Kitchen Cleaner

The kitchen is one of the most important places in the house that needs to be clean and tidy. Therefore, when choosing any means for cleaning the kitchen, first of all, I want it to be effective and safe. The quality of food intake depends on what cleaning products you use when washing the kitchen, and the health of yours and your family depends on this. About what kind of kitchen cleaning agent is better to choose for permanent use, you will learn from this article.

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Types of detergents for the kitchen

All detergents for the kitchen are divided into two types:

  • natural;
  • synthetic.
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Household chemicals for the kitchen

Kitchen CleanerSynthetic include all household chemicals. The market is now filled with all kinds of means with a different smell, color, texture and price. The main thing that you should pay attention to when choosing such products for the kitchen is the presence and amount of harmful chemicals. Not everyone can afford to buy environmentally friendly preparations for the kitchen, they are expensive and not so widely represented on store shelves, so first of all, read the composition of the product.

The composition of the means for cleaning the kitchen

Try not to use detergents that contain such components in large quantities:

  1. Surfactant. When used, it is poorly washed off with water, so it can easily get into food, and, therefore, into the human body. Manufacturers use it, because when exposed to the surface, it creates a film that prevents additional, repeated pollution. Danger to human health.
  2. Diethanamine. Causes liver disease.
  3. Stabilizers. The formation of foam depends on their availability and quality. Causes gastrointestinal diseases.
  4. Fragrances. The pleasant smell that comes from the product depends on these caustic chemicals.
  5. Chlorine. By itself, it kills harmful microbes. When used regularly, it releases toxic fumes that cause breathing problems, headaches and damage to the eyes.

Important! If you find in your detergent a large number of these substances, it is better to get rid of it. If you cannot afford it, then rinse it very carefully with water, especially if you have children or allergies in the family.

List of popular kitchen washing products

Conducting an analytical review of existing products, our experts also took into account the reviews of housewives about each washing and cleaning product for cleaning the kitchen. The following types are most popular:

  1. Mega. Detergents developed by professionals to clean all surfaces in the kitchen. Most cleaning companies prefer this brand. All products do a good job of removing the task: remove traces of grease, dust, and vegetables.
  2. Cinderella. One of the most sought after brands in Russia. It has a minimum number of fragrances and perfectly washes any kind of dirt in the kitchen. Value for money is also pleasantly surprising.
  3. Glorix A detergent that does not contain chlorine. It has a pleasant unobtrusive aroma, which indicates a minimum number of fragrances. Sold in different packaging. Designed for cleaning any surfaces.
  4. Cif. This cream, according to the manufacturers, has a unique formula that contains microspheres with active substances surrounded by oxygen bubbles.This makes it easy to solve pollution problems in the kitchen without damaging the surface. It is available in the form of a cream and spray, which allows cleaning in hard-to-reach places. It is best for washing metal, painted, laminated and varnished surfaces. Due to its environmental properties, the product is suitable for washing barbecues, pans, grills and skewers.
  5. Sonett. All detergents of this brand are made only from natural ingredients. Perfectly tolerated by sensitive skin and safe for washing dishes and microwave ovens. They wash dirt well even in cold and hard water. All active substances of the products decompose naturally, without causing harm to the environment.
  6. Sodasan. Production - Germany. It is famous all over the world for its environmentally friendly and organic household chemicals. It copes with dust, fat accumulation and other pollution in the kitchen. A variety of tools allows you to do environmental cleaning on all surfaces. Every single remedy passes dermatological control. Do not contain phosphates, synthetics, petrochemicals.
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Natural cleaning products in the kitchen

Kitchen CleanerThe most affordable, safe and cheapest means. Each can be found in any home. The only feature is it takes time and extra effort. But you will be sure of the cleanliness and safety of cleaning.

To clean the kitchen, you will need such tools:

  1. Vinegar. Perfectly cleans greasy stains from tiles, walls and utensils. Destroys a large number of known bacteria, therefore it is an excellent disinfectant. Treat it weekly and monthly with all available surfaces in the kitchen. To ennoble the smell of a bite, the housewives pour orange peels on them and insist them for two weeks, after which they are successfully used.
  2. Lemon or citric acid. Removes grease and white deposits from water. It perfectly cleans the kettle and surfaces from limescale. Deodorizes objects well, in particular a refrigerator, a microwave and a cutting board - it removes any unpleasant odors.
  3. Mustard Powder. Wash off fat without difficulty: starting with dishes and ending with a stove. At the same time, water is not necessary - it is enough to rub the fat accumulation and remove it with a dry rag. Mustard gently acts on the surface and leaves no residue. It has bactericidal properties.
  4. Salt. It removes fresh drops of fat without difficulty, it simply absorbs them.
  5. Soda. If you need to remove serious old pollution from tiles, floors, stoves and other kitchen surfaces, then soda can do this without difficulty. It is an excellent abrasive and kills harmful bacteria. Removes unpleasant odors.
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Universal DIY kitchen tools

If you are willing to spend some time preparing your own kitchen cleaning product, take the following recipes for yourself.

Means number 1

For serious contaminants, such as a burnt baking sheet, a badly soiled stove, etc .:

  1. Grate 3 tbsp. Laundry soap and dissolve it in water.
  2. Add 200g of soda.
  3. Stir - the product is ready.

Means number 2

This universal tool is able to clean everything. When working with him, use gloves:

  1. You will need ¼ Art. soda.
  2. Add hydrogen peroxide and mix.
  3. It should be gruel.
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It is very important that you keep your food clean. And it is important to induce it with safe means. Make the right choice in favor of your health, taking into account our useful tips and you will no longer worry how much safe means for cleaning the kitchen you use every day.

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