How to clean the palace at home from dirt and smell?

Cleaning usually involves not only dusting, washing windows and other hygiene procedures, but also cleaning the floor. Surfaces made of tiles, laminate or parquet are quite simple to clean, but with carpets the situation is somewhat more complicated. In this article we will tell how and how to clean the palace at home from dirt and smell, so that it acquires its former beauty and attractiveness.

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Simple and most popular cleaning methods

In any case, the palace laid in the room will collect dust particles and various types of dirt on its surface, because all the debris in the air will inevitably land on the carpet pile. Over time, dirt on the textile surface will only accumulate, and therefore you will eventually come to the conclusion that a thorough cleaning of the floor covering is necessary.

Winter cleaning method

Our grandmothers also knew many secrets of how to clean the palace at home from dirt and smell. Especially popular is the winter method of cleaning carpets, which most housewives remember thanks to the bright and fun childhood memories:

  1. All home carpets were carried outside.
  2. Carpets were laid out on clean, recently fallen snow.
  3. The decorative surface of the palace was abundantly covered with snow.
  4. The family walked in the yard near the carpet for some time, playing snowballs, building a snow woman and snow-white fortresses.
  5. When the snow absorbed dirt from the surface of the carpet, it was simply swept away with a broom.
  6. The carpet itself was knocked out and brought into the house.

Important! Snow cleaning is suitable for any carpeting, regardless of color or pile length.

This simple but effective way allows you to restore the palace to its former purity, with which it will delight you for almost a year.

Salt cleaning

Modern housewives have found a way to refine the process of cleaning the rugs in such a way that they do not have to wait for snowfalls and take out carpets on the street. To clean the carpet from dirt, you need ordinary kitchen salt, which is used as follows:

  1. Vacuum the carpet, which helps remove large contaminants and dust growths from its surface.
  2. Using a spray gun, spray a small amount of water over the palace and sprinkle salt over the surface.
  3. After the salt absorbs the existing dirt and changes its color, sweep it with a broom and re-vacuum the surface of the carpet.
  4. After completing the cleaning procedure, your carpet will return to its former purity and color.

Important! This method is suitable for cleaning both thin rugs and high-quality carpets with a long fleecy surface.

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How to clean the palace from stains at home?

Use one of the following effective methods to remove stains that spoil the floor and ruin the appearance of the floor covering from the carpet.

  1. An ordinary stain can be quickly and efficiently washed using a soap solution based on liquid soap. To achieve a cleaning effect, it is enough to apply the active composition to the contamination and thoroughly wipe with clean textile material.
  2. If for some reason stubborn blood stains appear on your palace, then laundry soap in combination with cold water will help to clean them.
  3. If red wine gets on the carpet, you can clean the stains left on its surface with soapy water and vinegar, which are applied to the kitchen sponge. It is with their help that it is necessary to get wet contaminated pollution from the palace.
  4. Acetic acid also helps get rid of traces of felt-tip pens, pens and children's paints that can be found on the carpet after children's creative activities.

Important! To avoid unpleasant and pungent odors after cleaning, acetic acid can be replaced with lemon juice, which has the same cleansing properties.

  1. Serious dirt on the carpet can be removed with ammonia, which is used to remove traces of tea, juice or coffee.
  2. Traces of fat can be removed with starch or chopped potato tubers.

Important! Carpets made of synthetic materials are always easier to clean than a natural long-hair rug.

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Folk remedies

To clean the palace from stains at home, one of the following folk methods can help you.

Soda and Citric Acid

A combination of soda with citric acid will help you clean the palace from various impurities and stains. To maximize the effectiveness of cleaning procedures, it is necessary to apply these formulations according to the following instructions:

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of soda in a liter of water.
  2. Add the resulting soda solution to a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice or two teaspoons of citric acid.
  3. Thoroughly mix the prepared composition and process the surface of the carpet with it, for which a brush is perfect.
  4. Clean the carpet from contamination.
  5. Repeat the procedure several times until you achieve the desired cleansing stain on a carpet with a sponge

Washing conditioner

Such a detergent, such as a conditioner for washing, will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of urine, which inevitably comes from the carpet in the children's room or in the apartment with pets. To remove stains from the carpet and eliminate unpleasant odors, use the chemical composition according to the following instructions:

  1. Thoroughly rub aromatic liquid on both sides of the contaminated area of ​​the palace.
  2. Let the textile dry.
  3. The conditioner helps to remove unpleasant odors, leaving a pleasant aroma.

Important! When using this substance to clean the palace, do not forget to open the windows for ventilation, because fresh air not only contributes to faster weathering of the unpleasant odor, but also accelerates the drying process of the pile.

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Useful recommendations:

  1. Try to regularly clean your carpet or rug.
  2. To clean the floor from dirt, try to avoid the use of toxic chemicals.
  3. Perform all cleaning work in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Use personal protective equipment that protects the skin of your hands from exposure to acids and chemically active substances.
  5. If you are the owner of natural carpets, then you can not use industrial household cleaning products to clean them.
  6. Antistatic is able to facilitate the process of removing dust from the fleecy surface of the palace.
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We shared with you in various ways how to wash the palace from stains at home, and we sincerely hope that the carpet will delight you with its cleanliness and aesthetic appeal all the time.


