How to clean the glass shower?

In modern apartments and houses, shower cabins are increasingly replacing bathtubs. They save space in the bathroom, give it elegance, are easy to use and functional. But if the cabin is not cleaned on time, spots, stains will appear on it, and it will lose its pleasant appearance. Some people think that the shower room does not need any special care, since there is constantly pouring water and it washes away all the dirt. But such a belief is fundamentally wrong.
Like any element in the house, the shower cubicle needs regular maintenance. Over time, plaque forms on the glass, and mold can appear from increased humidity. How to clean or wash the glass of the shower cabin, its tray and other details, how to prevent mold from appearing at home? This question is asked by more than one hostess. Everything is complicated by the fact that different parts of the shower are made of completely different materials, and there is no one universal tool that would be suitable for cleaning all its components. True, with systematic care, you can often do with folk remedies.
to contents ↑How often do you need to wash the shower stall?
Depending on the degree of pollution, 3 types of cleaning can be distinguished.
Daily cleaning
This cleaning is done after every shower. In this case, no means are used. It is enough to rinse the booth from the inside - first with hot, then with cold water, and wipe dry.
Important! Rinsing removes all traces of dirt, soap residue and prevents the formation of plaque.
Regular care
In this type of cleaning, detergents are used: sprays, creams, gels, etc. Thus, limescale is removed. If it is fresh, then the funds are washed off immediately, if it is old, then left for some time.
How often this should be done - you decide, it all depends on the frequency of use of the shower. After cleaning, wipe dry all surfaces.
Important! To facilitate everyday care, you can use special hydrophobic compounds that create an invisible water-repellent film.
Intensive cleaning
This type of cleaning is carried out as necessary and is aimed at combating intense, persistent pollution. These include:
- rust;
- mold;
- calcareous deposits.
At this stage, potent substances are applied, which are applied to the problem areas, left for a while, then washed off.
Important! After cleaning or using the shower, leave its doors ajar, and it is advisable to ventilate the bathroom. This will reduce moisture and prevent mold and mildew.
Consider the best options for cleaning each of the elements of the shower.
to contents ↑Shower glass cleaning
In this case, everything is simple, since glass is a durable material, moreover, resistant to household chemicals. There are a wide variety of sprays on sale. For cleaning, you just need to spray the product on the surface and remove it with a soft cloth, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
To clean or wash the glass of the shower cabin, you can additionally use a special scraper, like professional washers.
Important! Do not spray the spray with the cab doors closed - this may lead to poisoning in vapors. If it is not possible to leave the doors open, spray should be sprayed onto a rag outside the shower cubicle.
Worse if the walls are made of plastic. In this case, you need to exclude funds, the composition includes:
- solvents (acetone);
- formic acid;
- formaldehydes.
The composition for cleaning the shower glass can be prepared independently by mixing 200 ml of water and 5 drops of ammonia.
to contents ↑Important! Such a solution will not leave stains, quickly and efficiently clean the glass parts of your shower. And if you add 100 ml of glycerin to it, then a water-repellent film is formed on the surface, thanks to which you will save the result for a long time.
Pallet cleaning
Care of the pallet depends on what material it is made of:
- The enameled tray is the easiest to clean from contamination. It has a smooth top layer where dirt does not penetrate, so any gel or spray for such a surface can easily cope with this.
- Acrylic pallets must be cleaned with special products for this material, as aggressive chemicals will cause scratches on the surface and the upper protective layer will be damaged.
Important! When buying a cleaning product, carefully study the composition - there should not be abrasive particles, aggressive bleaches, formic acid, etc. You can remove stubborn stains from the acrylic surface using silver polishing or toothpaste. You can also use lemon juice or vinegar.
- Artificial stone pallets darken over time, even with regular cleaning. A thick toilet cleaner will help them return to their original color.
Important! Do not forget to protect your hands with tight rubber gloves and rinse with plenty of water.
- Pallets made of natural stone are very convenient to use, they are durable and resistant to pollution. In addition, they are easily cleaned with a sponge and water, even without the use of chemicals. Well established steam cleaners - after such treatment, it is enough to wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth.
to contents ↑Important! You can install a special filter on the shower - this will significantly reduce the formation of plaque.
Cleaning tiles, steel and aluminum parts
To clean the tiles, any bathroom product is suitable. Particular attention should be paid to the seams between the tiles - this is where all the harmful bacteria accumulate. This will lead to mold and mildew.
to contents ↑Important! Chrome steel should be wiped clean to prevent scratches. The same can be said about aluminum parts.
Cleaning the shower cabin from mold
Preventing the appearance of mold is easier than fighting an existing one. In advanced cases, the fungus penetrates deep into the structure of materials, and then it will be simply impossible to destroy it.
Important! For prevention, it is necessary that ventilation be installed in the bathroom. A good effect is obtained by applying chlorine bleaches to the tile joints at least once every 2 months.
But if the mold still appeared, then most likely it will not work out to get rid of it, and the fight against black spots will become an obligatory step with regular cleaning. To do this, chlorine bleach will need to be applied to places with mold and left for 1.5 hours, then rinse with plenty of water.
to contents ↑Folk remedies for cleaning the shower
There are many ways to clean glass and the shower cabin as a whole with the help of improvised tools that are in every home. Moreover, their effectiveness is also quite high and may well compete with purchased funds.
So, how to clean the shower cabin:
- You can cook an effective tool with your own hands. To do this, you will need to mix citric acid and soda in a ratio of 1.5: 1.The mixture needs to be mixed properly, after which it can be sprayed onto the cabin glass. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
Important! This mixture is suitable only for glass surfaces, plastic can not be processed with it - soda can lead to microcracks and scratches.
- You can make a solution without soda, simply by diluting citric acid with water and spraying onto contaminated sites.
Important! A pungent odor may appear that will disappear after 30-40 minutes if you leave the cab open.
- Glass, taps can be easily cleaned with ordinary medical alcohol or vodka, after mixing it with water. It is enough to apply alcohol on a soft rag and walk on all surfaces.
- Toothpaste copes well with severe impurities - it must be squeezed onto a stain and left for 20 minutes, and then just rinse with water.
- Vinegar will help us to get rid of rust on metal parts, it must be poured on a problem place and left for 30-40 minutes, and then washed off.
- Coca-Cola, the favorite of many, is suitable for cleaning chrome elements from limescale.
- To remove mold and fungi, soda and hydrogen peroxide will help us. First, apply soda to problem areas and leave for 10 minutes. Then we clean the surface and wipe it with hydrogen peroxide. There is no need to rinse - just wait until it dries.
to contents ↑Important! This method is good because it allows you to fight mold and is not harmful to health.
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Now you are familiar with the basics of caring for the shower, and you can clean the glass, tray and other components of such plumbing. Pay attention to the condition of your hygiene item so that such an expensive element of the interior is safe for health and lasts a long time.
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