Sewer cleaning

Cleaning the sewer is an unpleasant process, but it is very necessary, because if you do not clean the clogged pipe, then using a sink, bathroom and toilet becomes impossible. Before you clean the pipes, decide which way you will act: mechanical, chemical or hydrodynamic. The following tips will help you figure out which one to choose.

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What types of blockages are there?

  1. Operational - occurs due to the adherence of fat on the walls of the pipe, various wastes stick to it, including hair, and this leads to the appearance of blockage.
  2. Mechanical - arises through the fault of the owner himself, who throws unnecessary things into the toilet, which causes blockage of the sewage system. It is eliminated only by special means that corrode garbage.
  3. Technogenic - this blockage cannot be removed with improvised means, since there is a problem of the need to clean the sewer due to improper system design.
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How to clean the sewer pipe?

Sewer cleaningIn order to clean the sewer yourself, you will need:

  • plunger;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • soda ash;
  • steel plumbing cable;
  • spiral machine;
  • Mole;
  • Tyreth
  • Domestos;
  • Pohtan;
  • Sterile.
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Blockage prevention

  1. Install special nets in the drain hole to prevent small debris from entering the drain pipe.
  2. Periodically pour special chemicals for pipe cleaning into the drain hole.
  3. Use the plunger for preventive purposes.
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How to clean the sewer pipe with a plunger?

The plunger is a rather simple device for cleaning the blockage, but very effective, since it can be used to remove more than 50% of the dirt that interferes with the normal outflow of wastewater. It consists of a rubber nozzle and a wooden stick. Apply it this way:

  1. Take a plunger.
  2. Install it so that its rubber part completely covers the drain hole.
  3. Clean with filled water so that the water will push through the blockage, not the air - this will lead to a more effective result.
  4. Do the plunger wooden handle up and down, these movements will push through the blockage.
  5. Turn on the water.
  6. Wash off the trash.

Important! Use a plunger not only for an already formed blockage, but also for preventive purposes to avoid its formation.

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How to clean a blockage in a pipe with chemicals?

Sewerage is also cleaned with special chemicals that you can easily purchase in hardware stores. They come in the form of a liquid, powder, foam, gel and in the form of granules. Before choosing and using them, be sure to read the instructions.

Apply them this way:

  1. Take the selected chemical suitable for your pipe type and clogging type.
  2. Fill or pour it into the drain hole.
  3. If you use powder, be sure to fill it with a glass of hot or cold water.
  4. Withstand the time indicated in the instructions.
  5. Turn on hot or cold water and rinse the dissolved contaminants under a stream of water.

Important! To eliminate clogging in the bathroom, choose a tool that can dissolve hair, and to solve the problem of how to clean a pipe in the kitchen, opt for a tool that can dissolve fat.

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Chemicals for pipe cleaning

Before you clean the sewer pipe with a chemical product, be sure to be guided by what material the pipes are made of and where exactly you will eliminate clogging. The most popular of them are:

  1. Tiret is an effective tool that can quickly and efficiently eliminate complex pipe clogging. No odor of ammonia. Suitable for use with both metal and plastic pipes.
  2. Mr. Muscle - is made in the form of foam or gel. It is able to penetrate all the corners of the pipe, which makes cleaning as efficient as possible. Eliminates bacteria, removes unpleasant odors.
  3. Mole - the most popular product of the domestic manufacturer, effectively removes fat and food debris. Eliminates unpleasant odor. It is also recommended for preventive purposes. Cannot be used for plastic pipes.
  4. Flup. The form of its release is granules. There are 2 types. 1st — for the bay with cold water; 2nd — hot. Eliminates limescale, food debris, collagen fibers. When using this drug, special care must be taken, work with gloves, avoid contact with skin, clothing, and eyes.
  5. Pokhtan is an effective remedy, but can be dangerous. Available as a liquid. Eliminates food debris, limescale, paper, hair. Make sure that this product does not get on the surface of the sink, bathtub, floor, and especially on the skin and clothing. It can cause a chemical burn. It has a strong smell.
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How to clean the sewer with a plumbing cable?

In the event that cleaning the sewer pipes with chemicals and a plunger did not bring the desired result, use a plumbing steel cable. To use it, do the following:

  1. Remove the drain siphon - this will free up access to the pipe.
  2. Take the plumbing cable.
  3. Insert the cable carefully into the hole, make sure that it does not twist into the ring.
  4. Make a constant circular motion with the handle that comes with the kit. Assign this action to your partner.

Important! This method is able to eliminate 90% of contaminants.

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How to clean the sewer with a spiral cleaning machine?

Sewer cleaningSpiral cleaning machine - special equipment that has spirals of different diameters and nozzles. With their help, the machine fights with various blockages.

Use this unit as follows:

  1. Place the machine opposite the inlet.
  2. Insert the spiral into the pipe.
  3. Turn on the machine.
  4. Rotate the spiral left and right - with these actions you will destroy the accumulated dirt.
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How to clean the siphon?

Before removing the blockage, the siphon must be cleaned. This procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Place a good absorbent cloth under the siphon.
  2. Substitute a bucket under it.
  3. Gently unscrew the nut and remove the flask.
  4. Rinse the siphon well inside.
  5. Put everything in place.
  6. Turn on the water and check if everything is installed correctly. If there are no leaks, then you have solved the problem correctly.
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How to eliminate clogging folk remedies?

There are proven folk methods for cleaning the sewer at home, the effectiveness of which has been tested by more than one hostess. The most popular ones are outlined below.

Method 1

A good remedy for eliminating blockages is caustic soda, which is used for cleaning the sewer as follows:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. caustic soda.
  2. Pour it into the drain hole.
  3. If necessary, push it with a thin rod.
  4. Pour 100-150 ml of vinegar into a container.
  5. Pour it into the hole.
  6. Wait until white foam begins to emerge from it.
  7. Wash it off with plenty of hot water.

Method 2

To eliminate blockage in the bathroom or in the kitchen will help ordinary soda. Apply it like this:

  1. Boil a few teapots of water.
  2. Take a pack of baking soda.
  3. Add it to boiling water.
  4. Pour it into the hole.

Method 3

Pipe cleaning using this method is carried out with soda and vinegar. Apply these tools as follows:

  1. Take 200-300g of baking soda.
  2. Pour it into the hole.
  3. Pour a bottle of vinegar into it.
  4. Close the hole to enhance the chemical reaction.
  5. Wait a while.
  6. Turn hot water on to rinse the clog.
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Now you know how to clean the sewer pipes and it’s up to you to better clean the sewer pipes. But remember the main thing - to warn yourself against doing this procedure, do not forget to take preventive measures from time to time.

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