Leather furniture cleaning

The sophistication and beauty of leather furniture is undeniable. Cleaning leather furniture is different from caring for other upholstered furniture and means, and ways. The skin itself is a durable and noble material, but it can remain so only thanks to high-quality and timely care for it. In order to keep it in good condition for a long time on interior items, you need to carry out dry cleaning twice a year and wipe it weekly with special means. You will learn about which means to choose and how to properly clean a leather sofa at home, from this article.
to contents ↑How to clean leather furniture at home?
For competent and high-quality cleaning of such products, you need to know what type of upholstery material is. This information is indicated on the label or in the passport of interior items.
Important! Take note that there is a type of skin that is not suitable for wet cleaning. Such furniture can only be cleaned with dry products.
Depending on the quality of the material of your upholstery, leather furniture is cleaned using the following means:
- vacuum cleaner with soft brushes;
- water - suitable only very soft;
- rags or sponges;
- liquid soap without dyes and cream;
- Professional skin cleansers that protect against moisture.
to contents ↑Important! If these products are used correctly for cleaning leather furniture, they will do their job well and will not harm the leather surface.
How to clean leather furniture?
With the seeming complexity of the procedure, leather furniture can be updated independently without involving professional cleaning companies. If you doubt your strengths, it is better to immediately call specialists who will help you clean your leather sofa at home quickly and efficiently.
The leather sofa is cleaned at home as follows:
- Vacuum upholstery using only soft nozzles.
- Prepare a washing solution: for 0.5 l of soft water - 5-6 drops of liquid soap.
- Beat the solution to a thick foam.
- Carry out a safety test - apply a product to an inconspicuous area of furniture and make sure that the material remains unharmed.
- Moisten a soft sponge with a solution.
- Treat the entire surface of the furniture.
- In clean water, moisten a rag and remove the foam - make sure that there are no soap stains.
- Wipe the skin dry with a dry cloth.
- Apply conditioner for leather furniture - for protection and shine.
to contents ↑Important! This is a classic and basic care for such furniture. It needs to be done weekly.
How to remove stains from a leather sofa?
There are local pollution, which can be of various origins. Most often, this situation occurs when the recommended preventive care for the products is ignored. You can get rid of these consequences without a general general cleaning of the furniture, if you choose the right product and apply it according to the instructions below.
For all kinds of stains you will need:
- ethanol;
- ammonia;
- soda;
- starch;
- turpentine;
- glycerol;
- Castor oil.
How to clean a leather sofa?
Do not delay the procedure for restoring upholstery to “better times”. The sooner leather furniture is cleaned, especially with a variety of stains, the less time you will have to spend on this process.
Method 1
To remove stains from juices, ketchups and other serious contaminants that have been absorbed, a mixture of ethyl alcohol and turpentine is suitable. The instruction is:
- Mix the ingredients in equal proportions.
- Moisten a sponge and treat the stain on the skin.
- Leave the product for 30 minutes.
- Wipe off the dirt with a cloth dampened with alcohol.
Important! You can blow dry, but do not use high temperatures.
Method 2
Stains from markers, ink, as well as any greasy marks, removes alcohol well. For this:
- Wipe the stained area with a dry cloth.
- Moisten a cotton pad well with alcohol.
- Wipe the stain thoroughly.
- Do not use water.
Method 3
If the stains are old and contain serious dyes, treat them with potato starch. Proceed in this situation as follows:
- Make a slurry of starch and soft water.
- Apply it to stains.
- Wait for the mixture to dry.
- Remove starch along with contamination.
- Treat the place with a cloth soaked in glycerin.
Method 4
If you have a dirty leather sofa, you can restore its attractiveness without damage by the following method:
- Mix equal amounts of warm water, ammonia and soda.
- Dampen the sponge with a solution and treat the coating.
- After 20 minutes, wipe with a damp soft cloth.
Method 5
To preserve the luster and quality of leather furniture without chemical treatment, cleaning a leather sofa at home is done as follows:
- Mix glycerin and castor oil.
- Dampen a soft cloth with the solution.
- Craft leather furniture.
to contents ↑Important! Such actions will provide resistance to moisture.
Helpful hints:
- Do not use abrasive detergents or tools on the skin.
- Try to vacuum the upholstery as often as possible - this will ensure a good appearance of interior items, as small debris will not clog skin pores.
- Before using any product, always test it in an inconspicuous area of the coating.
- Do not use car wash products.
- Do not use ammonia, hydrogen peroxide or bleach on a dark coating.
- Remove fluids, crumbs, hair and hair of animals immediately after they appear on the surface of the subject.
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Now you know all the rules of how to clean a leather sofa at home and you can easily perform it yourself at any convenient time. Follow the rules for caring for such luxurious interior items and your home will always look stylish, beautiful and solid!
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