Wool Carpet Cleaners

A carpet is always coziness and comfort in the house, and from time to time it needs to be cleaned. Now there are a variety of means for cleaning wool carpets, so the natural question arises: what to give preference to? We will try to answer it in this article, revealing the pros and cons of each.

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Types of wool carpet cleaners

It should be noted right away that woolen carpets do not tolerate a large amount of water, so consider this factor when choosing a cleaning product.

Depending on the complexity of the pollution, the following options are suitable:

  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • chemical agents;
  • natural cleaners.
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A vacuum cleaner

Wool Carpet CleanersThe main carpet cleaner. Great for daily use. The main thing is to clean it well after cleaning, otherwise it may even add dirt.

To effectively clean the apartment and put the palace or carpet in order, follow these recommendations:

  1. Regularly clean the dust container inside the device - otherwise the draft will be significantly lower even at maximum mode.
  2. During the cleaning process, move sequentially in sections.
  3. Do not brush randomly over the entire coating, but work with the pipe in one direction - preferably along the pile, in stripes.
  4. Walk through one area several times to collect all the hair from pets, dust and large debris, then move on to another.
  5. Vacuum clean at least once a week with a special cleaning agent. So you are sure to achieve perfect cleanliness in the house.
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Household chemicals for carpet cleaning

If serious dirt has formed on your carpet, then you can not do without the use of special tools. What they will be up to you. A more detailed introduction to each of the tools will help you with this.

To facilitate their work and speed up the process of the hostess, they use chemicals. They really are able to quickly and efficiently cope with various types of contaminants, but even when choosing solutions and powders on a natural basis, remember - chemistry remains chemistry.

Important! Such funds should be used especially carefully in homes where there are children, allergies and pets.

Most Popular Wool Carpet Cleaners

When choosing a cleaning product in a store, give preference to those that contain the largest number of natural ingredients. So you can slightly protect the consequences of cleaning for others. Here are the most popular:

  1. Luxus Professional Carpet Cleaner. It has an unobtrusive pleasant smell. Gently removes dirt from the surface of the carpet. When using it does not need water. Just shake the bottle to form a foam and apply it to the desired area.
  2. Vanish Oxi Action. Carpet cleaning powder. It is sold in different volumes, so you can choose the right amount and use it without residue, without overpaying for extra grams. The powder is applied to problem areas and vacuum cleaned. Thanks to its composite absorbent and cleansing elements, the powder quickly and efficiently copes with dust and light impurities.
  3. Tuba Erdal-REX. This tool of German manufacturers is popular among housewives.The Tuba Erdal-REX stain remover is able to cope with any dirt on the carpet and at the same time has protective properties, so the carpet does not get dirty for a long time. Additional advantages are that this product is suitable for cleaning wool carpets, while it does not discolor or damage the fabric structure.
  4. Wemer and Merz Tuba. Another tool of the popular German brand. Beat into foam and apply to a contaminated place. Due to the dense structure of the foam, the carpet does not get wet and it needs to be vacuumed some time after applying the product. Has a citrus flavor.
  5. Help Suitable for cleaning to refresh color and prevent. Serious spots are not removed, but it is easy to use. It is applied to the carpet using a spray. The disadvantage is the smell that not everyone can like.
  6. Nordland. It is applied to the carpet in the form of a dense white foam and is vacuum cleaned. The composition of the product complies with all EU standards. The result is obvious - cleaning is very effective. But it has a pronounced chemical smell, which is categorically not suitable for cleaning in an apartment where there are family members who need careful care.
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Natural Carpet Cleaners

Wool Carpet CleanersFolk or natural remedies are good because you can safely clean your carpet with their children, introducing them to the culture of everyday life. Such funds are always at hand and, of course, do not cause allergies. Compared to special chemicals, they cost a lot less, but you need to make an effort to use them.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular folk remedies for cleaning wool and other carpets:

  1. Soda. Accessible and harmless, has a deodorizing effect. Absorb dirt. It is used both for dry and wet washing of the carpet.
  2. Vinegar. It is not used in its pure form, as it can affect the color, but solutions with acetic acid are used. This tool helps to restore the freshness and novelty of your coating and can remove stains of wine, tea, juice and other difficult to remove contaminants.
  3. Ammonia. Able to easily remove long-standing strong pollution.
  4. Ethanol. Returns shine to an old carpet.
  5. Starch. Quickly removes greasy stains. Such a tool is very suitable for wool carpets, as it does not require water.
  6. Tea. The use of dry or slightly wet used tea leaves is implied. This tool is suitable for cleaning dark carpets. Refreshes the coloring and draws in dust.
  7. Ice. Well removes chewing gum from a wool carpet.

Do-it-yourself wool carpet cleaner

In addition to using these tools, you can also prepare a universal solution yourself. It is stored for a long time, so having prepared it, you can use it at any time when you need it.


  1. Take 7L of water.
  2. Dissolve in it ¼ Art. vinegar and ammonia.
  3. Add 2 tsp. dishwashing detergent.
  4. Mix well and the universal solution is ready.
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Alternative Wool Carpet Cleaners

  1. Knocking out. Once a month, take the carpet out and knock it out. This process refreshes and cleans the carpet. His villi become fluffy.
  2. Snow cleaning. The disadvantage is the seasonality of the method. Snow can absorb dust and minor impurities. Take your carpet two to three times during the winter to clean snow. It is still saturated with frosty freshness.
  3. Treatment steam cleaner. An effective way to clean from serious stains.
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As you can see, there are a lot of means for cleaning wool carpets. Which one to use - decide for yourself, based on your material capabilities and personal preferences. We hope our tips helped you solve this problem quickly enough and you managed to figure out what suits you.

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