Cleaning frosted glass on the door

Stains are a very common problem in a frosted glass house. Children, pets, and we ourselves are not averse to touching the glass of our doors from time to time. How and how to clean frosted glass is one of the most frequently asked questions of housewives. And it is rather difficult, since this is not an easy task. In this article, you will find out everything that a housewife needs in order to clean the frosted glass on the door and take as little time as possible.

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A little bit about the creation and other

Glass - get it by melting sand from certain mineral formations. Acrylic glass is created from a special polymer, which is obtained artificially. This is almost the same plastic, but the final material has higher characteristics.

Both types of glass are transparent and matte. Glass “clouding” is imparted chemically — etching.

Important! The first glass appeared in Egypt, in the XXVII century BC. e. Today, there are many different technologies for their manufacture, and surface care will vary from which one is used.

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What are the difficulties?

The difficulty in cleaning frosted glasses is that the glasses are subjected to a certain chemical treatment, as a result of which it is easier to greasy stains. This raises questions about how to remove frosted spots on the door glass.

Important! Chemicals such as acid, silicone or alkali destroy spraying.

Since we do not need this, we will take another solution to these problems, because it is.

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Bans list

Before you learn how to clean frosted glasses, you need to decide what you can not touch them with:

  • Abrasive products are prohibited because together with the stains they remove the dusting;
  • As mentioned above, it is better not to use substances that include acid, silicone or alkali, as they also remove dusting;
  • Glass scrapers and newspapers will also not give you the desired result, but leave only unwanted stains;

Now about how and how to remove greasy stains from frosted glass.

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Methods for still fresh pollution

Depending on how long and how dirty the material has been, cleaning the frosted glass of a door may involve more than one action. To achieve the desired result, alternately use a couple of the following tools, from those that you have right now at hand:

  • Cretaceous solution - grind into a glass of warm water and pour three tablespoons of white ordinary chalk. In this solution, we wet a soft cloth and wipe the glass on both sides. Now we wait until the mixture dries a little, then we erase the chalk with a clean cloth.
  • Ammonia - in a liter of water we breed one tablespoon. The resulting solution needs to get wet the glass - do not wash, namely get wet. At the end, wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth.
  • Vinegar - dissolve 9% vinegar in one glass of water. After that, apply to the most problematic areas of the surface. Well, then we wash the entire surface with a window cleaner, rinse with cold water.

Important! Be sure to dilute vinegar with water, because it is, although weak, but still acid, which is so destructive for a dull surface. As part of a window cleaner there should not be alcohol, since this also does not bode well when cleaning frosted glass on the door.

  • Means for the care of metal-plastic windows - it turns out safe in our case and will not damage the top layer of the surface.
  • Gels for dishes. With this method of cleaning frosted glass on the door, there is one problem - soap foam. It is advisable to wipe it with microfiber or a clean sponge.
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Old pollution

All of the above methods are unlikely to give you at least some result if your glass has not been polished for a long time. In this case, at your own risk and peril, you can use one of the following means. But if this interior item is very dear to you, it is better to cope with the problem with the help of professional cleaning specialists.

So, how to wash the frosted glass, if the spots on it are old, of unknown origin, and even a large number:

  • Steam cleaners - after cleaning the glass with a steam cleaner or steam generator, simply wipe the surface from excess moisture.
  • “Mr. Muscle” - housewives speak rather flattering about his abilities, such as efficiency and safety;
  • Dishwashing agents - due to the lack of substances in their composition that could harm glass, they cope pretty well with dirt;
  • “PROFOAM 300” - use it if you have had time to visit tape, stickers and other similar items on your glasses;
  • Mixtures Ajax, Pril - when using them, it is imperative to thoroughly wipe the base with water;
  • Carpet shampoos - apply, three, then rinse off as usual.
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Glass Care:

  • The most commonplace is to wipe the stains immediately after their appearance, then you will not have to make much effort in the future.
  • It is advisable to wipe the matte base with microfiber - it removes dirt well, and most importantly - it does not spoil the base.
  • Wash the windows with soapy water once a week, so some stains will not have time to freeze completely.
  • If you have a car polish in your arsenal, after all cleaning methods, apply it to the surface - it will be a layer of a shield.
  • To give shine and purity, try a starch solution: 1 liter of water per 1 tbsp. l substances.
  • Wipe the inserts together with the glasses, preferably with a soft cloth made of natural suede or velvet.
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Following the above recommendations, your apartment will shine and look radiant and clean. I would like you to learn certain lessons from the article you read and directly use this knowledge. You are now trained in the skill: washing frosted glass.

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