Carpet Cleaning

A carpet on the floor is always beautiful, cozy and popular, but only if it is clean. Each housewife decides how carpet cleaning should go. We offer several effective, simple and effective ways for this stage of cleaning your home.

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Do-it-yourself carpet cleaners at home

Carpet CleaningThere are many safe and proven carpet cleaners. You will find everything you need at your fingertips. You will need:

  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • washing powder;
  • kerosene;
  • salt and soda;
  • ammonia;
  • tea leaves;
  • gasoline and sawdust;
  • snow;
  • vinegar;
  • sauerkraut.

Important! All products are natural and safe for health.

You will also need such auxiliary equipment:

  • foam sponges;
  • basin for solutions;
  • rags.
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How to clean carpets at home?

The most affordable and common method of carpet cleaning is cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. It can remove any small debris and prevent some types of stains. In order for the vacuum cleaner to adequately cope with its task, it must be used three times a week. At the same time, periodically cleaning his bag to collect dust.

It so happens that spots appear that the vacuum cleaner cannot eliminate. In such cases, additional cleaning agents are used. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some ways to use them.

Method number 1

Use your washing powder and kerosene. They are perfect for cleaning carpets made of wool, synthetics, silk and matting. The instruction for use is as follows:

  1. Dilute the powder in a little warm water.
  2. Add a few drops of kerosene and mix well.
  3. Moisten a foam sponge with a solution and wipe off any dirt.

Important! The solution has a specific odor. Carefully ventilate the room in which you are cleaning the carpet.

Method number 2

To clean dark carpets at home, tea brewing is good. It effectively removes stains and refreshes the color scheme of the coating. To use this product correctly, follow these instructions:

  1. Make tea.
  2. Have a drink and get the tea leaves.
  3. Put the gulls on the dirt.
  4. Wait until the tea leaves dry on the surface.
  5. Vacuum or sweep the carpet.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use tea leaves on light carpets. Old spots will inevitably add new ones, from tea.

Method number 3

Salt or soda is great for cleaning long-pile wool carpets. If you do not know how to clean the carpet with soda correctly at home, we offer you the simplest but most effective way:

  1. Sprinkle copiously with salt or soda.
  2. Wait 20-30 minutes.
  3. Sweep the broom with a broom dipped in soapy water.

Method number 4

Carpet CleaningIf you need not only to update the colors of the colored carpet, but also to remove some stains from it, you can do this in one way. In this case, it is better to clean the carpet at home with vinegar, following this instruction:

  1. Mix 1 liter of warm water and 1 tablespoon. vinegar.
  2. Wet the sponge or brush in the solution.
  3. Walk it over the entire cover, periodically rinsing.
  4. Wait half an hour.
  5. Vacuum the coating.
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How to remove stains from a carpet?

There are serious types of contaminants that can only be removed by specific methods.

Method No. 1

Long-standing stains from cosmetics, chocolate, plasticine, wine, etc. can be removed with sawdust dipped in gasoline.If any are found on your floor, proceed as follows:

  1. Mix concentrated soap solution with gasoline 10: 1.
  2. Dip the sawdust in this solution.
  3. Scatter them on all contaminants.
  4. After the wood has completely dried, sweep the carpet.

Important! The product is so good that it even removes stains and the smell of cat urine.

Method No. 2

One of the most famous methods for cleaning carpets with improvised means is cleaning with ammonia. For effective use, follow these instructions:

  1. Prepare a solution of alcohol: dilute 1 tsp. ammonia in 5 liters of water.
  2. Add a handful of washing powder.
  3. Moisten a soft cloth in the solution and wipe all stains.

Important! This option will be one of the best solutions to the question of how to clean a silk carpet.

Method 3

The oldest and most fun version of carpet cleaning is snow. This method will help to clean and refresh any carpet and even remove some types of stains. Properly clean the carpet with snow like this:

  1. Take the dry carpet outside.
  2. Lay the carpet pile down on the snow.
  3. Carefully knock out.
  4. Turn over and trot the front with clear snow.
  5. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Knock out again.

Method 4

Plaque of dirt and dust, as well as just refresh the carpet can sauerkraut. For quality use, follow these instructions:

  1. Take the cabbage and squeeze the brine.
  2. Scatter on the carpet.
  3. Take a brush and clean the surface with cabbage.
  4. When the cabbage turns gray, sweep it with a broom, rinse and scatter again.
  5. Repeat the procedure until the cabbage stops getting dirty.
  6. Let the carpet dry.
  7. Vacuum the surface.
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Useful Tips

  1. Try to remove impurities as soon as you notice them. Old dirt is harder to remove.
  2. When using household chemicals, always test the product in an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating.
  3. Avoid cleaning the carpet against the pile and with very stiff brushes.
  4. Do not use hot water.
  5. Make sure that the carpet does not stay wet for long. Dry it with a hairdryer if necessary.

Ventilate the room well when using products such as gasoline, kerosene and ammonia.

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In order to quickly and efficiently clean the carpet, it is not necessary to call specialists to your home. Now you know how you can independently tidy up the carpet at home.

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