, thoroughly enough, since particles of a wonderful sponge can soak into the wood. And melamine itself is a substance harmful to human health if it gets inside.

Over time, the sponge erases and decreases in size. The use of this device is quite convenient and harmless to health, if you follow the rules specified by the manufacturer.

Important! A traceless removal of traces from a permanent marker is considered its best quality. If adults or children leave notes and drawings on the refrigerator or tile, then you just need such a thing on the household.

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We leave the choice for you, because the same means for cleaning the kitchen and the headset does not yet exist.The main thing is that your actions do not harm the furniture surface, your health and please the result.


