Mattress cleaning

It doesn’t matter how careful you are about cleanliness in the house and how you regularly clean all the housing, but some household items must be given special attention from time to time. First of all, he deserves the place where you rest - your bed. Why cleaning mattresses is needed and how to properly do it at home with minimal effort and time, you will learn from this article.

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Why clean the mattress?

Mattress cleaningTimely cleaning of the mattress will help not only to maintain the attractive appearance of your bed. A more important goal is to preserve your health and prevent the accumulation of harmful dust in the thickness of the material and the reproduction of dust mites. They can cause skin irritation, the manifestation of problems with complex allergic reactions and respiratory diseases.

Important! Cleaning the mattress is quite affordable at home - you do not need to contact dry cleaning for this. The main condition for a high-quality result is to clearly outline the action plan and adhere to the recommendations of specialists, which you will find later in this article.

How to clean mattresses?

The volume of work, and, accordingly, the set of equipment for cleaning the mattress, will depend on how much dust has accumulated in it, how long you washed it before that, what spots had appeared on the surface.

Important! Most often, there are traces of cosmetics, coffee, tea, chocolate on the mattresses, as well as accumulated hair and tiny particles of dead skin that mix with dust.

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A complete list of tools that you might find useful include:

  • cold running and sparkling colorless water;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • salt;
  • starch - potato or corn;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • soap - preferably liquid or detergent concentrate for dishes;
  • ammonia;
  • ordinary alcohol from 40%;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • boric acid or borax;
  • solvents or nail polish remover;
  • Mr. Disinfectant Clean

Of the tools you may need:

  • brushes;
  • sponges - as for washing dishes;
  • protective gloves;
  • a bowl, basin or bucket;
  • measuring cup;
  • towels;
  • rags;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • hair dryer;
  • steam cleaner;
  • iron.
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How to clean the mattress at home?

To quickly cope with a task such as cleaning the mattress, use one of the following methods.

Method 1

If there is a small child in the house who is sleeping with you and there is such a nuisance as a puddle of urine, immediately proceed as follows:

  1. Soak as much liquid as possible with a sponge.
  2. Rinse with a clean sponge and cold water.
  3. Treat the stain with alcohol or a solution of vinegar.
  4. Dry with a hairdryer or remove the mattress from the bed and lay it outdoors for a day.

Method 2

Mattress cleaningEffectively clean out any type of mattress using the following method:

  1. Mix 1 tsp. water and dishwashing detergent, 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tablespoons soda and a few drops of a disinfectant concentrate.
  2. Spread the resulting solution in succession into small sections throughout the mattress.
  3. Pass with a clean, slightly damp sponge, removing all dirt. Squeeze the mattress slightly to remove all unnecessary substances from the inside.
  4. Blot with a waffle or terry towel.
  5. Spread a small layer of soda over the entire surface.
  6. Add it periodically as it dries.
  7. Leave a mattress with soda for the night.
  8. Brush dry powder in the morning or vacuum well.
  9. Dry the mattress outdoors in the sun.

Important! Separate stains can also be removed with a solution of boric acid or borax with cold water, as well as lemon juice and salt. After application to the soiled areas, leave the mixture on the surface for a couple of hours. Then proceed as described in the instructions above.

Method 3

If you stained the bed with blood, cleaning the mattress will look like this:

  1. Apply a small amount of peroxide directly to the spots.
  2. Leave as long as the reaction is going on - foam is formed.
  3. Remove residual material with a dry cloth or napkins.
  4. Repeat as necessary.
  5. Dry the mattress.

Important! The same effect can be obtained if the blood stains are washed off with carbonated colorless water, and then sprinkled with salt or soda and rubbed a little after 15-20 minutes with a brush or sponge.

Method 4

Blood and fresh greasy stains from the mattress can be removed in this way:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. salt, 2-3 tbsp hydrogen peroxide, about 50-100 g of starch.
  2. Apply the paste directly to the dirt.
  3. Leave until the mixture dries.
  4. Remove with a brush or plastic spatula.
  5. Vacuum the mattress.

Important! Remove stubborn and stubborn stains of any origin with ammonia. Mix it 1: 1 with cold water, treat the desired places with the solution, leave for a while and rub it with a brush or sponge. Finally, clean well with a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner and dry the mattress. Note that ammonia has a very pungent odor, so work in a well-ventilated area.

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How to remove an unpleasant smell from a mattress?

If there is no visible impurities on the mattress, but at the same time it emits a very unpleasant odor that prevents you from sleeping well, clean the mattress like this:

  1. Remove the cover from the product.
  2. Take plenty of baking soda.
  3. Mix vinegar with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1 and season in a spray bottle.
  4. Spray vinegar over the surface.
  5. Wait a few minutes and repeat.
  6. Wait again and sprinkle plenty of soda over the entire surface of the mattress.
  7. Leave the mattress in this form for 1-2 days, after filling up some new dry soda after some time.
  8. Vacuum the product well.
  9. Dry for 1-2 days in a sunny place outdoors.
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Useful Tips

  • Change bedding regularly 1 time in 1-2 weeks. This will not only provide you with a pleasant sleep and cleanliness, but also allow you to notice the dirt on the mattress in time and easily clean it.
  • Do not eat or drink in bed to avoid unpleasant cases with inadvertently overturned plate or glass.
  • Once every 2 weeks, simply vacuum the mattress so that dust does not accumulate in it.
  • Each time you change the bed sheets, turn the product over to the other side - this way it will “breathe” and will last longer.
  • Wear a modern mattress pad with a water-repellent property to simplify your cleaning procedure and prevent the appearance of complex stains.
  • Ventilate the mattress regularly outdoors.
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We hope that our useful tips have helped you cope with the problem, and you will no longer be wondering if it is possible to clean the mattress at home and how to do it right!

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