Cleaning feather pillows

One of the most common and comfortable pillow fillers is feather or down. Feather pillows should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly, because your head rests on it. Your health, working ability and well-being depend on a complete and safe rest. When washing your bed linen regularly, do not forget about the pillow: the longer it serves you, the more it needs to be cleaned. In this article you will learn: why do you need to clean pillows, what types of cleaning exist, how to clean a pillow at home?

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Why clean the pillows?

Cleaning feather pillowsMost of the downy sleeping products in our homes have been preserved since the time of grandmothers. The fact that a pillow made of high-quality fluff has been in use for a long time. Adequate care and regular cleaning of down and feather pillows will extend their lifespan up to twenty years.

But it must be borne in mind that during use it absorbs:

  • secretion of saliva;
  • secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • all pathogens secreted by a person during ailments and diseases.

All these human vital products and untimely care for the contents of the pillow lead to the following consequences:

  • soaking in fluff, microorganisms cause a relapse of the disease or re-infection;
  • in a favorable, humid environment dust mites start - they cause allergies and multiply very quickly.

Important! Well-groomed products smell bad. Over time, the fluff and feather stray into lumps. It is uncomfortable to sleep on it and as a result there are: poor health and headaches.

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How to clean feather pillows at home?

Cleaning feather pillows at home is a troublesome task. You can’t wash it in the washing machine - the filler will immediately go into a big lump, and it’s not easy to dry it. Therefore, quality and optimal - wash it by hand.

Before starting work, prepare new feathers made of dense material and start washing. For work you will need:

  • washing powder;
  • colander;
  • bags for drying.

For proper and safe, for the contents of the pillow, wash, follow this step-by-step instruction:

  1. Put in the bathroom the required amount of warm water.
  2. Add a good portion of washing powder.
  3. Spread the pillow and gradually unload the breastplate into the water.
  4. Leave the pen to soak for a while.
  5. Take a colander and rinse the feather in portions in running water with it.
  6. Put each washed portion in a separate bag.
  7. Place all bags in the centrifuge of the washing machine and wring out.
  8. Then hang the bags in a well-ventilated area.
  9. Shake every hour so that the feather does not stray into lumps.
  10. When you are sure that the pen is completely dry, fill the new covers with the contents and sew on the bosom.

Important! Such cleaning of feather pillows is possible only when duck and goose down were used for filling. Chicken - it is strictly forbidden to wash and generally wet!

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Dry cleaning of feather pillows

Cleaning feather pillowsNowadays, it is not necessary to wash such products yourself. There are a sufficient number of establishments that will tidy up your bedding quickly and efficiently.

How is the dry cleaning of the pillow:

  1. In front of your eyes, a dry cleaning employee will tuck a bedcloth and eject the contents of the pillow into a special device for cleaning the pen.
  2. The machine launders the filler in a washing and disinfecting solution.
  3. After - the pen is cleaned with hot steam, in which dust mites die.
  4. Subsequent quartzization destroys all remaining pathogenic bacteria and microbes.
  5. At the end of this process, the filler is dried and laid in a new bed.

Important! At the request of the client, the pillow can be made more or less. The contents of one pillow must be cleaned individually. Especially from different customers.

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Disadvantages of dry cleaning:

  1. A dry cleaning worker may choose the wrong solvent or fail to calculate its concentration. The filler suffers from this.
  2. If the equipment for cleaning pillows is not working properly, pen drying may occur - the product will lose its original volume.
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Dry cleaning pillows

In another way, dry cleaning of feather pillows is also called air cleaning, where the contents are treated with a powerful stream of air. This method is perfect for any down.

The advantages of air cleaning:

  1. The procedure takes 15 minutes;
  2. Air treatment removes debris, dust and dirt from the filler.
  3. It is noted that after such exposure the product becomes more magnificent and softer.
  4. Dry cleaning staff provide a new high-quality material for a bedcloth, which is already included in the payment.

Important! Such cleaning of the pillows is accompanied by positive feedback from customers: the whole process takes little time, and the result exceeds all expectations.

The disadvantages of dry cleaning:

  • Efficiency depends on the quality of equipment.
  • Specialists do not recommend processing old products in this way, due to the difficulty of contamination.
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Now you know how to clean feather pillows in many ways. How to clean the pillows is up to you, but the conclusion from the advantages and advantages of each method can be drawn as follows:

  • new items, which are no more than five years old, are well and conveniently cleaned with the help of air cleaning;
  • for old - use the aqua-processing method.

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