How to remove silicone sealant

Silicone is a very convenient and practical material, without which not a single construction can do today. In order to achieve a really high-quality result during installation and to perform it carefully, you need to know in advance how to remove the silicone sealant if it gets on an extra surface, clothing, skin of the hands.
to contents ↑What is silicone?
Silicone is an almost transparent white or colored substance that is used to seal joints, join parts in mechanical engineering and the assembly of building structures. The basis of it is silicone rubber with plasticizers, stabilizers, amplifiers and substances to increase adhesion and trehmestochnosti. It is for the reason that the composition is quite diverse and is being developed to obtain the maximum possible result of strength and adhesion to the surface, it is not possible to wash it with ordinary soap and water.
How to wipe silicone sealant?
If the sealant got on the surface of the bathtub that you did not plan to process, plumbing parts, leather and clothes, select one of the following means to quickly remove it:
- vinegar;
- paint thinner;
- alcohol;
- acetone or nail polish remover;
- White Spirit;
- washing “Antisil" or Penta-840;
- petrol.
You will also need tools to wipe the surface:
- brush;
- soft cloths;
- sponges.
Do not forget about protective equipment:
- respirator;
- latex gloves;
- glasses.
How to clean silicone?
To quickly cope with the problem and not damage the surface even more, follow the instructions below to remove the silicone sealant.
Important! Pay attention to the composition of the product, as it will become decisive when choosing the most effective cleaning agent.
Method 1
The simplest option is to use special chemicals to clean the silicone. It is best to purchase it together with the sealant itself, as consultants in construction stores will help you choose the one that suits your material. How to use them - see the manufacturer's detailed instructions. Strictly adhere to the sequence of actions and an excellent result is guaranteed.
Method 2
Acidic sealants are best wiped away with similar substances - ordinary concentrated vinegar is ideal for this. For this:
- Wear protective gear.
- Prepare a solution of acetic acid - preferably 70%.
- Apply acid with a sponge directly to excess silicone stains.
- Wait half an hour.
- Carefully remove the dissolved sealant with a clean rag.
Important! Do not ignore the use of protective equipment - the acid has a very pungent odor that can damage the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes.
Method 3
Dissolve alcohol sealants with alcohol or substances based on it. For this:
- Take any product of this type that you have available - denatured, technical, medical alcohol or vodka.
- Dampen a rag in it.
- Apply to stain until sealant rolls into balls.
- Remove them gently with a dry cloth.
- Repeat the procedure until the surface is completely cleaned.
Method 4
Wash the amine, oxime or amide silicone sealant with solvents (acetone, white spirit, gasoline, nail polish remover) as follows:
- Moisten a clean sponge or rag with liquid.
- Apply on stains.
- Rub a little and leave for half an hour.
- Repeat the procedure until the silicone completely leaves the fabric, tile or plumbing.
- If sealant gets on clothing, wash it intensively after completing the procedure.
Method 5
The mechanical method is also an option for removing silicone, but it is not suitable for all surfaces and fabrics and will be quite laborious:
- Spread the fabric, if it is clothing, and lay it on a flat surface with a slight pull.
- Gently scrape off the silicone with a metal brush, scraper or spatula.
- Remove residues by applying one of the above solvents.
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Even if you were not able to complete the construction and repair work as carefully as you would like and the silicone sealant got into extra areas, do not worry! Using our tips, you can easily remove these stains and enjoy the fruits of your work, evaluating the attractiveness of the interior every day.
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