The remedy for fat in the kitchen

The most time-consuming and relevant job of cleaning the kitchen is to neutralize greasy stains. Therefore, the means of fat in the kitchen should have all the necessary qualities to make this process effective and safe. Compounds should not harm the treated surfaces and preferably should be environmentally friendly. What are the remedies for fat in the kitchen and which ones are really the best, you will learn from this article.

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Types of remedies for fat

The remedy for fat in the kitchenAll means for removing fat are divided into two types:

  1. Household chemicals.
  2. Natural folk remedies for fat in the kitchen - natural solvents and disinfectants.
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Household chemicals from fat

Now the shelves of stores are filled with a variety of household products designed to wash the kitchen from fat. All of it contains different components and is suitable for certain surfaces. Therefore, before buying, read the instructions, composition and tips for use.

Important! After you have purchased a product suitable for your opinion, try it first in an inconspicuous area. This is especially true for furniture facades and panels. Many products contain aggressive solvents and abrasive substances that can ruin the coating, leaving stains.

Popular remedies for fat in the kitchen

Before washing fat in the kitchen with any means that come to hand, check out the list of the most popular options. This is evidenced by the reviews of housewives and professional cleaners:

  1. Mister Muscle. Quickly and effectively breaks down fat. Perfect for stainless steel and kitchen facades, but on other surfaces you have to use forces that are not always justified. It has a liquid consistency and is sold in bottles with a dispenser. It has an antibacterial effect. It has an unpleasant chemical smell.
  2. Sanita. Production - Russia. Suitable for processing hoods, microwave ovens, household appliances, hob, sink, etc. It is conveniently applied with a spray. Affordable, but with a pungent chemical smell.
  3. Cif. This remedy for fat in the kitchen has received many good reviews. Mistresses appreciate him because he perfectly cleans greasy surfaces, including ventilation grills. It perfectly washes away grease: burnt food from the stove, sink and faucet, glass, countertops and other furniture.
  4. Cillit BANG. Designed for processing ceramics, chromed metal and stainless steel. A specially developed formula allows this tool to remove even old fatty contaminants. Suitable for both general cleaning and daily wiping.
  5. Shumanit. The product effectively removes persistent and burnt fat from the stove and pans. Only for this you need to apply the product and wait a few hours until it begins to act. After that, make a little effort. With fresh oil traces copes faster. This tool for removing fat in the kitchen is convenient to use even on cooking surfaces.

How to wash fat in the kitchen?

It must be taken into account and clearly distinguished that there are products intended for different surfaces. Therefore, read the instructions and recommendations for use indicated on the label.

The remedy for fat in the kitchenFor most products, they look something like this:

  1. Wipe the contaminated area with a damp cloth.
  2. Apply the selected product.
  3. Let it react with fat - the paste, gel or powder should begin to dissolve it.
  4. Depending on the material of the treated area, rub the contamination with a sponge, brush or metal scraper.
  5. Wipe off any residue with a damp cloth or rag.
  6. Repeat the process if necessary.

Important! To solve the problem, than washing the fat from the tiles, special scrapers for glass-ceramic plates are best suited. They perfectly remove fat deposits from tiles, without damaging the uniformity of the structure.

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Natural folk remedies

What could be more natural and safer than home remedies? But there are also certain recommendations for their application.

When deciding how to wash your kitchen from fat safely, quickly and efficiently, see what you have at hand. Such folk remedies will come in handy:

  1. Laundry soap. Gently cleans all surfaces. To eliminate old pollution, it takes a little more time. It works well together with soda.
  2. Soda. Abrasive powder that can damage polished, glossy and enamel coatings. Perfectly removes old fatty deposits on the hob (but not glass ceramic) and other metal coatings.
  3. Vegetable oil. An excellent tool for removing old fat on any materials, it works especially well on wood. The oil is absorbed and forms a protective film that hides cracks, scratches and other minor defects in the material.
  4. Baking powder Contains elements of soda, flour. Like pure soda, it is advisable to use it only on hard, non-porous surfaces.
  5. Vinegar. Give preference to apple or wine - they do not have such pungent odors. The fat itself is washed slowly, but perfectly disinfects the surface, as it is a powerful antibacterial agent. It leaves behind a shiny surface.
  6. Alcohol. It can dissolve chronic fat only if you fill it with a stain. Suitable for all pieces of furniture, as well as for appliances, floors and walls.
  7. Lemon or citric acid. Its properties resemble vinegar. Oxidizes and dilutes. It has antibacterial and deodorizing components.

A unique tool for removing fat from the kitchen at hand:

  1. Take 200 grams of vinegar and vodka.
  2. Add 0.5 tsp. any essential oil.
  3. Put the solution in the spray bottle and shake the bottle well.
  4. Spray on the surface and wipe with a cloth.

Important! Perfect for kitchen wooden furniture.

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Knowing about the properties and features of all these anti-fat products in the kitchen, you can safely remove dirt without fear of damaging the integrity of the surfaces. Which of the above will be the best for you - you decide on the criteria of price, duration, safety and effectiveness.

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