Chimney cleaning

Chimney cleaning is a laborious but necessary process. Since this procedure improves traction, the likelihood of a fire is eliminated and the life of the structure itself is extended. The speed of its clogging with soot is affected by many factors, such as: the type and quality of the fuel with which you heat the furnace, operating conditions, and the design of the device itself. There are mechanical and chemical methods for cleaning the chimney, select and apply the most suitable for you from those listed in this article. Then you do not have to worry about your own safety in the house.
to contents ↑What must be done before cleaning the chimney?
Before cleaning the oven, you must do the following:
- Cover the furniture with foil.
- Hang the firebox window with a thick cloth.
- Wear gloves, a respirator and safety glasses.
How to clean the chimney?
You can do the cleaning procedure yourself, using such tools and equipment:
- brush;
- synthetic broom;
- hose;
- kapron thread;
- fishing rod;
- weight;
- brick;
- aluminum cans;
- aspen firewood;
- vitriol;
- “Stumpfyre Formula 51”;
- “Kominichke”;
- “Merry chimney sweep”;
- rock salt.
How to brush the oven?
The most popular cleaning of the chimney with a brush because of its efficiency. The action scheme in this case looks like this:
- Wait for the stove to cool completely.
- Remove from it the remains of firewood and other materials to maintain combustion.
- Remove the outlet flap.
- Take a brush.
- Hold it firmly in your hand.
- Pull it into the chimney.
- Move in different directions and twist the brush.
- Remove the fallen soot.
- Repeat these steps until the amount of soot is minimal or absent at all.
- Close the shutter.
- Wash the brush with warm water.
to contents ↑Important! Get ready for the fact that this method is quite time-consuming and time-consuming, but the result is worth it.
How to make a do-it-yourself brush?
If there is no desire to purchase a special tool for cleaning the chimney, it is quite possible to do it yourself. To do this, you will need:
- synthetic round broom;
- steel cable along the length of the chimney;
- washers;
- staples;
- nuts
- cargo per 2 kg.
Then do the following:
- Flatten the broom pile in different directions.
- Secure them this way.
- Attach a metal cable to the formed ruff.
- Attach a 2 kg weight to this unit.
How to clean the chimney folk methods?
There are quite a few popular ways to solve such a problem as do-it-yourself chimney cleaning. Choose and apply the most suitable for you from the below.
Method 1
Do-it-yourself chimney cleaning is done using a hose. To do this, do the following:
- Remove the glass from the bottom of the chimney.
- Take a hard hose.
- Stick it on top.
- Scroll a few times.
Important! To make this method more effective, attach a brush to the end of the hose.
Method 2
Aspen firewood is a good way to clean the chimney. Apply them as follows:
- Take firewood from aspen.
- Put them in the oven.
- Kindle.
- Open the valve and door.
- Throw firewood into the stove periodically.
- When the temperature reaches 110 degrees in the furnace, the chimney will begin to be cleaned of soot.
Method 3
A rather unusual chimney sweeper used by our grandfathers and grandmothers is aluminum cans. Apply them as follows:
- Put a large amount of coal in the oven.
- Make a strong fire.
- Throw aluminum cans into it.
- Burn them completely.
Important! The temperature in the oven must be very high - such that one can burns in it for 5 minutes, and not just darkens.
Method 4
A good folk remedy for soot is potato peeling. Use them like this:
- Empty a bucket of potato peelings.
- Melt the oven well.
- Throw cleanings into it - as much as it enters.
- Starch starts to stand out, which destroys the soot.
- After 2-3 days, it will partially fall out.
- Remove soot leftovers with a ruff attached to a brick and rope.
Method 5
The furnace is cleaned of soot and is also carried out using a fishing telescopic fishing rod. If you have one, feel free to use the following method:
- Lay out the fishing rod.
- Take a strong nylon thread that fits the length of the chimney.
- Pull it into the fishing hole.
- Pick up the load so that the fishing rod can withstand it.
- Tie it to the end of the rope.
- Dip it inside the chimney.
- Moving to the very end of the hole.
- Take out the load.
- Tie a ruff to the rope.
- Do the same with him as with the load.
Important! Remember that in no case should you use fire near soot and smoke - it ignites very quickly, and this in turn can lead to a fire.
Method 6
The chimney, which is completely blocked, is cleaned in this way:
- Pour 3 liters of water.
- Boil it.
- Pour boiling water into the top of the chimney.
- Burn the stove so that rust does not appear and the water evaporates.
to contents ↑Important! If the oven is in a bath, place a basin in front of the firebox so that dirty water does not contaminate the room.
What are some soot-removing chemicals?
Nowadays, specialized means for removing soot from the chimney are produced. The most popular of them are:
- Stumpfyre Formula 51 - the effectiveness of this drug reaches 85%, since it contains 4 potent substances. But, unfortunately, this remedy has a very big drawback: one of the components is lead acetate in large quantities, which is very toxic and unsafe for health.
- A fun chimney sweep is an effective and, most important, safe means for cleaning a chimney. You can easily get rid of soot, as it contributes to the breakdown of organic substances. Prevents the occurrence of harmful fumes.
- Kominicek - a tool for removing soot from Czech manufacturers. The main substance in its composition is copper chloride, which contains catalysts that destroy soot.
How to clean the oven?
Before deciding how to clean the stove, keep in mind that it must be cleaned after removing soot from the chimney. If this is not done, garbage may sprinkle from it and the whole procedure will go down the drain.
The stove is not soiled with soot as quickly as a chimney, but it must be cleaned periodically, adhering to the following rules:
- Put wood or charcoal in the oven and start a fire.
- Take a metal bar or poker.
- Turn the contents of the oven over with the selected appliance.
- After finishing, remove the ash.
After such a procedure, perform the following preventative cleaning:
- Work on the grate.
- Clean the inside walls.
- Clean the entrance and exit to the chimney.
How to reduce the rate of soot?
To reduce the likelihood of soot and increase the efficiency of the furnace, use a mixture of copper sulfate or rock salt.
Prepare a mixture of vitriol as follows:
- Take copper sulphate, nitrate and coke.
- Mix these components in such proportion 5: 7: 2.
- Add the resulting mixture to the fuel in the following ratio: 200g per 1 ton.
Useful Tips:
To prevent soot from forming so quickly, follow these additional recommendations:
- Use dry wood from deciduous trees to burn the stove.
- Add aspen or prophylactic agents at the end of each firebox.
- Do not incinerate polyethylene, plastic, wrapping paper or other debris in the oven.
- Insulate the chimney or install a special double pipe to reduce moisture condensation.
- Protect the pipe with a tip to prevent accidental debris from entering it.
Stock footage
Now, you know how to clean the chimney yourself effectively. But remember! So that you do not have to do this procedure often, do not forget about the preventive actions that must be taken to reduce soot formation.
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