Dry Cleaner

Dry washing is a completely new way to clean the car of any contamination, allowing you to quickly tidy up the entire surface of the body and wheels without the use of water. Dry cleaning products are able to wash your car efficiently in any place, wherever you are: near your own entrance, in the parking lot of a supermarket or in the yard. At the same time, neither you nor others will be annoyed by streams of dirty water and puddles. Another advantageous feature is that it is not forbidden to carry out a dry wash at sub-zero temperatures. For your car, such a process will not do any harm. The only thing that needs attention: each product has its own limitations on the temperature regime and any particular brand has its own minimum temperature. You will learn about what kind of dry cleaning products are and which of them should be preferred to obtain the most effective result from this article.

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Types of household chemicals for dry washing

Dry CleanerSuch unique products are divided into two types according to the method of packaging:

  • In the form of a liquid that is produced in containers. They are still divided into two subspecies:
    • Conventional products that are ready to use.
    • Concentrated. They need to be bred. Most are diluted with a special liquid, some can be diluted with water.
  • In the form of a spray, which is available in cylinders. Using this type of spray, you can process a small, specific area on a car, so it is designed to work in small areas.

Still dry detergents are divided into two types of purpose:

  • For cleaning the exterior of the body - designed to clean the entire external surface of the body, except for the side and windshields.
  • For interior cleaning. The effect on the material is similar to polish. Perfectly cleans all glass surfaces.
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Popular dry cleaning products

In this part of the article, we move on to brands of products that motorists prefer and that have established themselves as high-quality and effective cleaners.


The company, which was one of the first in Russia to take up the development of cleaning products for contactless washing. Successfully produces it in accordance with all the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (ISO 9001-2000). The list of products includes: pouring waxes, active washing foams, special non-contact cleaners, cosmetics for cars and industrial cleaning products.

The manufacturer has developed means taking into account temperature features:

  1. For warm weather, it is recommended to use: “Goodbye Aqua” summer, “Goodbye Aqua” summer concentrate.
  2. For subzero temperatures: “Goodbye Aqua” is winter.
  3. "Goodbye Aqua" all-season concentrate - suitable for use at any time of the year.

Important! The manufacturer guarantees the purity and brilliance of your car without water. And thanks to the composition of the products, dirt and dust will not stick to the car body for a long time.


The latest latest development by NovelTrend. Products are available in any form convenient for you: concentrates, sprays, prepared liquids. The technology is designed to effectively clean all types of contaminants without harming the paintwork. After applying such a dry cleaning agent, the car shines like new, and the special component that is part of the product blackens the rubber and restores the plastic.

When you use the products of this brand on your car, together with cleaning it from pollution, you create protection against the negative impact of the environment. The film formed by the tool extends the service of the wiper blades and repels water.

Important! Means for winter dry cleaning are designed for use in cold weather up to 10 degrees. Concentrates are diluted in consumer-friendly proportions. All products are available in containers of different displacement.


Means of this brand are designed for dry cleaning of all types of vehicles. They purify without the least amount of water, returning the car to its original appearance. Together with cleanliness, the machine receives protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The company guarantees the integrity of the surface of the car, and the film formed after application of the product is designed to protect the car from dirt for a long time.

Important! It is odorless. The new formula destroys all organic compounds, which includes bird droppings, tar, midges and bugs. It cleans mirrors, glass and chrome surfaces well. The tool not only qualitatively cleans the car of various contaminants, but also eliminates minor defects in the form of scratches. The processed surface is covered with a deep saturated gloss.

DWG Leather & Vinyl Treatment

The product is intended for the care of leather and vinyl surfaces. Easily updates the plastic elements in the cabin and seat trim. It is enough to apply the drug to the desired objects and wipe with a special cloth.

Important! The product protects the treated surfaces from further contamination and ultraviolet radiation, which prevents cracking of plastic and skin, as well as their fading and drying.

Eco Green Auto Clean

Dry CleanerThe company focuses on the fact that no more than one glass of liquid is spent on washing the entire car using their means. At the same time, all products are environmentally friendly, waste after processing decomposes naturally. According to car enthusiasts, after a dry wash, Eco Green Auto Clean the car looks great, the color is rich and expressive.

Important! The company also offers the services of its mobile dry car wash, whose staff at any time will independently clean your car of dirt.


With this dry cleaner, you can clean your car anywhere and from any dirt. To do this, you only need the product itself and a couple of napkins. In addition to cleaning the body of dirt, you provide your car with protection against subsequent pollution. Also, the product can be used as a polish - it does not leave stains, scratches and stains.

Important! At 6-7 use, the car looks like new, thanks to a set of components that are part of the product and protect against damage during operation. To use the product you will not need either water or electricity.

DWG Upholstery, Fabric & Carpet Treatment

The products are intended for car mats and fabric upholstery. Having a special composition formula, this means for dry washing perfectly deodorizes, cleans and updates the treated surfaces, protecting them from soon re-contamination.

Removes complex and old stains of tea, coffee and other persistent products. Perfectly cleans upholstery and eliminates all unpleasant odors, including the smell of tobacco and petroleum products.

Important! The composition includes only natural safe components. It is suitable for all kinds of fabrics. Does not cause metal corrosion. The product is recognized as environmentally friendly, as its waste decomposes naturally.

DWG Premium Metal Polish

The tool is designed for high-quality cleaning of chrome bumpers, rims, decorative lining made of brass and other various metal elements. Designed for cleaning, polishing, restoring and protecting against contaminants: copper, chromium, gold, brass, silver, stainless steel and other unpainted surfaces.

DWG All-Weather Tire & Trim Treatment

Designed specifically for cleaning and protecting tires.As part of this tool for dry cleaning, there are elements that create a protective polymer emulsion. It repels dirt from the wheels of the car, keeping them clean. Creates protection against ultraviolet rays, chemicals on the road, dust and water, which significantly prolongs the operation of the wheels.


Returns enamel to its former shape and integrity. Protects and removes oxidation, which spoils the paintwork. It masks any scratches on the body of the machine and restores the surface damaged by the sun, wind and rain. Suitable for silver, plastic, gold and stainless steel.

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We hope that now it’s much easier for you to figure out exactly what dry cleaning products may suit you. Give preference to dry sinks, which include environmentally friendly and safe components, then you will not only keep your car in good condition, but also do no harm to yourself.

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