Carpet Cleaning

Carpet - a popular floor covered for any room in the house. It has such properties as: noise and heat insulation with a small thickness and weight. Carpet flooring makes the interior much more comfortable. But, unfortunately, it also has an unsightly side - it quickly gets dirty. Then you need to clean the carpet, which requires a special approach and this is a rather time-consuming process.
to contents ↑The main factors of carpet contamination
A carpet can get dirty for several reasons:
- Very active use.
- Spilling liquids on its surface, from which spots appear.
- Children are played on it;
- Contaminated by animals living in the house.
How to clean the carpet?
In order to quickly resolve the issue of how to clean the carpet, you will need one of the following available tools:
- baking soda;
- salt;
- acetic acid;
- tea;
- petrol;
- sawdust;
- soap;
- detergent;
- special shampoo or foam;
- dry powder for carpet cleaning;
- Vanish (Vanish);
- a vacuum cleaner;
- rag;
- sponge;
- cotton swab.
How to clean a carpet at home?
Despite the fact that the carpet requires special proper care, you do not have to call a cleaning company - just use the methods below.
Method 1
This technology uses dry carpet cleaning at home. It runs like this:
- Take a carpet cleaner.
- Put on it an S-shaped nozzle - with it you will not only remove dust, but also restore the fleecy surface.
- Apply a special dry powder to the carpet.
- Spread it evenly over the surface.
- Leave it to act on the time indicated in the instructions.
- Vacuum the treated surface.
Important! This method is easy to use and very effective. With this cleaning of the carpet, you can remove up to 90% of dirt.
Method 2
Wet carpet cleaning at home is very effective, but is carried out no more than once a month. Such regularity must be observed so that the coating does not lose its original appearance.
Important! Please note that the detergent for carpeting flushes special impregnating mixtures from the surface with which it is processed during production - they prevent the ingress of strong contaminants into the surface. Therefore, do not use this method more often than recommended.
To apply this method, do the following steps:
- Take a special shampoo.
- Put it on a covering.
- Spread the liquid evenly over the surface.
- Wait for a while when the dirt begins to rise to the surface.
- Vacuum the treated surface with a washing vacuum cleaner.
to contents ↑Important! If you decide to additionally use a stain remover to remove stains from the coating, follow the instructions strictly indicated on it. Otherwise, you risk that the place treated with the product will change its color.
Folk Carpet Cleaners
There are many proven folk methods for cleaning carpet, the effectiveness of which has been tested by more than one hostess. Therefore, you can safely apply any of the options below.
Method 1
- Take table salt, preferably coarse.
- Spread it evenly over the surface of the carpet.
- Leave for a while.
- Moisten a broom with hot soapy water.
- Sweep salt with it, periodically rinsing it with water as it becomes dirty.
Important! Carpet cleaning with soda is carried out in the same way, if it is used instead of salt.
Method 2
Refresh the color of the dark carpet in this way:
- Make a tea brew.
- Squeeze it thoroughly from water.
- Scatter it over the surface to be cleaned.
- Take a broom.
- Sweep them tea leaves.
Important! Tea leaves will not only restore color, but most of the debris will stick to them.
Method 3
With this method, you can refresh the color of the carpet - not only dark but also light. To use it, do the following:
- Vacuum the surface.
- Take 1 tbsp. vinegar.
- Add it to 1 liter of water.
- Stir the resulting solution thoroughly.
- Dampen the brush in it.
- Clean the carpet with it, periodically wetting in the solution.
- Dry the coating.
Method 4
Carpet cleaning in this way is suitable for you if there is purified gasoline available. The action scheme is as follows:
- Mix detergent and gasoline in equal amounts.
- Take the sawdust.
- Soak them in the prepared mixture.
- Spread over the surface.
- Wait a while.
- Sweep them with a broom.
We remove stains from carpet by folk methods
If the flooring is not just dusted, but emitted by very ugly stains of various origins, remove them in a suitable way.
Option 1
Remove ink marks as follows:
- Dampen a clean sponge with vinegar.
- Rub it with a stain.
- Take a damp sponge.
- Rub the treated surface and adjacent areas.
Important! Remember that any freshly stained spots are much easier to remove than to remove old ones. Therefore, do not hesitate in removing traces of any substances, so as not to rack your brains, how to wash stubborn ones.
Option 2
Get rid of blood stains by applying this method:
- Apply soapy water to the contaminated area.
- Take a clean sponge.
- Moisten it in a 10% vinegar solution and wipe the stain.
- Rinse the treated area with warm water with a rag.
Option 3
Remove traces of tea or coffee with ethyl acetate. Prepare it like this:
- Take 4 parts vinegar and 6 parts alcohol.
- Mix them thoroughly.
- Lubricate the stain with the resulting solution.
- Rinse the treated area with warm water.
Carpet Care
- Vacuum it daily.
- Use a vertical vacuum cleaner with a turbo brush to clean office rooms.
- Try to immediately remove the stains on the carpet with a warm soapy solution.
- Clean your carpet at home at least 3 times a year.
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We hope that our article was useful to you. Now you know how to clean the carpet at home and this procedure will not bring you much trouble. But remember, in order for it to serve you for many more years, do not forget to properly care for it and clean it in a timely manner.
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