How to clean the countertop in the kitchen?

If the house has a clean kitchen, then the hostess is very neat and tidy. Untimely cleaning leads to very serious pollution and health problems. If the kitchen is in a terrible state, then unsanitary conditions develop in which it is impossible to cook delicious food normally. In order to clean up even in such a situation, you need to know how to clean the countertop in the kitchen from grease and stains. You should buy good cleaners or make homemade ones. Which ones - consider in more detail below. The main thing is to take into account the material (particleboard, mdf, stone, etc.) from which the kitchen set is made.

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Worktop cleaning and maintenance

After acquiring a kitchen worktop, it is recommended that you follow the care rules and use it for its intended purpose. Proper observance of operational standards affects the long-term service of kitchen furniture.

Remember the following basic care:

  • The countertop is not intended for cutting products, as this can adversely affect its surface - leave scratches.
  • Laminated kitchen tables are unstable to high temperatures and water. It is not recommended to put hot dishes on them without a stand. If you notice a watery stain, try to remove it with a dry cloth as soon as possible, otherwise removing the hot spot will cause difficulties in the future.

Important! You can wash the countertop in the kitchen from any material using an ordinary soap solution and a sponge. This method is suitable as a prophylaxis and to remove minor contaminants.

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How and with what to wash the countertop in the kitchen?

The means for cleaning the countertops in the kitchen should be chosen, depending on the material from which it is made, since for each design a particular detergent will be useful, or, conversely, harmful.

Now in stores of household chemicals you can find a lot of various cleaning products that can easily cope with the difficult tasks of cleaning. Some use improvised tools that are practically no different from the store. Apply soda, vinegar and other universal substances. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of the drug used.

Effective stone worktop care

It is necessary to clean a kitchen table made of natural stone daily, as small pores can become clogged with dirt, then it will be more difficult to wash it. It is not difficult to take care of such kitchen furniture if all the manipulations are carried out in a timely manner.

When choosing a washing preparation for a stone table, give preference to non-potent compounds. It is recommended to use natural cleaning products, such as:

  • plain warm water;
  • vinegar;
  • aromatic oils.

Important! If the dirt is slight (dust, crumbs), wipe the countertop with a soft microfiber cloth. It absorbs dust and fine specks well.

In more complex cases, it is necessary to take more serious measures. There is one very effective way by which it is easy to remove stains from a stone countertop. You will need:

  • Apple vinegar.
  • Lavender oil.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Geranium Oils.

When all components are in stock, proceed as follows:

  • Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with a few drops of each aromatic oil.
  • After - we put the resulting product on a sponge and process the table.
  • Then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Important! Using this method, you can eliminate all pathogenic bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Artificial Stone Countertop Care

It is much easier to wash a table from an artificial composite stone than from a natural material. You can use abrasive products and hard brushes when washing it. This will practically not affect the stone surface. Use both chemical detergents and improvised:

  • If you do not want to make special efforts and do not trust natural preparations, then you can use the special tool "Sif". The substance is very soft, liquid consistency will easily remove impurities without leaving scratches.
  • You can also use improvised means: citric acid and baking soda. Dilute a tablespoon of soda and a teaspoon of acid in 500 ml of warm water. In this solution, moisten the sponge and treat the surface of the table with it. Then wipe it again with a cloth soaked in clean water.

How to care and how to wash a plastic countertop?

Kitchen furniture with a plastic surface is quite resistant to many types of pollution and water.

Important! The only negative in its operation is its instability to high temperatures. In no case should you put hot dishes on such a table, as there is a risk that the surface will melt.

You can clean a white or colored countertop in the kitchen from plastic using powder and liquid cleaning compounds, as well as folk remedies. Consider a few proven substances:

  • Normal washing powder. Sprinkle them on the surface and wipe with a damp sponge until the stains disappear.
  • Soda and salt. They act on the same principle as washing powder.
  • Vinegar. It perfectly disinfects the table surface and removes dirt.

Important! If you use these products, combining them with each other or with aromatic oils, the effect will be better, and the cleaning process will accelerate significantly.

How to wash a light countertop?

You can wipe light kitchen furniture from dirt using household chemicals and universal improvised substances. Consider several effective methods for removing stains from tables of a light shade:

  1. Liquid dishwashing gel “Fairy”. It is necessary to apply a small amount of emulsion on a damp sponge, and treat the surface of the table with it. Then remove the remaining foam with a clean damp cloth, preferably several times.
  2. Toothpaste. It copes with yellow spots from tea. Apply a little paste to the surface and rub it in a circular motion with a soft toothbrush or sponge. Remove residue with a damp cloth.
  3. Salt. Removes stale and greasy stains. Sprinkle with it the surface of the countertop and rub it with a sponge soaked in water. Then wipe the table dry with a towel.

Important! Using liquid detergents, add a little soda - this will enhance the effect of the cleaning agent.


How to wash a wooden kitchen from fat: simple recipes

You can wash the wooden countertop in the kitchen from grease using a few simple tools. Consider the ones used most often:

  • Pasta from vegetable oil and baking soda. You need to mix 4 tablespoons of soda with 2 tablespoons of oil. Get a lot of consistency of thick sour cream. Spread the mixture on the surface of the table with a sponge, process it in a circular motion. Next - wipe the table with a clean damp cloth.
  • Acetic solution. Mix a glass of clean water with a glass of table or apple cider vinegar. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray the furniture. Leave for half an hour. During this time, unpleasant odor and germs will disappear. It is much easier to remove stubborn stains after this treatment.
  • Medical alcohol. Well wipes stains from vegetables and fruits. Dampen a cotton swab or disk in it, wipe it with a stain.

Important! Since wood is a very delicate material, it is necessary to dry the surface of the countertop after each treatment.

Gentle for wooden surfaces

Wood is a very delicate material, therefore, it is necessary to treat its cleaning very responsibly and choose the safest detergent compositions. The most harmless are:

  1. Cosmetic clay. Penetrates into wood fibers and eliminates pollution of any complexity. The best quality result is obtained if you add a little soda to the clay.
  2. Starch. It is necessary to make a slurry of starch with water, with a gentle movement to remove a speck. The remaining mixture is removed with a napkin.
  3. Soda with the addition of aromatic oils. This emulsion eliminates unpleasant odors and disinfects wood. You can use tea tree oil, eucalyptus or lavender.

Important! The main thing is to try to remove the stain as soon as possible so that it does not have time to soak into the material. Sometimes you can saturate the surface with wax to preserve the natural color of the furniture for a long time.

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Fancy Detergents

In order to remove the most unpleasant stains from the table, you can use various cleaning sprays, gels and powders. But despite the wide range of detergent compositions, there are several unusual options for removing contaminants:

  • Powdered Mustard It should be rubbed into the surface of a wooden table. Thus, the color is refreshed and the stubborn dirt is washed off. The remains of mustard powder are removed with a dry sponge.
  • Lemon. It has good disinfection properties. A circle of fruit is used to treat the surface of the table. All contaminants after its application immediately brighten.
  • Vodka. It works on the same principle as medical alcohol. Removes “colorful" spots and kills germs.

Important! When buying a chemical detergent composition, pay attention to the instructions. It is not recommended to purchase abrasive substances, as they can adversely affect the structure of furniture.

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In this article we told you how to clean the countertop in the kitchen from natural and artificial stone, plastic, wood. We hope these tips help you deal with pollution faster and easier, and your kitchen always looks neat.

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