Floor cleaning

Floor cleaning is an important process, which involves the removal of all possible contaminants from the surface to give the coating its original appearance. The procedure can be both easy and short-lived, and time-consuming and very tiring. It all depends on how correctly you observe the regularity of cleaning, how correctly you care for the coating and what means you use for this purpose. You will learn how to easily and quickly cope with floor cleaning, even with severe pollution, from this article.
to contents ↑How to clean the floor?
Coatings for finishing floors are different, respectively - cleaning floors also requires a special approach using a suitable tool. In the pantry of the people's councils there are recipes to make each of them clean. Choose and apply the most suitable for you.
Method 1
To clean a white and unpainted floor, do the following:
- Dissolve the soap in hot water in a basin; you can grate it first.
- Moisten the resulting solution with a small area of the coating.
- Take a herbal rag.
- Rub the moistened area of the floor.
- Gradually move around the surface.
- Wash treated areas with clean water.
- Dry the floor with a dense, large cloth.
Method 2
Cleaning a heavily soiled floor, covered with decorative paint, proceeds as follows:
- Fill a bucket with water.
- Dissolve 2 tbsp. ammonia.
- Moisten a rag in the resulting solution.
- Mop the floor.
- Dry with a clean cloth.
Important! The concentration of ammonia for a solution with water can be changed for individual chronic spots. In this case, wipe off individual traces of dirt first, and then proceed to cleaning the entire floor. It is advisable to ventilate the room well after cleaning, since this substance has a rather pungent and unpleasant odor and it even remains in dissolved form. Despite this, ammonia is still one of the most popular means, because when it is used, floor cleaning takes little time and will certainly be very effective. And for the excellent result, you can also come to terms with such a nuisance as a not very fragrant aroma.
Method 3
If you want to give shine to painted floors, proceed as follows:
- Take meth and vegetable oil.
- Mix the ingredients in equal amounts.
- Wipe the floor with a clean cloth.
- Wait until the applied mixture dries on the surface.
- Take a clean cloth.
- Rub the treated surface with a flap to a shine.
Important! Such floor cleaning gives an excellent effect, but immediately after cleaning and polishing the floor, try not to walk on it for at least 30 minutes so that the substances are well absorbed. Or, if you really need to be in this room, put on soft socks.
Method 4
Cleaning the floor with linoleum coating is carried out as follows:
- Fill a bucket with warm water.
- Dissolve a soap or one of modern means, for example, “Mr. Proper”.
- Wash linoleum manually or with a mop.
- Rinse the foam thoroughly with clean water.
Important! If you use household chemicals - read the manufacturer's instructions. Many of the concentrates with the correctly used proportions do not need to be washed off, which significantly reduces the time, but does not reduce the quality of floor cleaning. Lubricate linoleum once every 2-3 months with linseed oil or natural drying oil and rub it with a clean soft cloth. You can also wash it with kerosene, but not more than 1 time per year.
Method 5
The parquet floor is rubbed with mastic, which can be prepared at home as follows:
- Take wax and turpentine in equal amounts.
- Grate the wax.
- Put the mass in a container and fill it with turpentine.
- Let it brew for 5-6 days.
- Before applying to the parquet, the resulting mastic is diluted with hot water in the following proportion: 25 g of mastic and 400 g of water per 1 m2 of floor.
- Apply the resulting mixture to dry flooring in a thin layer.
- Wait until the mastic is completely dry.
- Take the plotter and rub it on the surface.
- Rub the parquet with felt or cloth.
to contents ↑Important! Cover the floor with mastic no more than 1 time per month. If you don’t want to bother with preparing a product for cleaning the floor from a parquet board yourself, buy a suitable one in any household chemical store or hypermarket. If you have a unique and expensive parquet made of valuable wood species, initially consult with the specialists of the company that supplied it to you, or directly with the sellers in the store. Incorrectly selected product can ruin the appearance of such a floor covering!
How to clean stains on the floor?
If your coating is not just dusted on, but impressive spots of understandable or not quite origin flaunt on it, cleaning the floor will look a little different:
- Try to determine what exactly caused the stain.
- How long has the pollution been on the surface.
- Check out the removal options.
- Act in any way convenient for you, taking into account the fact that it is from the funds that are at hand, how aggressive they are.
Important! Try to initially choose simpler and safer substances - in this case, cleaning the floor is unlikely to harm the material.
Method 1
Remove the stubborn grease stain from the parquet or painted floor, thus:
- Rub the stain with a sponge dipped in turpentine.
- Sprinkle this area with talcum powder.
- Cover the stain with blotting paper.
- Smooth the stain through the paper with a not-so-hot iron.
- Repeat the procedure as necessary.
Important! Remove fresh grease stain by wiping it with sandpaper if you have unpainted parquet or wooden floor.
Method 2
Get rid of traces of ink from linoleum like this:
- Rub the stained area with pumice or sandpaper.
- Remove remaining traces by rubbing with oil or vegetable oil.
- Take a woolen rag and polish the treated area.
Stock footage
Now you know how to usually clean floors from various materials. This procedure is not as complicated as it seemed at first glance. Use our tips, try not to clog the floor, immediately remove all stains, take good care of it and this will extend its life, which means you will not have to make unscheduled repairs at unforeseen expenses!
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