Cleanliness at home is the key to success

Keeping a house, apartment in impeccable cleanliness and comfort is not such a simple, at first glance, task. Many will say that in order to keep the house clean, you need to put a lot of effort and spend a lot of precious time. But no. In this article we will tell you some secrets and convince you that you can keep a house clean and comfortable with pleasure and without great effort.
to contents ↑Five simple rules for maintaining order
Cleanliness and order in the house are pretty loose concepts:
- someone means “clean” - this is when there is no dust and absolutely all things are hidden from sight;
- others - do global wet cleaning every day and lay out all things according to color or some other criteria.
But, in spite of everything, we must agree that it is much more pleasant for all of us to be in a clean, clean room, where absolutely all things are in their places. Impeccable cleanliness is a whole line of art, which, moreover, can even bring a kind of pleasure. What is needed for this?
Rule One: Where Less is Better
When you are thinking about how to clean and tidy up your apartment, the first thing you need to do is allocate time to find the most problematic places in your apartment.
As a rule, we all sin that we love to preserve a considerable amount of clothes and things that have been living inside our wardrobes and chests of drawers for years. Most often, these are the things that we do not use at all. Over time, these things become so many that there is no longer enough space to store them.
Important! In order not to turn your apartment into a clothes warehouse, from time to time it is necessary for them to arrange an audit in order to find those things with which you can part without problems. At the same time, wise housewives recommend not succumbing to various sentiments and parting with those cold heads with those things that you definitely will not be useful. Then cleanliness and order in the house will be provided to you.
Having got rid of all the excess junk, you should separate things according to the principle of their necessity:
- Things that you rarely use, send to the most remote corner of the apartment. For example, it can be Christmas tree decorations, a punch, grills for a barbecue - all of them may well be on the upper shelves of cabinets or in the pantry.
- Keep the things you use often at places that are easily accessible to you.
Rule two: Everything has its place
If you have just begun to study the question of how to maintain cleanliness and constant order in the apartment, accustom yourself to one simple idea: only those things that are needed there should be stored in the room.
For example:
- you don’t need tools in the bedroom;
- the kitchen does not need bath accessories;
- bedding in the hallway.
Important! When you will clean up the room, remove from it things that will be superfluous in it.
Solving the question of how to maintain order in the room:
- Remove unnecessary things from the desktop and from the dresser.
- For each group of things, try to allocate a separate place. For example,
- Let writing materials be stored in one of the boxes;
- accessories for sewing - in another;
- all cosmetic devices are in the third.
- If you have hanging shelves in the room, do not force them with anything other than books. Let these shelves be used only for jewelry and accessories, otherwise the room will always look untidy.
Rule Three: Save Space
It is believed that the closest place in any room is the closet with things. In order to organize a perfect order in it:
- Sort all clothes and get rid of the one you don’t use.
- Divide the entire assortment according to seasonality and take away all things away that you will not need in the near future. Usually, the farthest space of the upper shelves is empty, since getting any things out of there is not very convenient. So use them in this case.
- During the organization of the order in the cabinet, divide it visually into two parts. Make the largest part of it under the place where the hangers are. Hang trousers, shorts, jeans and skirts in one place, dresses, t-shirts and blouses in the second.
- Having dealt with this question, think about how to save space in the closet. This will help you to avoid clutter in the future.
- Now there are quite useful helpers in the household - special drawers or organizers with cells. Use them to store socks as well as underwear. Fold all the small linen there, and you will save space, plus save the time you had to spend on finding these things. If you use the shelves of your closet according to any other plan, the cells with socks and underwear are quite convenient to store inside the drawers.
- Make room for storing ties, belts and scarves. If your cabinet does not have free drawers or shelves, stick Velcro hooks to the back of the door, on which you can hang hangers with all these accessories.
- To save space on the shelves of your closet, you can not fold things from knitwear, but twist them with a roller. So you can save space and avoid creases.
Rule Four Always clean kitchen
A special point for any housewife is the question of how to maintain order and cleanliness in the kitchen.
Important! This is the most difficult place in the house, which must be free and clean, but at the same time, it is simply necessary that a large number of utensils and all kinds of utensils and products are stored here.
Here you will find these secrets useful:
- In order to avoid piling up, use the same rule - bulky pots, baking dishes and utensils that you use quite rarely, stored in the lower drawers.
- Leave items that you use daily within your field of vision.
- To organize the order inside the kitchen cabinets, today there is the opportunity to buy a lot of accessories. For example:
- in a corner cupboard you can put a magic corner in which you can store a large number of different dishes;
- in drawers you can put containers for storing cutlery;
- on the back of the cabinet door hang hooks for a variety of vanes, ladles and so on.
The fifth rule. Order like a habit
Perhaps the most important rule that will help to avoid time-consuming chores and easily maintain cleanliness in the house is the habit of putting things in order every day. Accustom yourself to the fact that every day you are obliged to remove dust, vacuum, clean up the bathroom and put things in their places.
In addition, this habit also saves time: do not put off small things for a long time. For example:
- having washed the dishes, you immediately clean the sink, and also wipe the taps;
- watering flowers, you wipe the windowsill from new dust;
- Having changed clothes, you will put things in your closet or take them to a separate basket with dirty linen.
These simple habits will always help to maintain your apartment in order, while not spending a lot of time on a global cleaning. But do not forget that periodically, even very clean rooms, need global wet cleaning.
to contents ↑Important! It is believed that if you don’t get a lot of dust from the streets through the windows in your apartment or the house, it will be enough to wash the floors once every 2-3 days.But during wet cleaning, do not leave cabinets, lamps, hanging shelves, etc. as your attention, since dust collects on them much faster than on other surfaces.
Housewife to-do list
First of all, make a list of quick and uncomplicated, but important things for the morning and evening.
Important! Keep in mind that, for example, businessmen can manage to do 3-4 times more using a list in less time. Use this also for domestic purposes, so as not to spend all your free time so that the cleanliness in the house is constant. Moreover, the execution of each task from the morning as well as evening list should take no more than 2 minutes of time - these should be simple and very short things.
To-Do List
For example, the morning list of your house cleaning or apartment cleaning tasks may look like this:
- getting up, you immediately clean the bed behind you;
- Having washed and brushed your teeth, you immediately put the toothpaste, soap and toothbrush in place;
- wipe the spray mirror with toilet paper or a special rag until they have time to freeze;
- having breakfast, you will wash all the dishes for yourself and put them in their place, wipe the countertops and the sink;
- if necessary, take the garbage out of the bucket when you go to work.
The evening list will look something like this:
- View the weather forecast for tomorrow on the Internet;
- to prepare a set of clothes in order to wear it tomorrow morning;
- pick up a bag for tomorrow, throw small garbage out of it: tickets, empty tubes, notes, a non-writing pen;
- look in the refrigerator, think over what you will have breakfast and what to cook for lunch, dinner for your loved ones;
- check the charge of your mobile phone;
- make a rough to-do list for tomorrow.
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Knowing these basic rules and advice, the question of how to maintain order and cleanliness in the house will no longer be of interest to you. But do not forget about moral motivation. Treat cleaning as a creative work that helps you keep your home comfortable and clean, not hard labor.
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