Fungus in the bathroom - how to remove?

Each housewife should ensure cleanliness not only in the kitchen and in the bedroom, but also in the bathroom, because it is there that bacteria and microorganisms develop that negatively affect the human body. One of the worst problems in the bathroom is the appearance of mold. Mistresses panic when they do not know how to remove the fungus in the bathroom. It is recommended to take action immediately, because if everything is left to chance, then it will be much more difficult to fix the problem.
to contents ↑What harm can mold do?
The fungus in the bathroom can appear not only on visible surfaces, but also under floor or wall coverings. Despite this, each type of mold brings a lot of inconvenience to people and plumbing:
- Eats away the design of plumbing - mold develops very quickly, so in a few days it can destroy the structure of the bath.
- Deteriorating appearance of finishing materials - destroys concrete and metal structures.
- It is very dangerous for human health - fungal spores can get into the respiratory tract and actively develop there. Subsequently, serious diseases will appear - asthma, dermatosis and allergies.
to contents ↑Important! If after each stay in the bathroom you begin to feel dizzy or have a severe headache, it is worth taking a note. Armed with all the necessary means and tools, it is necessary to process the walls, floor and plumbing.
Signs of mold
The first sign of mold is a raw, unpleasant odor resembling an aroma, like in a basement. You can also find plaque on the walls, shower, on tiles and other attributes of the bathroom. As soon as you notice this, immediately proceed to launder the premises.
Before choosing a tool for cleaning surfaces from fungus, you need to determine the cause of its appearance. Consider the main ones:
- Bad light.
- No ventilation.
- Condensation on walls and pipes.
- Leaking taps and toilets.
- Towel dryer malfunctioning.
Why does black mold appear?
Black mold is one of the most dangerous types of fungus. Therefore, measures should be taken to eliminate it as soon as possible. Often, this type of fungus appears in poorly ventilated rooms with high humidity.
Important! Black mold “dwells” at the joints of the bathtub with the wall, at the seams of the tiles and walls.
If the mold is poorly cleaned from the seams of the tiles in the bathroom, then it is likely that it will appear again and it will be much more difficult to eliminate it. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up on effective cleaning products and clean as often as possible.
to contents ↑Radical mold mildew in the bathroom
Do-it-yourself mold removal in the bathroom implies the following algorithm of actions:
- Free the wall covering from the tile.
- Replace flooring.
- Remove lime from the ceiling.
Important! After performing these manipulations, leave the room to dry for two to three days.
Unfortunately, the implementation of these actions is not enough, because the spores of the fungus have already managed to penetrate deep into the building materials. In order to independently clean the mold in the bathroom, use the following store-bought chemicals:
- Copper sulfate is one of the cheapest cleaners. When using it, you need to be very careful, since the product is classified as an abrasive. When using vitriol, wear rubber gloves and a respirator.
- Chlorine-containing products - this can be bleach, gel or powder. It is worth considering that the drug has a very pungent smell. Therefore, when using it, ventilate the room and observe safety precautions.
- Antiseptic substance “Antifungal” - used in the repair and as a result of the detection of areas affected by the fungus. Brick, wood and concrete structures are treated with this substance.
- “Isocide” is a special chemical preparation focused on the destruction of microorganisms and bacteria that live in a humid environment.
- “Mill Kill” - suitable for processing walls and plumbing. Its composition includes antibacterial substances.
to contents ↑Important! If you use these tools, you can once and for all remove the fungus in the bathroom.
How to remove fungus in the bathroom: declare war on harmful mold
If you do not trust the purchased drugs or simply cannot afford to buy them, then you can prepare an antifungal substance yourself. There are several folk remedies for removing fungus in the bathroom. Consider some of the most effective and proven ways to combat mold:
- Vinegar. It is necessary to prepare an acetic solution in a ratio of 1: 1. Using a spray gun, distribute the cleaning fluid evenly over the damaged surface. Leave for several hours until completely dry. Next, clean the affected surface with a clean damp cloth.
Important! It is worth considering that vinegar is very effective in destroying many types of bacteria and contaminants.
- Hydrogen peroxide - actively eliminates pathogenic bacteria, and also has a whitening effect in dark areas. It can be used as a detergent in pure form or diluted. If you decide to dilute the peroxide, then the ratio of water with it should be one to one.
- Soda is a universal product that is used not only for culinary purposes, but also for domestic purposes. If you decide to use it specifically to eliminate the fungus, then you must perform the following steps: mix a small amount of soda with warm water to a pulp state. Then - apply the product to the affected area and leave until completely dry. Next, you need to clean the surface with a soft bristle brush.
to contents ↑Important! These methods are in no way inferior to the store ones in efficiency. In addition, it will cost you much cheaper.
Mold Prevention
In order to prevent the occurrence of mold, certain rules must be followed and preventive measures taken:
- Reduce the humidity level in the bathroom. Repair all leaking appliances.
- Do not dry wet laundry in the bathroom.
- When hot steam builds up, open the bathroom door so that everything disappears.
- Install a duct fan so that the room is constantly ventilated.
- Use high-quality finishing materials, which include antibacterial substances.
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If you follow these rules, you can keep the bath clean and fresh for many years, and protect all family members from serious illnesses.
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