Cleaning the hood in the kitchen

A cooker hood is designed to clean the air of products of combustion, odor, smoke and other various unpleasant impurities that occur in the kitchen during cooking. Cleaning the hood in the kitchen is a rather time-consuming procedure, but feasible. In order to facilitate this task for yourself, use the advice of our specialists, and you will certainly cope with it with minimal effort.
to contents ↑How to wash the hood from the fat?
Cleaning the hood in the kitchen will not bring you much trouble if you use such means:
- dishwashing detergent;
- baking soda;
- AmWay Oven Cleanser;
- extractor cleaner “Green & Clean”;
- ammonia;
- oven detergent “Isesclean”;
- laundry soap;
- gutter cleaner;
- means “Shine for plates”;
- rag;
- brush;
- sponge.
Where to begin?
Cleaning the cooker hood requires the following preliminary steps:
- Disconnect it from the power supply.
- Remove the external panel.
- Remove the metal grilles.
- Remove the additional pipe, if any.
- Take out the air filter.
How to wash the filter from grease?
Aluminum grilles are first contaminated with fat and the necessary functionality of the hood - the absorption of various fumes, is lost. To clean them and restore structural performance, use the following methods.
Method 1
In the event that there is little contamination, clean the exhaust filter as follows:
- Place the filter in a container.
- Fill it with hot water.
- Lather the entire part with dishwashing detergent.
- Wait 30 minutes.
- Take a metal brush or a hard brush and rub the surface.
- Wash the remaining fat with running warm water and a detergent.
- Rinse the filter well with cold water.
Method 2
If the previous steps did not bring the desired result, remove the fatty deposits as follows:
- Take a large metal basin or pan in which to place the filter.
- Fill the container halfway with water and add laundry soap grated on it.
- Put a filter there and put on fire.
- Boil it for 10-15 minutes.
- Remove the boiling part from the pan.
- Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
Important! If you notice that after the done actions there is still fat, leave the part for 2-3 hours in the prepared hot mixture and then rub it with a hard brush.
Method 3
A special cleaning agent for gutters will be a good helper if previous cleaning of the hood was ineffective. Apply it as follows:
- Take a pipe cleaner for blockages.
- Read the instructions and carefully read the safety precautions.
- Wear protective gloves.
- Apply concentrate or powder to the filter and pour water on top.
- Wait 5 minutes.
- Wash the filter with running water.
Important! Use this method only in the most advanced cases, since the substance for cleaning gutters is very aggressive and not only removes grease, but with its frequent use it can damage the aluminum grill.
Method 4
Use special tools such as: AmWay for ovens, “Green & Clean” for hoods, “Isesclean” for stoves, “Shine” for stoves and wash the hood and its parts from grease. Apply them this way:
- Take a baking sheet.
- Put a contaminated structural element on it.
- Fill it with a foaming cleaning agent.
- Soak in this state for 30 minutes.
- Take a metal brush and rub it with the machined parts.
- Rinse them thoroughly with warm water, then cold.
Method 5
Use ammonia and wash all unsightly deposits from the metal grill. Apply it this way:
- Take 0.5 tbsp. ammonia and 3.5 liters of water.
- Mix these ingredients.
- Put the resulting solution on fire.
- Put the filter in there.
- Remove the hot solution from the fire and leave the part in it for another 2 hours.
- Remove and brush with a stiff brush.
- Rinse thoroughly with running water.
to contents ↑Important! When using ammonia, safety precautions must be observed - wear gloves, a respirator and work in well-ventilated areas, as it can cause burns to the skin and respiratory organs, as well as lacrimation and irritation of the eye mucosa.
How to clean the cap?
To clean the cap itself, you can use dishwashing detergent - Anti-grease, Cif, or oven cleaners from a series of products from the same manufacturers and apply them in this way:
- Moisten a damp sponge with the selected cleaning agent.
- Rub external and open surfaces.
- Wait 5 minutes.
- Rinse with clean water.
- Take a clean, dry rag.
- Wipe off the cleaned surface.
Stock footage
We hope that our article was useful to you and now you know how to efficiently wash the hood from grease. But remember that this process is less troublesome; do not forget to clean it from pollution on time.
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