Laminate flooring

Laminate flooring is a very durable and comfortable floor covering. However, after repair, cleaning the laminate is a very problematic task. In this article, we will give the hostesses some tips on using such a coating and tell you how to wash the laminate from building dust and other types of pollution.

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What to do after repair?

To begin with, it should be said that during the repair it is necessary to cover the laminate with something. For this, it is strictly forbidden to use old newspapers, because they not only do not protect the expensive coating, but also often do more damage than dust or other pollution from repairs. In order to protect the floor, it is recommended to use a plastic film throughout the repair.

So, when the repair is completed, the housewives first of all need to do the following so that the laminate cleaning is quick, not tiring and efficient:

  1. Sweep the laminate several times, trying to free it from large pieces of debris and building dust.
  2. Using a small spatula, carefully scrape off any stains on the floor from cement, paint or other substances, trying in this way to get rid of such dirt as much as possible. Areas that are difficult to scrape off can be removed with a soft sponge moistened with water.
  3. Then, using a broom moistened with ordinary water, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the remaining dirt, while first processing all the corners of the room, and then moving to its center.
  4. Rinse the floor with a dampened microfiber cloth. The puddle on the laminate should not remain; therefore, the excess liquid must be removed immediately.
  5. Change the water and pour the product into it (it should give as little foam as possible), which in the future will need to finally wash the laminate from building dust.
  6. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.
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Effective folk remedies

At present, it is possible to remove any dust formed after repair on the laminate. Below, several effective methods for cleaning such a coating will be given.

We use vegetable oil

This method allows you to permanently get rid of even the smallest specks of dust. To implement it, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Pour into a basin or bucket of warm water.
  2. Put there 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (depending on the processing area).
  3. Wash the resulting laminate over the resulting solution.
  4. After this, you should change the water in the tank, pouring cool water there, and instead of oil, add the same number of tablespoons of vinegar.
  5. Wipe the laminate again and let it dry on its own.
  6. Rinse the surface with clean water.uxod-za-parketnoj-doskoj-blog

Put potassium permanganate

This method perfectly helps to get rid of any floor contamination. In order to wash the laminate from dirt, you need to do the following:

  1. Dilute the product purchased at the pharmacy in warm water until it turns bright pink.
  2. Wash the treated surface with this solution 2-3 times.
  3. Wipe the floors with clean (preferably cool) water.

Important! It is better not to use this method if your laminate has a light shade, otherwise - the applied solution will spoil its natural color.

Let us turn to the method using table salt

This method is universal. Using salt, you can clean any coatings from a variety of types of contaminants, and not just wash the laminate from building dust. Here is the algorithm to be followed by the hostess:

  1. Wash the floor with warm water using your favorite detergent.
  2. Replace the used water with a solution of cold water and about half a glass of sodium chloride.
  3. Wash the floor with a ready-made solution.
  4. Rinse the floor again with clean water and let it dry on its own.

We use kerosene

This method is not worse than the others and also gives an excellent result. Here is a quick guide to cleaning the floor using this product:

  1. Add half a glass of kerosene to one bucket of water. If you are afraid that the product will harm your coverage, we recommend adding a little less.
  2. Rinse the floor several times with this solution. The procedure should be repeated until you see the result.
  3. Rinse the floor with water and add your favorite detergent.
  4. Rinse the surface with clean water.

Other popular ways

There are several more methods for cleaning laminate flooring. They also wash the surface well, as do the methods described above. However, the procedure will be much simpler. Consider the following methods of cleaning the floor from building dirt:

  • Special products for mopping. The domestic market gives us a huge selection of specialized funds. They can safely clean their laminate, and not be afraid that it will be damaged.
  • “Domestos”. It can be purchased at any store. The main thing in its use is to follow the instructions and do not overexpose during the procedure, because the surface is very sensitive.
  • Glass cleaner. After using it, your floor will be not only clean, but also radiant.

Important! To make your floor look the cleanest, it is recommended to use special microfiber fabrics instead of ordinary rags during the process of washing the laminate from building dust. They do not leave any scratches or stains, which is a definite plus.

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Subsequent laminate care

When you achieve the final result, it will be necessary to pay increased attention to moody cover:

  • In no case will it be impossible to use products containing aggressive acids for its processing.
  • For easy daily cleaning, just use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle.
  • In order to protect your laminate from further damage, you need to wipe it twice a week with a microfiber cloth using a minimum amount of water.
  • Every three wet cleanings, it is necessary to use a profile cleaner for mopping.
  • If it seems to the hostess that the surface is beginning to fade, you can periodically use vinegar, adding 1-2 tablespoons to a container of water.
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In this article, we told you how to wash a laminate from building dust, and gave some tips for caring for it. Check these tips in practice, and make sure that cleaning the laminate after repair is not such a difficult undertaking.

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