What to do if linoleum burned?

Linoleum is one of the most common floor coverings. During operation, various damage can appear on it - contamination, cracks and other defects. A very common damage is burnt linoleum. This can happen, for example, due to a hookah, as well as an accidentally dropped match, a cigarette. The appearance of defects on the flooring does not look very nice and needs to be fixed. What to do if linoleum or laminate is burnt and how to repair or repair the affected area of ​​the flooring - we will tell in our article.

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Types of damage

What are linoleum burns and how to fix them? There are such degrees of damage:

  • Superficial burn through. Most often, it appears if you burned linoleum with coal from a hookah (what to do in this situation - we will consider a little later). Such damage is done only to the top layer, which is made of polyvinyl chloride.
  • Damage to the base.
  • Through burn through coating.

An individual solution must be sought in each of these cases. Not only the degree of burnout of the flooring will depend on the corrective action, but also on the color and type of linoleum.

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Surface burn

Consider how to restore burnt linoleum, if the damage is done only to the upper layer:

  1. Blend, using a coin, a burned-out place so that the defect is not so evident.
  2. Then treat the place with linoleum mastic. It can be bought at a hardware store or ordered online.

Important! It will not take long to eliminate the consequences, since the damage caused to the coating is minimal.

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Base damage

Here's what to do if you burned linoleum more deeply:

  • It is necessary to use class C glue “cold welding”. It is used very often for welding joints of flooring.
  • You will need a pigment that matches the color of your canvas. It can be done by yourself. Take a small amount of the same linoleum as the damaged one, then scrape off the colored chips with a knife. Mix it with mastic and process the burned place.

Remove excess and apply a protective wax on top.

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Through burn through

In this situation, you need to make a patch. It will be striking, but there is no way to solve the problem in a different way.

Important! If you do not get rid of the defect, water can enter the hole, which will lead to further damage to the flooring, as well as the formation of mold and mildew.

The elimination process is performed as follows:

  • Find the same piece of cover. It should be the same size as the damaged area.

Important! If you do not have excess coating after laying, then cut off the fragment under an invisible place or choose a very similar color.

  • Attach it to the defect - it is better if the pattern matches.
  • Cut the section through with a sharp clerical knife so that the defect is inside the cut line. These actions will help to obtain a fragment of the coating, which is identical to the place that burned out.
  • Lift the cover and glue the piece to the floor, strictly along the edge of the hole.
  • Glue the patch and base together with a special adhesive class C, and also process the joints.
  • Leave to dry completely.
  • Trim flush with the face of the seam that has formed.


Alternative options:

  • Also a popular method for solving this problem is application. This refers to the creation of a contrast patch in such a way as to obtain the desired pattern.
  • The store sells special stickers designed for linoleum. With their help, you can also hide the defect that appeared.

Important! Read the instructions carefully before use.


You can also fix the situation using the decoupage technique:

  1. Choose paper napkins with a suitable pattern.
  2. Stick them on places where there are flaws.
  3. Coat with a layer of protective varnish.

Important! This method looks much prettier and more original than flaws on the floor surface.

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Stock footage

We examined various ways to fix the problem and answered the question of what to do if linoleum burned. As it turned out, removing the damage is not so difficult, but it all depends on the level of harm that is done. Act quickly, but be careful so that the situation does not worsen.


