Tools for cleaning after repair

From time to time, everyone wants to refresh their home, make it more comfortable and beautiful, but all repair procedures take not only a lot of effort and time in the process of updating the home. Immediately after everything is ready, an important question arises as to what means to use after cleaning to use to clean and tidy up in the shortest possible time. This is what you will learn from this article.

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Why do I need to quickly remove building dust at home?

Tools for cleaning after repairThe procedure for cleaning the house after repair is necessary not only from an aesthetic point of view. A more competent approach to the question of how to clean an apartment after repair will allow you to maintain health, because dust:

  • deposited in the lungs and bronchi, causing difficulty breathing, asthma;
  • can damage the mucous membrane of the eye, which causes allergies, lacrimation, and even conjunctivitis;
  • settle on the skin, and cause redness or a more complex allergy.

Important! Given all the possible risks of disease, do not hesitate. Prepare suitable cleaning products in advance after the repair, read the recommendations on how to do it as soon as possible, and proceed immediately after the completion of construction work.

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How to prevent the spread of dust throughout the apartment during the repair?

It is impossible to completely avoid the formation of construction debris and prevent the occurrence of a problem, how to remove dust in an apartment after repair. But it is easy to make as little dirt as possible. For this:

  • Fence off each room in which you change the design.
  • On the doors and windows, make a kind of dampers - best of all from plastic film, but also from dense fabric:
    • The so-called temporary doors will be an excellent option - this is a film of the right size with a soldered zipper along the entire length.
    • If you use a cloth, be sure to moisten it periodically so that it is wet.
  • Put wet rags in the cracks under the doors if you are doing repairs in the same room to prevent dust from spreading throughout the apartment.
  • Wrap all items of furniture and household appliances with a film, preferably in several layers, securing it with tape.
  • Wrap furniture and appliances with sharp corners first in a cloth to prevent the film from breaking through from tension.
  • When updating only the walls and ceiling, cover the floor well with the same film or, as a last resort, newspapers.

Important! All these measures will allow you in the future much faster and easier to cope with the task of how to remove concrete dust from the wallpaper and in general how to clean up after repair.

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How to remove dust after repair?

To ensure that cleaning does not become a very tedious task for you and do not have to regret it at all that you started repairs, prepare the necessary equipment for dust and large garbage before starting all construction work. You will find it useful:

  • thick plastic bags for construction debris of large size;
  • rags - preferably an unnecessary rag for cleaning the main garbage and a few microfiber pieces for finishing cleaning the surfaces;
  • ordinary or washing vacuum cleaner;
  • broom;
  • mop;
  • special means for cleaning floors, walls, furniture after repair;
  • sponges and spatulas.

Important! Do not forget to prepare yourself some special clothing - the kit depends on what materials you are going to work with. It may include:

  • costume;
  • gloves
  • respirator;
  • glasses.

Do not rush to get rid of overalls until you have completely solved the problem of how to clean after repair, and have not put everything in order in your house.

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Additional tools to speed up cleaning after repair

Tools for cleaning after repairKeep in mind that ordinary water may not always help to cope with dust and complex stains. Therefore, arm yourself with additional tools for cleaning after repair - use folk and special substances:

  1. Vinegar and citric acid - if they are added to the water when washing the floor, it will be possible to quickly clean the floor and air from dust.
  2. Stains from paint wipe with kerosene.
  3. Remove adhesive tape or mounting tape with any vegetable oil - pour a little on the sponge and rub areas where the adhesive tape does not peel off.
  4. Glue from linoleum effectively cleanses white spirit or other alcohol-containing substance.
  5. “Cementil” is a special cleaning agent after repair, which will help in a few minutes to dissolve the hardened cement and easily wipe it from any surface. When using, be sure to observe the recommended proportion of 1 part “Cementil” to 50 parts water.
  6. Use a mixture of salt with vegetable oil or gasoline if the polished furniture is soiled with whitewash.

Important! In order not to spoil any surface or furniture, not to reduce their attractiveness, remember that you can not use:

  • alkalis and acids on granite;
  • abrasive powders and hard sponges on laminate and parquet.
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How to remove dust after repair?

Cleaning an apartment after repair is not difficult if you know how to do it right. Follow these tips and you can easily cope with the task:

  1. Open all windows and doors so that the room is well ventilated.
  2. Collect all the large pieces of construction debris into bags.
  3. Remove protective films from surfaces - do not unpack household appliances yet. Do this carefully so that dust does not fly off them. On the floor, wrap the film inward and take it out onto the street - clean it well from debris.
  4. Pour water diluted with vinegar or citric acid into the spray bottle to dust the floor.
  5. Collect rubbish on the floor with a broom or better with a vacuum cleaner. If using a broom, lightly soak it so that the garbage collects in tangles and is easier to collect in one place.
  6. Vacuum the walls.
  7. Remove all the difficult spots that you noticed - for this, the above tools will suit you.
  8. Wash the floor well.
  9. Collect new dust from shelves, window sills, etc.
  10. Wash the floor again with vinegar.

Important! Try to at least partially collect garbage and dust during the repair process, then at the final stage it will be much less. Accordingly, it will be much easier for you to cope with the problem of how to quickly clean up after repair. Ventilate the room a few more hours after you have finished all cleaning.

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Useful Tips

  • To reduce the amount of dust during drilling or chipping, when removing plaster, screed, etc., use the method of simultaneous collection of debris formed by a vacuum cleaner. It is very effective.
  • Do not ignore personal protective equipment to maintain your health.
  • Ventilate the room regularly and often throughout the week after completion of repairs so that specific aroma and dust quickly disappear. After 7-10 days, repeat a thorough wet cleaning to remove residual dust and debris.
  • Arrange suitable absorbents and flavors in containers - salt, activated carbon, essential oils and coffee. This will help stop odors faster.
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We hope that our article has benefited you and you could clean the entire apartment after repair in 1 day.Now you just have to enjoy the result of your work and enjoy the new interior.

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